Trans aktivizam u Hrvatskoj
Karla Mihaljević Trans aktivizam se bavi promicanjem i zaštitom osoba koje pripadaju trans zajednici. U širem smislu, govori se o TIRV zajednici koja obuhvaća transrodne, interspolne i sve rodno varijantne osobe. Njegov utjecaj se očituje i u direktnoj pomoći pojedincima koji je zatraže. Ovaj oblik aktivizma se prvo pojavljuje u SAD-u te nakon toga dolazi u ostatak svijeta. U Hrvatskoj on nastaje iz mnogih gej i feminističkih organizacija te 2012. godine dolazi do nastanka prve TIRV organizacije...
Transatlantsko trgovinsko i investicijsko partnerstvo (TTIP)
Kristian Morović Od povijesti ljudi u privredi se povezuju u različite integracije. Te integracije razvojem privrede prelazile su iz onih najjednostavnijih u one kakve danas poznajemo. Bilo da je riječ o jednostavnom poslovnom odnosu ili državnim ekonomskim integracijama jedno im je svima zajedničko, a to je cilj njihovih sudionika da od te integracije prosperiraju. Današnje ekonomske integracije nastale su na temeljima koji su se jačanjem globalizacije u posljednjih 30-ak godina jako promijenile. Kao...
Transcendentalna dijalektika u "Kritici čistog uma"
Ante Drmić U ovome radu predstavljam dio Kritike čistog uma pod imenom Transcendentalne dijalektike gdje Kant raspravlja i kritizira racionalnu psihologiju, kozmologiju i teologiju za konstitutivnu upotrebu korespondirajućih ideja: jednostavne i supstancijane duše, totaliteta empiriske regresije i ideala uma, zapravo bića svih savršenosti. Predstavljam Kantovo rješenje problema u regulativnom a ne konstirutivnom korišenju ideja čistoga uma.
Transfobija protiv feminizma
Petra Karmelić U ovom radu analiziram trans-isključujući radikalni feminizam (TERF) pokret kao reakcionarni društveni pokret s ciljem ukazivanja na nužnost šire antikapitalističke koalicije koja bi uključila trans, feminističke i LGB borbe. Kritički pristupam osnovnim postavkama triju feminističkih struja u anglofonom kontekstu: liberalnoj, radikalnoj i marksističkoj/socijalističkoj te razlažem kako razumijevaju odnos roda, kapitala i države te njihov nejednak progresivni potencijal. Potonje...
Transgenerationale Schuldvererbungin Nicol Ljubićs Roman "Meeresstille"
Anamarija Bešlić Diese Masterarbeit behandelt Nicol Ljubićs Roman „Meeresstille“ (2010). Der Schriftsteller beschäftigt sich mit Identitätsfragen und transgenerationaler Schuldvererbung und zeigt diese in Bezug auf den Krieg im ehemaligen Jugoslawien auf. Darüber hinaus thematisiert er das Konzept der Kollektivschuld. In einigen Kapiteln beschäftigt sich die Masterarbeit mit der Analyse der Gesellschaft nach dem Krieg und betrachtet die Charaktere in diesem Kontext. Darüber hinaus wird die...
Translating Author s Style - the Case Study of "To kill a Mockingbird"
Marina Veverec This thesis presents some of the general challenges in the field of literary translation, focusing primarily on the challenge of translating author’s style. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects that the author’s style has on readers, and finally how translators can recreate the same reading experience in the translated work by employing their own style when the translation process is limited by the target language and culture. Accordingly, this thesis will provide...
Translating Author`s Style: A Case Study of Chuck Palahniuk`s Novel "Fight Club" Translated by Snježana Husić
Silvija Peras The thesis elaborates on translation of author’s style, i.e. the style of Chuch Palahniuk employed to write his first and most famous novel Fight Club. Multiple approaches often used in translation of author’s style are explained and referred to later in the analysis of the translation. The analysis of the translation written by a known Croatian translator Snježana Husić is a main part of the thesis. Thus, it takes into consideration techniques frequently employed in translation, along...
Translating Children's Literature
Marta Ivanković Children’s literature is often underappreciated and placed in the peripheral position. This
widespread thinking is not in accordance with the benefits that picture books have on
children. This paper discusses the problems of translating children’s literature, which is
primarily associated with the age factor. Other topics include the position of children’s
literature, the specific readership, and the translator’s aims. The focus is also on the
importance of illustrations,...
Translating Culture: Three Souls by Janie Chang
Sara Franjčec Translation Studies is a very complex field and the translation of cultural elements from one culture to the other is one of its most crucial elements. This thesis is concerned with this aspect of translation studies as well as the successful implementation of various strategies used in the translation of cultural elements. This was done through the analysis of the translation of an excerpt of the novel Three Souls by Janie Chang. The translation of Chinese cultural elements into a Croatian...
Translating Fantasy: Lisa Maxwell's Unhooked
Ana Zrilić The thesis presents definitions of the concept of “fantasy”, its development, and characteristics. Given that it is a genre that has been developing for many years, and has changed during that time, the characteristics of fantasy vary, thus, defining fantasy is one of the more demanding tasks. The complexity follows fantasy into the field of translation. One of the main goals of this thesis is to understand how translational process of fantasy texts begins, what it includes, and what...
Translating Gender: The Retelling of a Fairy Tale Snow, Glass, Apples by Neil Gaiman
Marija Veselčić This thesis was written with the intention to showcase how linguistic choice and the translator’s intervention change the way a story is interpreted. The theoretical part of the thesis started with a brief history of fairy tale and a short introduction to literary translation theory. Translation theory also focused on previous and current research regarding the portrayal of women in fairy tales. They proved that there indeed were serious changes done to the translation in order to support...