
Alohtone kopnene biljne vrste u Republici Hrvatskoj
Alohtone kopnene biljne vrste u Republici Hrvatskoj
Klara Galić
Alohtone vrste su biljne vrste koje su antropogenim aktivnostima namjerno ili nenamjerno unesene na teritorij, u ovom slučaju, Republike Hrvatske, gdje prirodno nikada nisu bile rasprostranjene. Mnoge vrste su se prilagodile uvjetima novog staništa i prošle proces naturalizacije, u smislu intenzivne reprodukcije, ubrzanog širenja areala i počinjenja ekonomske štete ili negativnog učinka na ljudsko zdravlje. Takve biljne vrste su vrlo prilagodljive i u kratkom vremenu uspijevaju...
Alojzije Stepinac: pomoć žrtvama totalitarnih režima
Alojzije Stepinac: pomoć žrtvama totalitarnih režima
Sanja Kopači
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bilo je na temelju adekvatne historiografske literature te relevantnih povijesnih izvora utvrditi kome je nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac pomagao, u kojoj mjeri i na koji način te u skladu s time odgovoriti na pitanje je li zaista učinio dovoljno za žrtve totalitarnih režima. Nakon što su ga komunističke vlasti uhitile i osudile na 16 godina zatvora u montiranom procesu 1946. godine, provedena je velika komunistička medijska kampanja protiv nadbiskupa Alojzija...
Alternativne valute u funkciji razvoja lokalnih zajednica
Alternativne valute u funkciji razvoja lokalnih zajednica
Danijel Jukić
Ovaj rad istražuje adekvatnost trenutnog monetarnog sustava koji djeluje kao akter prema globalnim ekonomskim zahtjevima što rezultira odljevom resursa iz lokalnih ekonomija. Predstavljen je pregled glavnih obilježja alternativnih valuta koje su namijenjene sprječavanju ovakvih pojava. Izvršena je raščlamba na njihove glavne pojavne oblike koji se razlikuju po svojoj svrsi, domeni djelovanja te vodećim principima. Pregledom istraživačke literature prikazao se pozitivni utjecaj...
Alvaro Conquiero, Merlin e familia i outras historias
Alvaro Conquiero, Merlin e familia i outras historias
Marija Perković
El presente trabajo ofrece la traducción al croata de la parte seleccionada del libro Merlín e familia i outras historias del autor gallego Álvaro Cunqueiro, y el análisis traductológico de la traducción, basado en el original y en la versión autotraducida al castellano. El trabajo consiste en tres partes. La primera parte ofrece un breve resumen de la teoría de traducción, con el enfoque en los elementos teóricos de la traducción literaria, en este caso de prosa. A...
Ambivalenz in den Werken von Nikolaus Lenau: Faust, Savonarola, Die Albigenser
Ambivalenz in den Werken von Nikolaus Lenau: Faust, Savonarola, Die Albigenser
Krešimir Lokin
Diese Masterarbeit analysiert die Ambivalenz in der Literatur. Diese Ambivalenz wird aus den Werken Savonarola, Faust und Die Albigenser genommen, analysiert und interpretiert. Diese Werke wurden vom bekannten Schriftsteller Nikolaus Lenau im 19. Jahrhundert geschrieben. Die Ambivalenz in diesen Werken wird anhand zwei Definitionen gefunden, analysiert und interpretiert. Die erste einfachere Definition wurde aus Meyers Literaturlexikon genommen und die zweite vom Michail Bachtin, eines den...
American Animated Film of the 21st Century
American Animated Film of the 21st Century
Vito Sikirić
In the rapidly changing culture and sudden technological developments of the 21st century, American animated film had to accommodate to its vast worldwide audience. The classic, wholesome, often fairy-tale narrative largely utilized and popularized by Disney had to be changed to fit into the transforming values of the modern society. With American animated film industry of the 20th century being largely dominated by Disney, 21st century saw the emergence of some other major animated film...
Američko slikarstvo 19. stoljeća
Američko slikarstvo 19. stoljeća
Darija Ferderbar
Formativni period američkog slikarstva 19. stoljeća započinje s pokušajima ostvarenja romantizma kroz slikarstvo Washingtona Allstona. On kreće stvarati važne pejzažne kompozicije koje će dalje razrađivati Thomas Cole, bitan i radi osnutka Škole rijeke Hudson koja je postavila temelje američkog pejzažnog slikarstva. Sljedbenici Thomasa Colea nastavljaju tradiciju pejzažnog slikarstva, ali i zatiru put luminizmu koji će obilježiti pedesete i šezdesete godine stoljeća. Snažan...
Amicizia e amore nella tetralogia "L’amica geniale" di Elena Ferrante
Amicizia e amore nella tetralogia "L’amica geniale" di Elena Ferrante
Iva Čačić
Questa tesi si occupa di questioni d’amicizia e d’amore nei romanzi di Elena Ferrante. Oltre alla storia dell’amicizia e dell’amore, quattro romanzi della tetralogia L’amica geniale descrivono i problemi sociali e politici di Napoli. L’analisi del rapporto amichevole tra i due personaggi principali Elena Greco e Raffaelle Cerullo si basa sulla loro lunga amicizia che finisce quando ogni traccia di Raffaella si perde. La loro amicizia è durata in tutte le fasi della vita,...
An Analysis of Grammar Tasks in Elementary School ESL Textbooks
An Analysis of Grammar Tasks in Elementary School ESL Textbooks
Martina Ivandić
Teaching grammar has been a major element of second language (L2) learning. Moreover, textbooks are the most commonly used material for teaching English as L2 (ESL). They supply the necessary input which enables learners to properly acquire the language, thus it is highly important to examine their content, especially grammar tasks. This thesis focused on analyzing grammar tasks in three ESL textbooks used in the seventh grade in Croatian elementary schools, including two that have been...
An Analysis of L2 Teachers' Classroom Management Strategies
An Analysis of L2 Teachers' Classroom Management Strategies
Karmen Peran
Classroom management can be considered a fundamental aspect of the educational process that ensures a stimulating environment for learning and development. The major aim of this study was to investigate English second language (L2) teachers’ strategies for classroom management in Croatian schools. Insight into classroom management and discipline strategies was gained through semi-structured interviews with sixteen primary and secondary English L2 teachers. The results indicated that both...
An Analysis of teacher Questioning in the Classroom
An Analysis of teacher Questioning in the Classroom
Kristina Vuleta
Classroom interaction refers to any type of social interaction between the members in the learning process. There are various interaction patterns such as IRF (Initiation-Response- Feedback) structure, teacher talk, collaboration, group and pair work, teacher questioning and other. The focal point of this research was teacher questioning, more precisely, the analysis of questions that teachers ask in elementary schools and high schools. For the purpose of this research, class observations...
An analysis of phonological features of lexical blends
An analysis of phonological features of lexical blends
Lucija Žinić
Blending is a very common and highly researched process that occurs in the everyday use of English (Cannon 1986: 725). It has many different purposes– it is humorous, sometimes used in slang, but mostly, due to their humorous nature, they are used for commercial purposes (Cannon 2000: 956). By analysing a list of 150 blends collected from various sources, this thesis presents the results to questions how the variables like syllable number, sonority levels, normalized frequency and...
