
The linguistic phenomenon of Runglish: Orthographic, phonological and morphological analysis
The linguistic phenomenon of Runglish: Orthographic, phonological and morphological analysis
Mia Žulić
The goal of this final thesis is to examine the linguistic phenomenon of “Runglish”, the mixture of two languages – Russian and English, and to describe its linguistic and social characteristics. “Runglish” is a hybrid language spoken primarily in the Russian communities in the United States of America. The theoretical and methodological background of this thesis is based on the scientific work of Croatian linguists Rudolf Filipović and Antica Menac, as well as the other important...
The question of identity in Michael Ondaatje's „The English Patient“
The question of identity in Michael Ondaatje's „The English Patient“
Ana Bošnjak
A group of characters of mixed nationalities is situated in an Italian villa in the last stages of WWII. Each of them is lost on an unknown territory, away from their loved ones and asking themselves many questions in search of their identity after being crippled by the war. Gradually, through storytelling, they let their guards down and find comfort in the presence of others. The author Michael Ondaatje, an immigrant himself, portrays Canadian multiculturalism when he lets the...
The role of code-switching in psycholinguistic models of multilingual competence
The role of code-switching in psycholinguistic models of multilingual competence
Mihaela Nedić
Code-switching is a very frequent behavior observable in multilingual speakers and a typical feature of their so-called multilingual competence. A literature review has shown that models of multilingual competence do not adequately take into account code-switching. This thesis focuses on analyzing how three prominent models of multilingual competence account for code-switching. The chosen models are: The language switches model (Williams & Hammarberg, 2005), which is a developmental model...
The role of the Englisg language in political and popular discourse in Croatian mass media
The role of the Englisg language in political and popular discourse in Croatian mass media
Antonija Lomnicki
In the first part of the thesis the global spread of the English language is described through geographical-historical and socio-cultural contexts - from immigration of Europeans to the New World, British colonialism, development of science and new technologies, increasing influence of the American film, entertainment and technological industries, to the emergence of the global communication network - the Internet. The second part is related to the connection between language and society....
The translation of Camilleri's La gita a Tindari from Italian to English
The translation of Camilleri's La gita a Tindari from Italian to English
Mateja Knežević
This final thesis entitled The Translation of Camilleri's La Gita a Tindari from Italian to English is concentrated on the semantic and grammatical analysis of parts of the 1st and 3rd chapters of Stephen Sartarelli's translation of Andrea Camilleri's work La Gita a Tindari. While semantic analysis was based on the usage of various translation techniques such as: addition, ommission, modulation, reformulation and change of words to convey the same meaning, grammatical analysis was based on...
The use of the English language in digital media and daily communication among non-native speakers of English in Croatia
The use of the English language in digital media and daily communication among non-native speakers of English in Croatia
Katarina Semenčić
In the past five decades, development of technology has enabled a faster and more effective communication than ever before, and English has become a global language that allows people around the world to maintain such quality communication. The English language is present among younger Croats who are showing a growing excitement for the language and have been using it a lot in their digital and face-to-face communication. This paper focuses on the digital communication of non-native speakers...
Three waves of feminism: challenging the patriarchal society and influencing society’s view on “gender” and “queer”
Three waves of feminism: challenging the patriarchal society and influencing society’s view on “gender” and “queer”
Patricia Orolić
Feminism is defined as a social, political, and economic movement that primarily enabled women worldwide to gain equality between men and women. This movement can be separated into three waves: the first wave in which women advocated for their voting rights; the second wave in which women sought political independence, and the third wave which dealt with breaking down of essential notions of gender and with the reappearance of the term queer, no longer demeaning. Gender is distinguished from...
Théâtre forum dans l’enseignement du français langue seconde
Théâtre forum dans l’enseignement du français langue seconde
Nikolina Pantaler
Dramaturge, metteur en scène et théoricien, Augusto Boal a créé la méthodologie novatrice du théâtre de l’opprimé en Argentine pendant les années 1960 et 1970. Cette approche révolutionnaire vise à libérer la parole des individus opprimés. Le théâtre-forum est une technique du théâtre de l’opprimé qui offre aux participants l’opportunité d’affiner leurs compétences de la communication, à la fois verbales et non verbales. Son intégration dans les classes de FLE...
Tim O'Brien's Novels as Depictions of Trauma and Recovery
Tim O'Brien's Novels as Depictions of Trauma and Recovery
Katarina Bradanović
This Master’s thesis analyses three literary works written by the American novelist and Vietnam War veteran William Timothy O’Brien who specializes in depiction of a specific literary genre known as Vietnam Trauma literature. Instead of solely providing the American readership with a straightforward depiction of Vietnam combat zone itself, O’Brien’s main goal as an author is driven from his aspiration to illustrate the reality of dealing with Posttraumatic stress disorder and the...
Timski rad i vođenje ustanove
Timski rad i vođenje ustanove
Gorana Rakić
Timski rad i vođenje ustanove su usko povezani. Vođenje ili upravljanje ustanovom se može odvijati kroz različite procese koje ovise o vođi, menadžeru ili ravnatelju. Postoje različiti stilovi vođenja ali i različita komunikacija u samom vođenju. U suvremenim organizacijama/ustanovama sve je češće uvođenje timskog rada u svrhu povećanja efikasnosti cijele organizacije. Za kvalitetu predškolske ustanove najvažnije je poraditi na razvoju odnosa ljudi u kolektivu. Kroz...
Tip "suvišnog čovjeka" u hrvatskoj prozi prve moderne
Tip "suvišnog čovjeka" u hrvatskoj prozi prve moderne
Mia Bačić
Zadaća ovog diplomskog rada bila je u korpusu odabranih djela pronaći tipske odrednice "suvišnog čovjeka" u razdoblju prve hrvatske moderne. Korpus odabranih djela čine: Janko Borislavić Ksavera Šandora Đalskog, Misao na vječnost i Sjene ljubavi Janka Leskovara te Bijeg Milutina Cikalara Nehajeva. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na tipski lik "suvišnog čovjeka", njegov nastanak i razvoj. Kako je s.č. društveno motiviran lik prikazali smo književne, društvene i političke prilike...
Tipografske osobitosti i način proizvodnje glagoljičkih inkunabula
Tipografske osobitosti i način proizvodnje glagoljičkih inkunabula
Tina Zurak
Svrha završnog rada temelji se na prikazu cjelokupnog rasta i razvoja pisane kulture do 16. stoljeća, a cilj je prikazati povijesni pregled glagoljičkih inkunabula. Nastanak pisma, jezika, podloge za pisanje, organizacija rada tiskarske radionice ključni su elementi načina proizvodnje knjiga. Gutenbergovo razdoblje započinje postepen proces tiskanja, naglašenost na umjetnost i vještinu tipografije, formate u tiskarstvu te tiskarske znakove. Osim teksta, iluminacije kod rukopisnih i...
