
"Čarobni štapić na koji ja mogu sebi pomoći": iskustvo svakonevnice žena koje su sudjelovale u autogenom treningu
"Čarobni štapić na koji ja mogu sebi pomoći": iskustvo svakonevnice žena koje su sudjelovale u autogenom treningu
Marijana Babić
U ovom se završnom radu iznose rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja o iskustvu svakodnevice žena koje su pohađale i završile obuku tehnike autogenog treninga. Istraživanje je bilo eksploratorne naravi, s ciljem stvaranja pretpostavki za buduće interpretacije mjesta praksi poput autogenog treninga u ženskoj svakodnevici u hrvatskom društvu. Upotrijebljena je metoda polustrukuriranog intervjua, a istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku koji se sastojao od pet žena iz Zadra i Splita koje...
'I do it exceptionally well': Death in Sylvia Plath's Poetry
'I do it exceptionally well': Death in Sylvia Plath's Poetry
Ivanela Petrović
In this paper, I analyse the use of death imagery in the poetry of Sylvia Plath. Through the analysis of the selected poems, I explore how Plath's portrayal of death evolved over time, and argue that the lyric speaker in the poems is not necessarily Plath herself. The paper is organized into three thematic chapters: The first chapter focuses on death and rebirth, while the second chapter delves into poems that use the motifs of an absent father. The last chapter explores Plath's poems that...
(Ne)inovativnost u gastronomiji: studija slučaja Zadar
(Ne)inovativnost u gastronomiji: studija slučaja Zadar
Antonija Jurjević
Inovacija označava nastanak nečeg novog i drugačijeg, a iznimno je važna za poslovni uspjeh organizacije. Može se primijeniti na različitim područjima od samog proizvoda, procesa, promocije pa sve do osoblja. Razdoblje prihvaćanja inovacije razlikuje se kod potencijalnih korisnika, a osim korisnika korist od njih ima i organizacija te okolina. Turizam je danas područje brojnih inovacija. Kreativni i drugačiji proizvodi u hotelijerstvu, ugostiteljstvu, prijevozu i ostalim...
(Novo)povijesni roman Višne Stahuljak Zlatna vuga
(Novo)povijesni roman Višne Stahuljak Zlatna vuga
Petra Jurun Ucović
Zahvaljujući Šenoi dolazimo do prve kanonizirane forme povijesnog romana u hrvatskoj književnosti. Definiramo žanr (novo)povijesnog romana Zlatna vuga polazeći od uvjeta njegovog nastanka, formalnih gradbenih elemenata, odnosa fikcije i fakcije, teleološke i neteleološke koncepcije povijesti. Zlatna vuga Višnje Stahuljak pripada novopovijesnoj varijanti ili romanu o povijesti, romanesknoj vrsti koja se u hrvatskoj književnosti pojavila u prvoj polovici 20-tog stoljeća. Za razliku...
(Post)modernistička poetika u romanu "Never more" Ranka Marinkovića
(Post)modernistička poetika u romanu "Never more" Ranka Marinkovića
Ivona Lalić
Ovim diplomskim radom posljednji Marinkovićev roman Never more određujemo kao književno djelo koje pripada razmeđini između poetike modernizma i postmodernizma pa ga zato uvjetno nazivamo (post)modernističkim romanom. Njegova prozna organizacija ogleda se u književnim postupcima koji se odnose na poetiku modernizma, a u prvom redu misli se na defabuliziranu radnju romana koja je ispripovijedana iz perspektive glavnog lika Bartola, čija monološka svijest zauzima središnje mjesto u...
(Subvertirana) patrijarhalnost svijeta u romanu Kis Tatjane Tolstoj
(Subvertirana) patrijarhalnost svijeta u romanu Kis Tatjane Tolstoj
Elizaveta Malik
Tatjana Tolstoj poznata je po javnom kritiziranju feminističkih ideja te kao spisateljica koja se odbija svrstati među „ženske autorice“. Kako bismo ispitali i bolje razumjeli njezine stavove, u ovom je diplomskom radu provedena feministička analiza prikaza ženskih likova u njezinom svjetski poznatom romanu Kis. Analiza je pokazala da su stereotipni prikazi u značajnoj mjeri izvrnuti te da se Tolstoj poigrava s arhetipovima tradicionalnog ruskog romana. Ona dekonstruira sliku žene...
(Un)doing Gender at Work
(Un)doing Gender at Work
Elizabet Vučković
The aim of this thesis is to put Judith Butler’s ideas of undoing gender in the context of work by providing an analysis of the case of Lisa Kelly, an American ice-road trucker - one of the stars of History Channel documentary/reality shows Ice Road Truckers (2007) and Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads (2010) which follow ice road truck drivers and explore this high-risk profession. The analysis examines the ways in which a woman (un)does her gender by working in a male-dominated...
A Comparative Analysis of Address Terms in Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' and Bethan Roberts' 'My Policeman'
A Comparative Analysis of Address Terms in Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' and Bethan Roberts' 'My Policeman'
Marko Smolić
Address terms are an essential part of any human language. Even though they might appear of little relevance, they bear meaning and reflect one's attitudes and relation to the addressee. Therefore, since our attitudes differ from person to person, address terms as conveyers of such information also differ and depend on a number of factors. The aim of this study was to present some basic terms of address in the English language, define rules governing their choice, explain their functions and...
A Comparative Study of Shakespeare's and Petrarch's Sonnets
A Comparative Study of Shakespeare's and Petrarch's Sonnets
Tina Vujević
The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the similarities between Shakespeare's and Petrarch's linguistic legacy. The analysis is based on the works of Shakespeare and Petrarch, more specifically Shakespeare's Sonnets and Petrarch's Il Canzoniere. Both poets are considered to be the pillars of world literature due to the influence on language they had, mostly because they were most active during the standardization of language; as well as their linguistic innovations. Firstly, the thesis...
A Feminist View on Social Issues in The Walking Dead
A Feminist View on Social Issues in The Walking Dead
Maja Zidarević
A post-apocalyptic world seems as a great opportunity for people to change social rules since they can rebuild society the way they want to. However, many social issues are still present, so, this paper deals with the ones that occur in both comic book series and TV series The Walking Dead. They are analyzed from a feminist approach which means that the main focus is on the representation of women and their status. Therefore, the main issues that this paper deals with are gender inequality,...
A Postcolonial Reading of Ngugi wa Thiong'o’s Novel Weep Not, Child
A Postcolonial Reading of Ngugi wa Thiong'o’s Novel Weep Not, Child
Ivan Jurjević
The paper deals with postcolonial reading of Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s novel Weep Not, Child. The focus of the analysis is on the issues related to the Kenyan postcolonial context, such as the role of language in the formation of identity, the importance of land in the culture of native people, the role of education in the socio-economic development and the position of women in traditional Kikuyu society. The analysis leads to the conclusion that language is not only a means of communication...
A Return to Once Upon a Time, Rewriting the Image of Traditional Womanhood in Contemporary Women's Writing
A Return to Once Upon a Time, Rewriting the Image of Traditional Womanhood in Contemporary Women's Writing
Nikolina Vranić
This MA paper sets out to analyse ways in which well-known female heroines are represented in the selection of fairy tales rewritten by three contemporary authors. The stories and poems from Angel Carter’s The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories (1979) and Burning Your Boats: The Collected Short Stories (1995), Emma Donoghue’s Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins (1997), and Carol Ann Duffy’s Faery Tales (2014) and The World's Wife (1999) are under discussion in the paper. The paper...
