Sažetak | Ableism, kao disciplinirajuće-normirajući imperativ sposobnosti, predstavlja opresivnu paradigmatsku poziciju koja, koristeći se moći proizašloj iz društveno konstruiranih normativnih dihotomija poput normalno/nenormalno, sposobnost/nesposobnost te valjano/nevaljano obilježava, vrjednuje i kategorizira osobe, marginalizirajući pritom jedne te povlaštujući druge. U kontekstu visokog obrazovanja, kao i drugih društvenih institucija, je ableism upisan u temeljne obrazovne pretpostavke, oblikujući time i organizirajući cjelokupan odnos visokog obrazovanja i invaliditeta, odnosno, studenata/ica s invaliditetom, između ostalog, i kroz tekstove službenih visokoobrazovnih dokumenata. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio, na temelju teorijskog okvira kritičkih studija invaliditeta, studija ableisma i kritičke sociologije invaliditeta, metodom kritičke analize diskursa, dobiti dublji uvid u diskurse i način konstruiranja diskursa koji kroz jezične prakse i obrasce normativizirajućih tekstova visokoobrazovnih dokumenata uređuju, oblikuju i reproduciraju invaliditet te studente/ice čine objektom politika. U završnom su dijelu rada stoga opisana četiri konstiruirajuća diskursa proizašla iz analize obuhvaćenih tekstova: socijalni, medicinski i neoliberalni diskurs invaliditeta te diskurs ljudskih prava i humanitarizma. Ovi diskursi, iako proturječni, kroz tekstove pravnog okvira djeluju usklađeno i međusobno nadopunjavajuće, izmjenjujući se pritom na razinama dokumenata, ali i definicija. Međutim, oni prvenstveno, usprkos načelnoj usmjerenosti legislativnog okvira ka društveno pravednoj perspektivi i naglašavanju potrebe za društvenom promjenom, upućuju na konzistentnost medicinskih perspektiva invaliditeta i neoliberalnog pristupa tijelu i obrazovanju, čime se osobe s invaliditetom smješta u okvir osobne neadekvatnosti, nedostatnosti i oštećenja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Ableism, being considered a disciplining-normative imperative of ability, is an oppressive paradigmatic position which, by using the power derived from socially constructed normative dichotomies, such as normal/abnormal, ability/disability, and valid/invalid, evaluates and categorizes persons, marginalizing ones and privileging others. In the context of higher education, as well as other social institutions, has ableism been inscribed into the fundamental educational premises, thus forming and organizing the entire relation between higher education and disability, ie, students with disabilities, through official higher education policy documents, among other things. Therefore was the aim of this paper to use the theoretical knowledge of critical disability studies, studies of ableism and critical sociology of disability and the method of critical discourse analysis, to gain a deeper insight into the discourses that, through linguistic forms and practices of normative texts of higher education policy documents, regulate, shape and reproduce disability, and form students with disabilities as policy objects. The final part of the paper shows four constituing discourses that have emerged from the analysis of the texts: the social, medical and neoliberal discourse of disability, and the discourse of human rights and humanitarianism. These discourses, albeit contradictory, operate in harmonized and mutually complementary ways, both on the level of documents as well as on the level of each definition. However, in spite of the principle orientation of the legislative framework towards a socially just perspective emphasizing the need for social change, these discourses primarily point to the consistency of the medical perspectives of disability and the neoliberal approach to body and education, which places persons with disabilities into the framework of personal inadequacy, insufficiency and impairment. |