A Comparative Study of Shakespeare's and Petrarch's Sonnets
Tina Vujević The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the similarities between Shakespeare's and Petrarch's linguistic legacy. The analysis is based on the works of Shakespeare and Petrarch, more specifically Shakespeare's Sonnets and Petrarch's Il Canzoniere. Both poets are considered to be the pillars of world literature due to the influence on language they had, mostly because they were most active during the standardization of language; as well as their linguistic innovations. Firstly, the thesis...
A Feminist View on Social Issues in The Walking Dead
Maja Zidarević A post-apocalyptic world seems as a great opportunity for people to change social rules since they can rebuild society the way they want to. However, many social issues are still present, so, this paper deals with the ones that occur in both comic book series and TV series The Walking Dead. They are analyzed from a feminist approach which means that the main focus is on the representation of women and their status. Therefore, the main issues that this paper deals with are gender inequality,...
A Postcolonial Reading of Ngugi wa Thiong'o’s Novel Weep Not, Child
Ivan Jurjević The paper deals with postcolonial reading of Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s novel Weep Not, Child. The focus of the analysis is on the issues related to the Kenyan postcolonial context, such as the role of language in the formation of identity, the importance of land in the culture of native people, the role of education in the socio-economic development and the position of women in traditional Kikuyu society. The analysis leads to the conclusion that language is not only a means of communication...
A Return to Once Upon a Time, Rewriting the Image of Traditional Womanhood in Contemporary Women's Writing
Nikolina Vranić This MA paper sets out to analyse ways in which well-known female heroines are represented in the selection of fairy tales rewritten by three contemporary authors. The stories and poems from Angel Carter’s The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories (1979) and Burning Your Boats: The Collected Short Stories (1995), Emma Donoghue’s Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins (1997), and Carol Ann Duffy’s Faery Tales (2014) and The World's Wife (1999) are under discussion in the paper. The paper...
A Sociolinguistic Approach to Kinship Terminology
Tin Jurković This paper focuses on providing an overview of the theory surrounding kinship terminology. Due to a lack of space, the focus is placed on providing an overview of a number of selected contemporary kinship research. Its goal is to familiarize the reader with the research history and the complex processes that shaped the study itself. It does so by providing the reader with an insight into the early research of kinship, as well as gradually discussing the developments which led towards its...
A Subversion of Power Through the Serial Killer-Agent Relationship in Thomas Harris' Novels and the TV Series Mindhunter
Petra Zrilić Power has been an interesting concept for many scholars, especially in the field of sociology and philosophy. It was usually considered negative and destructive, used to alter people‟s decisions and goals. More traditional explanations viewed power as something to be held and fought for whereas modern approaches accept the idea of limited human ability to change already built structures. The Foucauldian notion of power explains it in relation to knowledge and total institutions as places...
A comparative analysis of equivalence in Croatian, English and Italian biblical proverbs
Doris Ercegović This paper deals with the comparative analysis of biblical proverbs and their
translations on Croatian, English and Italian language. It is divided into two parts: the
theoretical one, explaining the basic terms of phraseology, and practical one, which consists
of methodology of the research and the analysis. In the first part the terms phraseology and
phraseological units are explained as well as their classification. Proverbs are further analysed
in a separate chapter, along with their...
A. Bjeli, Čudakovi zapisi: vizualni aspekt romana
Hilda Bednjanec Čudakovi zapisi smatraju se vrhuncem simbolizma Andreja Bjeloga jer je simboličnost teksta autor ostvario na dvije razine: onoj formalnoj i sadržajnoj. Putovanje kao glavna tema ovoga romana metafora je duhovnog putovanja glavnoga junaka, a sam tekst predstavlja za autora put pročišćenja od onodobnih zala. A. Bjeli kao poznati eksperimentator i novator na području književnosti pri pisanju ovog romana raskida s uobičajenim linearnim rasporedom teksta na stranici i izvodi čitatelja...
Abecedni katalog i pseudonimnost
Iva Perinčić Teorijsko ishodište ovog rada je Pravilnik i priručnik za izradbu abecednih kataloga, Eve Verona koji u članu 96 Pseudonim propisuje pravila za izbor jedinstvenih odrednica i općih uputnica za pravo ime autora i pseudonim. Svrha ovog rada je istražiti na koji način katalogizatori izabiru jedinstvenu odrednicu, opću i unakrsnu uputnicu te navode li napomene o autoru kako bi korisniku knjižnice omogućio što jednostavnije pretraživanje kataloga pod imenom autora. Cilj rada je...
Abneigung gegen Gottesliebe in Nikolaus Lenaus Die Albigenser
Luka Samek Diese Masterarbeiter untersucht den Begriff der Gottesliebe in dem Werk „Die Albigenser“ von Nikolaus Lenau. Es soll festgestellt werden, dass eine deutliche Abneigung gegen die Gottesliebe im Werk vorhanden ist, was teilweise von der derzeitigen Kirche dargestellt wird, aber auch vom Autor selbst. Zum Vergleich stehen die geschichtlichen Ereignisse, wie auch die etischen Grundlagen und Lehren, bereit, mit deren Hilfe die Kapitel des Versepos analysiert, interpretiert und kritisiert...
Acquiring of American Dream: Ethnicity and Masculinity in Martin Scorsese's Movies
Matea Govorušić American Dream is a concept that has been deeply inherited in American society for over 300 years. Its omnipresence contributed to representation of the Dream in Hollywood movies, mostly in gangster genre. Interconnection between the American Dream and gangster movies resulted in Martin Scorsese’s vision of the Dream being represented in his movies Goodfellas, Casino, and Mean Streets. In his gangsta narratives, Scorsese manifests his life-long experience and knowledge about Italian...
Acquisition of Sintax: the Nativist and the Usage-Based Aproach
Jakov Proroković The paper deals with examining the relationship and difference between the two main accounts of
language acquisition – the nativist and the usage-based approach. The observed evidence is
mainly of syntactic nature. The aim of the paper is to reach the final decision on which theory is
more adequate in its account of language acquisition. Several main arguments of both accounts
are examined and challenged from the standpoint of the opposing one. Likewise, Jackendoff’s