
Test numeričke darovitosti
Test numeričke darovitosti
Mislav Sudić
Darovita djeca se smatraju skupinom djece s posebnim odgojno-obrazovnim potrebama te je rana identifikacija ključna za pružanje adekvatne podrške njihovim potencijalima. U skladu s Renzullijevim (1978) modelom, u ovom istraživanju na darovitost gledamo kroz prizmu sposobnosti, kreativnosti i predanosti zadatku. Darovitost često ovisi o domeni, stoga je u ovom istraživanju odlučeno da će fokus biti na matematičkoj (numeričkoj) darovitosti, tj. darovitosti u baratanju brojevima. U...
Test opće obaviještenosti kao mjera kognitivne reflektivnosti?
Test opće obaviještenosti kao mjera kognitivne reflektivnosti?
Nikolina Šikić
Kognitivni stilovi oblikuju način na koji osobe pristupaju mišljenju, zaključivanju, rješavanju problema te donošenju odluka. Kognitivna reflektivnost predstavlja kognitivni stil koji se odnosi na tendenciju sporijem i temeljitijem pristupu rješavanju problema te donošenju točnih, analitičnih zaključaka. Na drugom kraju kontinuuma nalazi se kognitivna intuitivnost/impulzivnost koja se manifestira kao brzo i površno zaključivanje na temelju heurističkih znakova, što često...
Testiranje bihevioralnog modela autostopiranja
Testiranje bihevioralnog modela autostopiranja
Lucija Šalinović
Autostopiranje je način prijevoza u kojem putnik ostvaruje svoju namjeru „hvatajući“ besplatan prijevoz koji će mu pruţiti drugi putnik sa svojim vozilom. Cilj istraţivanja bio je pomoću osobina ličnosti, motivacije i povjerenja u svijet, osmisliti model koji bi objašnjavao ponašanje autostopera, odnosno buduću namjeru autostopiranja. U svrhu istraţivanja razvijene su nove mjere ekstrinzične i intrinzične motivacije za autostopiranjem, skala povjerenja prema drugima i skala...
The (Im)possibility of Translating Poetry – Vida Sever's A Dry Place
The (Im)possibility of Translating Poetry – Vida Sever's A Dry Place
Anja Glavinić
Unutar već složenog područja književnog prevođenja, pitanje (ne)mogućnosti prevođenja poezije oduvijek se smatralo posebnom temom u okviru općenitije rasprave o (ne)prevodivosti. Služeći se spoznajama iz područja poput filozofije jezika, lingvistike i teorije prevođenja, glavni cilj ovoga rada bio je produbiti razumijevanje (ne)prevodivosti analizom izazova u književnom prevođenju, posebice u prevođenju poezije. Cilj je bio i pokazati kako je prihvaćanje poteškoća koje...
The Analysis of Anglicisms in Italian Newspaper (IL Piccolo)
The Analysis of Anglicisms in Italian Newspaper (IL Piccolo)
Ana Štefulić
In this final paper, the goal is to analyze the Anglicisms (which are in written form, as they were taken from a newspaper) to see how they change and how they behave. To do so, three analyses were performed (phonetic, morphological, and semantic). Each analysis gives insight how the loan-words adjust into receiving language, and which change is the most frequent.
The Analysis of Basic Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Films Containing Musical Numbers
The Analysis of Basic Conceptual Metaphors in Selected Films Containing Musical Numbers
Nives Marić
Metaphors are figures of speech used to express one thing in terms of another; typically using something that is concrete and familiar to describe something abstract and unfamiliar. Within the classical approach, they were described primarily as examples of poetic language that are not crucial for the analysis of everyday communication. A change occurred with Metaphors We Live By –an important work by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, who explained that metaphors are central in our everyday...
The Analysis of Cohesive Devices in Cassandra Clare's “Clockwork Angel”
The Analysis of Cohesive Devices in Cassandra Clare's “Clockwork Angel”
Karla Juričić
Cohesion is a complex system of mechanisms and tactics that promote meaningful communication by decreasing ambiguity and directing readers through the logical flow of ideas. It allows writers to not only communicate their ideas clearly, but also develop a harmonic connection with readers. This research investigates cohesive devices in the context of Cassandra Clare's young adult novel "Clockwork Angel." The study divides cohesive devices into five broad categories based on the classification...
The Analysis of French and Latin Borrowings in the Middle English Vocabulary on the Basis of Chosen Canterbury Tales
The Analysis of French and Latin Borrowings in the Middle English Vocabulary on the Basis of Chosen Canterbury Tales
Antonia Batur
The topic of this final thesis is the analysis of French and Latin borrowings in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (General Prologue, The Knight's Tale, The Wife of Bath's Prologue and The Second Nun's Prologue). More precisely, this diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the adaptation of French and Latin words from the chosen Canterbury Tales on the semantic level. Moreover, the main aim is to analyze and discuss whether or not the French and Latin loans from analysed tales underwent any...
The Analysis of Monsters and Trauma in Stranger Things
The Analysis of Monsters and Trauma in Stranger Things
Pamela Banović
Monsters have always been one of the prominent subjects in literature, mostly related to the horror genre. Although their portrayal in the film industry varies, their main feature - the embodiment of fear which reflects social changes for a certain time period - remains intact. Since they can affect human’s subconscious by triggering mental disorders such as trauma, they represent collective fear. Nevertheless, the complexity of their essence which can be interpreted in various ways is...
The Analysis of the Heroine and Feminism in the TV Show Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Analysis of the Heroine and Feminism in the TV Show Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Ana Štefulić
This thesis is focused on the analysis of the heroine Buffy from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the feminist aspect of the show. The thesis begins with an introduction and methodology. It then includes a description of the history of feminism, with focus on the second and third wave feminism, and its reflection in the television show. Pender’s feminist theory is then explained and expanded in the following chapters: Buffy the vampire Slayer and feminism, The second and...
The Analysis of the Right-Wing Skinhead with Reference to Subcultural Theories in American History X
The Analysis of the Right-Wing Skinhead with Reference to Subcultural Theories in American History X
Katarina Tkalčec
This paper focuses on the life of right-wing skinhead Derek Vinyard in the movie American History X. Concerning the fact that he is under the influence of various sociological factors, Derek forms a group of skinheads who serve as a substitute family with whom he shares similar racist viewpoints. The aim of the paper is to examine both internal and external factors which influence his way of thinking by using various theories, some of which are Cohen's Status Frustration Theory and Ohlin's...
The Characters of Martin Scorsese and Their Motivation
The Characters of Martin Scorsese and Their Motivation
Ive Gligora
Martin Scorsese has had a rich career, directing a number of movies which will remain of great importance to present and future filmmakers. One of the elements which are present in his films are complex characters who often drive the film with their personality and decision-making. In this thesis, the work of Martin Scorsese has been analysed through choosing some of his best films and observing the characters to see what makes them who they are. The characters have also been compared to...
