
Purizentrizität der deutschen Sprache am Beispiel der deutschen, österreichischen und schweizerischen Synchronisation des Films „Ein Schweinchen namens Babe“
Purizentrizität der deutschen Sprache am Beispiel der deutschen, österreichischen und schweizerischen Synchronisation des Films „Ein Schweinchen namens Babe“
Ana Stanković
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Besonderheiten der bundesdeutschen, österreichischen und schweizerischen Varietäten in der deutschen, österreichischen und schweizerischen Synchronisation des Films Ein Schweinchen namens Babe (1995) zu vergleichen. Die drei Varietäten wurden auf der lexikalischen, grammatischen und pragmatischen Ebene verglichen. Danach versuchte man die Synchronisationen mittels der Übersetzungsstrategien für Untertitelung und Synchronisation von Teresa Tomaszkiewicz...
Put patnje i oprosta u romanu Braća Karamazovi
Put patnje i oprosta u romanu Braća Karamazovi
Ena Jurakić
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prikazati koncept patnje i oprosta u Braći Karamazovima, posljednjem romanu Fjodora Mihajloviča Dostojevskog. U stvaralaštvu Dostojevskog, patnja i oprost smješteni su u religijsko-teološki kontekst jer put patnje Dostojevskijeve junake vodi do moralne obnove i iskupljenja. U prvom, teorijskom dijelu rada predstavlja se koncept patnje te njegova manifestacija u romanima Dostojevskog, a drugom dijelu slijedi analiza posvećena Dmitriju, Ivanu, Aljoši i...
Putopisi o Dalmaciji na njemačkom jeziku
Putopisi o Dalmaciji na njemačkom jeziku
Ena Cupać
Putopis je književna vrsta tematski oblikovana vjerodostojnim putovanjem subjekta putopisca koji opisuje prostore kojima putuje i mjesta na kojima boravi, pripovijeda zgode na putu iznosi svoja zapažanja o ljudima koje na putu susreće, o njihovim običajima i načinu života te počesto o kulturnim i umjetničkim znamenitostima krajeva u kojima se zatječe. Putopisci su često prvi izvjestitelji o stranoj kulturi, njezinoj baštini i književnom životu. On istodobno predstavlja vlastitu...
Pučko školstvo Slavonskog Broda i okolice u 19. stoljeću
Pučko školstvo Slavonskog Broda i okolice u 19. stoljeću
Mateo Aračić
U drugoj polovici 18. stoljeća na vlast u Habsburškoj Monarhiji dolazi carica Marija Terezija, a nakon nje i njezin sin car Josip II., oboje iz dinastije Habsburg. Pod utjecajem prosvjetiteljskih ideja nastoje modernizirati državu na raznim područjima, a posebice na području školstva. Područje Banske Hrvatske sve do 1881. godine bilo je podijeljeno na civilni i vojnički dio čime je izazov modernizacije školstva tim više bio složeniji. Proces razvoja školstva nastavio se i u 19....
Queer Deviance in New Queer Cinema
Queer Deviance in New Queer Cinema
Antonia Ivanov
This thesis revolves around the phenomenon of deviance in relation to films within the cinematic movement dubbed New Queer Cinema. This cinematic movement originated in the nineties and featured unapologetically queer directors making irreverently vibrant films that challenged conventions of positive representation and heteronormativity. The thesis engages with academic queer theory as well as the history of portrayal of queer individuals in order to explore and analyze the themes present...
Queer literatura u narodnim  knjižnicama
Queer literatura u narodnim knjižnicama
Zrinka Džoić
Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se zastupljenosti queer literature u knjižnicama te je cilj rada ispitati u kolikoj je mjeri queer literatura zastupljena u zbirkama Gradske knjižnice u Zadru, Gradske knjižnice Marka Marulića u Splitu te Gradske knjižnice Jurja Šižgorića u Šibeniku. Rad postavlja teorijsko konceptualni okvir u kojem definira osnovne pojmove te objašnjava teoriju i praksu queera. Nadalje, donosi pregled literature o dosadašnjim istraživanjima iz ovog područja te podastire...
Race Issues in the O.J. Simpson Case – Analysis of Alexander and Karaszewski’s American Crime Story
Race Issues in the O.J. Simpson Case – Analysis of Alexander and Karaszewski’s American Crime Story
Monika Boban
The O.J. Simpson trial from 1995 is one of the most famous and most complicated cases in modern history. One of the first recorded trials, it drew huge amounts of media attention and became a part of American popular culture. It is not simply a murder case, as it also deals with issues such as racism, gender inequality, domestic violence, media power and many others. Those issues are presented in this paper with emphasis on racism and gender through the analysis of three characters from...
Race-ing Disney - Racial and Ethnic Stereotyping in Disney's Animated Films
Race-ing Disney - Racial and Ethnic Stereotyping in Disney's Animated Films
Sara Vukša
As the society is moving more and more towards racial and ethnic equality, instances of racial and ethnic stereotyping in the mass media have become intolerable. However, they are still present in many mass media outlets, including animated films. In order to shed a light on this issue, this Master’s thesis deals with the racial and ethnic stereotyping of Arabs, African Americans and Scots in the animated films released by The Walt Disney Company. On the whole, this lack of racial and...
Racial Issues in Get Out
Racial Issues in Get Out
Dario Lozovina
This paper deals with the portrayal of racial issues in Jordan Peele’s horror film Get Out. Racial issues have been an ongoing problem in the American society throughout history that continues to be in the centre of media discourse even today. The paper aims to summarize some basic concepts when it comes to race, racism and racial relations and to explain the main ideas behind Critical Race Theory, the most prominent approach in the study of racism, which claims that the nature of racism...
Racial Representation in the Video Games: Analysing The Elder Scrolls
Racial Representation in the Video Games: Analysing The Elder Scrolls
Nikolina Vranić
The aim of this paper was to analyse racial representations in video-games, mainly in The Elder Scrolls franchise, developed by Bethesda Game Studios, by concentrating on the notions of identity and its formation through the game’s influence, defining the culture and its values and beliefs which are instilled in the player when he decides to play as a certain race, and, lastly, the concept of race as a mirrored image of the real-life cultures. In the thesis, it was noted the existence of...
Racial and Gender Stereotypes in Two Animated Films: Disney's "Song of the South" (1946) and Avery's "Red Hot Ridding Hood" (1945)
Racial and Gender Stereotypes in Two Animated Films: Disney's "Song of the South" (1946) and Avery's "Red Hot Ridding Hood" (1945)
Magdalena Volarević
The 1940s marked a turning point in how animation was perceived. As the decade was overshadowed by the horrors of World War II and its consequences, animation stopped being regarded as entertainment primarily for children. Animation strives to swiftly communicate ideas and stereotypes are a key element in achieving this goal. However, they can be detrimental as they reduce individuals or groups to a few traits and perpetuate inequality. Drawing on Stuart Hall’s representation theory, this...
Racial profiling in CSI: Miami
Racial profiling in CSI: Miami
Dario Lozovina
The final thesis is based on the analysis of characters of the popular TV show CSI: Miami, taking into consideration their race and racial representation. The analysis includes the stereotypes that the characters are based on and their potential influence on an individual or certain groups within a society. The thesis mostly focuses on characters of Latino and African American origin, but also considers characters of different racial origins. The aim of the thesis is to explain how...
