
Claire Mazard : Une arme dans la tête – traduction d’un extrait et analyse traductologique
Claire Mazard : Une arme dans la tête – traduction d’un extrait et analyse traductologique
Daria Zinaja
Le présent mémoire de master a pour but de présenter des caractéristiques et des défis de la traduction de la littérature de jeunesse. Ce mémoire comporte la traduction d’un extrait du roman Une arme dans la tête de Claire Mazard, ainsi que l’analyse linguistique et traductologique qui s’appuie principalement sur les procédés traductologiques de J.-P. Vinay et J. Darbelnet élaborés dans leur ouvrage Stylistique comparée du français et de l’anglais (1972). L’analyse...
Classification and Structural Analysis of Phrasemes in Felix - Srećko Puntarić's comic in Večernji list
Classification and Structural Analysis of Phrasemes in Felix - Srećko Puntarić's comic in Večernji list
Andrijana Miličević
This thesis focuses on classification and structural analysis of 33 phraseological units found in Srećko Puntarić’s comic Felix from January to September of 2016. Phraseology is a linguistic discipline that studies the structure, meaning and use of word combinations. Phraseological units are lexical units consisting of more than one word whose meaning cannot be deduced from the meanings of its components. For the classification of the phraseological units of the corpus, Sabine...
Classification of Phraseological Units in the Songs of Pop Group Magazin
Classification of Phraseological Units in the Songs of Pop Group Magazin
Adriana Janković
This thesis focuses on identification and structural classification of phraseological units found in lyrics of studio albums released by a Croatian pop group Magazin. Every song’s lyrics from each studio album were firstly read and each potential phraseological unit was confirmed in one of the available lexicographic sources. Altogether 89 phraseological units from this paper were primarily classified into word-like (78) and sentence-like PUs (11). Furthermore, following the next...
Clostridium difficile kao uzročnik infekcija povezanih s hospitalnom skrbi
Clostridium difficile kao uzročnik infekcija povezanih s hospitalnom skrbi
Gabrijela Knežević
CILJ RADA: 1) Prikazati skup mjera i postupaka vezanih za proljev uzrokovan Clostridium difficile koji su od značenja za zdravstvenu njegu pacijenta; 2) prikazati smjernice za sprječavanje širenja Clostridium difficile na bolničkim odjelima; 3) prikazati standardne mjere izolacije i ulogu zdravstvenog djelatnika u prevenciji širenja izolata Clostridium difficile UVOD: Bolnička je infekcija svaka infekcija koja je kod pacijenta nastupila za vrijeme bolničkog liječenja, a posljedično...
Code-Switching Among Croatian Immigrants in Canada
Code-Switching Among Croatian Immigrants in Canada
Ilijana Lukač
This paper focuses on presenting a theoretical framework of the sociolinguistic phenomenon called code-switching, bilinguals’ habits of using that speech tool in their communication, and their opinions regarding the phenomenon. It also provides an insight into previous research on this topic. For the purpose of writing this undergraduate thesis, a small-scale study was conducted to discover more about code-switching within a specific group, Croatian immigrants in Canada. With this study,...
Code-Switching between English and Spanish in the Comedy Television Series “Modern Family” and “Jane the Virgin”
Code-Switching between English and Spanish in the Comedy Television Series “Modern Family” and “Jane the Virgin”
Ema Mihaljević
This bachelor thesis focuses on code-switching that occurs between English and Spanish in two comedy television series. In the first part, the theoretical background related to code-switching is presented, and it includes reference to types of code-switching, as well as reasons for switching codes. It is important to recognize the differences between codeswitching and other linguistic phenomena related to it, such as diglossia and borrowing. What follows is an overview of previous research...
Code-switching Between AAVE and Standard English in The Films 'Sorry to Bother You' and 'The Hate U Give'
Code-switching Between AAVE and Standard English in The Films 'Sorry to Bother You' and 'The Hate U Give'
Tena Vajda
This paper focuses on analyzing instances of code-switching between African American Vernacular English and Standard English in the films ‘The Hate U Give’ and ‘Sorry to Bother You’. The first part of the thesis is concerned with code-switching as a product of language contact phenomena, the distinction between code-switching and other language contact phenomena, as well as reasons for employing it and attitudes towards it. What follows is an overview of the evolution of AAVE, its...
Cohérence terminologique dans le domaine du droit européen
Cohérence terminologique dans le domaine du droit européen
Erika Ratković
Le présent mémoire de master porte sur l’analyse de la cohérence terminologique dans le domaine du droit européen. Ce mémoire est composé de la traduction du texte Manuel de la réinstallation du HCR, ainsi que de l’analyse terminologique des termes choisis. La présente étude avait pour objectif de montrer comment l'(in)cohérence affecte la compréhension d’un texte. Nous sommes arrivée à la conclusion que, d’un côté, l’absence des définitions officiells de certains...
Colonial discourse in Joseph Conrad's Novels
Colonial discourse in Joseph Conrad's Novels
Ante Vukičević
In this paper, the author highlights the analysis of the works of Joseph Conrad and to see how they were written in relation to colonial discourse and in what measure did Conrad support or oppose processes of colonialism and imperialism through his works, and through his personal life. Firstly, his early life when Conrad worked as a sailor is explained. Then, the state in Europe and the world in Conrad’s time is stated. After that, the paper looks on certain criticism directed at Joseph...
Color Expressions in English and Croatian
Color Expressions in English and Croatian
Antonia Bašić
This paper deals with the expressions in English and Croatia that contain one of the following colors: black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, pink, brown, purple and grey. The same expressions in two languages are compared and the degree of their equivalence is established. The first part of the paper is concerned with color studies and theory according to Berlin & Kay, Eleanor Rosch, and Debi Roberson who studied colors from the universal aspect. The second part of the paper is focused...
Comic Representation of Grotesque Bodies Through Disgust
Comic Representation of Grotesque Bodies Through Disgust
Jelena Čale
There is a certain peculiarity, and especially when they are all merged, about the notions of comedy, grotesque bodies and disgust as they are undoubtedly one of the extensively researched and yet obscured realms of both interest and necessity. The intention of this paper is upon the examination of a body of literature on comic representation of grotesque bodies through disgust to reach the objectives laid down in form of research questions that are to be analysed. The reflected research...
Communicative Competence in the Context of Communicative Laguage Teaching with Emphasis on English in Croatia
Communicative Competence in the Context of Communicative Laguage Teaching with Emphasis on English in Croatia
Ivana Skračić
This final thesis paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter provides an introduction and outlines the main topics of the paper and they are: communicative competence, communicative language teaching and position of the English language in the Croatian educational system and in everyday communication of the Croatian people. The second chapter deals with the communicative competence theory and provides a description of its structure. The main topics of the third chapter are: the...
