
Frazemi u publicističkom stilu ruskog jezik
Frazemi u publicističkom stilu ruskog jezik
Josip Zubović
Ovaj se rad bavi frazemima koji se pojavljuju u publicističkom stilu ruskog jezika, točnije u internetskim člancima ruskih dnevnih novina Известия i Вечерняя Москва. Osim toga, nastoji otkriti s kojim ciljem ih autori koriste te koju ulogu imaju kada je u pitanju djelovanje na čitateljstvo. Rad je podijeljen na dva dijela, teorijski i praktični dio. Prvo poglavlje teorijskog dijela tiče se ruske frazeologije, a drugo publicističkog stila kao funkcionalnog...
Frazemi vezani uz čovjeka u hrvatskom i ruskom jeziku
Frazemi vezani uz čovjeka u hrvatskom i ruskom jeziku
Ana Šimić
Ovaj rad se bavi analizom frazema koji se odnose na čovjeka, a koji se javljaju u svim sferama čovjekova života. Prvi dio rada obrađuje povijest frazeologije, njen nastanak, ali i razvitak. Nadalje, također se i obrađuje frazem te njegova struktura i oblik. Sljedeći dio rada se bavi semantičkom i strukturnom analizom frazema koji se odnose na čovjeka, njegov izgled, osobnost, djelovanje, odnos prema drugim ljudima, ali i odnos prema radu. Frazemi su podijeljeni u određene skupine i...
Frazeologija u ruskim medijima
Frazeologija u ruskim medijima
Anamarija Perić
Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se proučavanjem frazema u jeziku medija masovne komunikacije kao što su novinski članci, Internet, reklame. Na samom početku definirani su pojmovi frazeologija i frazem. Zatim je predstavljena podjela frazema prema podrijetlu, obliku i pripadnosti određenom funkcionalnom stilu. Analizirani su frazemi u novinskim člancima, političkom diskursu, ruskoj reklami a predstavljeni su i pojmovi neologizam, biblizam te hashtag. Primjeri frazema obrađeni su najprije sa...
Freedom in Translation: Translating Lorrie Moore’s Short Fiction
Freedom in Translation: Translating Lorrie Moore’s Short Fiction
Jelena Jušćak
Lorrie Moore is an American short fiction writer, who has not been translated into Croatian. In order to show how the freedom of the translator has developed throughout the history of translation studies, this thesis offered an overview of a selection of well-known translation theories and approaches, defined by established names, such as Friedrich Scheliermacher, Walter Benjamin, Eugene Nida, Lawrence Venuti, and others. While the chronological overview showcased the results and reasonings...
Freiheit in Goethes „Die Leiden des jungen Werthers“
Freiheit in Goethes „Die Leiden des jungen Werthers“
Dorijan Majetić
Der Briefroman „Die Leiden des jungen Werthers“ wurde von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe geschrieben. Dieser Briefroman erschien erstmals in 18. Jahrhunderts, um genauer zu sein im Jahre 1774. Der Briefroman sorgt für eine große Aufregung bei den Menschen, weil er gegen die Zeit spricht, in der er geschrieben wurde. Er spricht über eine Sünde, den Selbstmord. Der Junge Werther, der auch die Hauptfigur dieses Briefromans ist, verliebt sich in die schon verlobte Lotte. Werther, Lotte und...
Fremdsprachliches Lehrwerk im Schulkontext des digitalen Zeitalters: eine Analyse der DaF-Lehrwerke in Kroatien
Fremdsprachliches Lehrwerk im Schulkontext des digitalen Zeitalters: eine Analyse der DaF-Lehrwerke in Kroatien
Karla Tuđen
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit befasst sich mit dem Verständnis vom DaF-Lehrwerk als einem Verbund der analogen sowie digitalen Medien zur Förderung des Sprachlern- und eSprachlehrprozesses im kroatischen Schulkontext. Dabei wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern sich der mediendidaktische Mehrwert bei der Erreichung der fachdidaktischen Ziele im Unterrichtsprozess erkennen lässt. Zudem wird auch eine Lehrwerkanalyse der vorgeschriebenen Lehrwerke für den Einsatz in Gymnasien...
French Borrowings in Modern English Fashion and Culinary Magazines
French Borrowings in Modern English Fashion and Culinary Magazines
Martina Manjkas
The aim of this paper is to provide an analysis of the various French borrowings used in 60 articles from fashion and culinary magazines written in Contemporary Modern British English language based on how frequently they appear, their semantic categories and meaning and adaptation to the English language. In the focus are fashion and culinary terms, with the highest number of borrowings being French-derived terms for dishes and dress items. Whereas the existing studies of French borrowings...
From Angel to Monster: Analyzing “Puerperal Insanity” in Michel Faber’s The Crimson and the White
From Angel to Monster: Analyzing “Puerperal Insanity” in Michel Faber’s The Crimson and the White
Katarina Vučković
he aim of this paper is to examine whether the character of Agnes Rackham from Michel Faber’s The Crimson Petal and the White struggles with “puerperal insanity.” Puerperal insanity was first described in the 19th century and it refers to a severe mental disease associated with childbirth. Many women who suffered from this disease were regarded as “madwomen” because they exhibited symptoms that were socially unacceptable. At the beginning of the novel Agnes Rackham is portrayed as...
From Edna O’Brien’s The Country Girls Trilogy to Emer Martinʼs Novels: Female Subversion or Why Irish Heroines 'don’t have to be good anymore'
From Edna O’Brien’s The Country Girls Trilogy to Emer Martinʼs Novels: Female Subversion or Why Irish Heroines 'don’t have to be good anymore'
Ana Atelj
This diploma paper sets out to explore The Country Girls Trilogy by Edna O'Brien and Emer Martin’s two novels More Bread or I'll Appear and Breakfast in Babylon. The paper analyses subversiveness and shamelessness of female characters and ways in which they question and defy numerous aspects of Irish tradition. The analysis demonstrates that female protagonists, both in the early sixties and at the end of the 20th century, try to break free from restrictive and rigid Irish laws that...
From Thought to Speech: An Overview of Language Production from a Psycholinguistic Perspective
From Thought to Speech: An Overview of Language Production from a Psycholinguistic Perspective
Karla Lukačević
Language is fundamental for successful human communication, whose execution relies on access to the necessary data in the mental lexicon. The mental lexicon is a storage or structure which contains linguistic information. Words are stored in the mental lexicon as wholes consisting of stems and appropriate affixes. Before speaking, a speaker must first choose the most suitable word in a particular context, which leads to the activation of other similar words and the competition among them....
Funkcija elektroničkih publikacija u demokratskom razvoju lokalnih zajednica
Funkcija elektroničkih publikacija u demokratskom razvoju lokalnih zajednica
Sanja Milković
Mediji kao komunikacijski kanali koji prenose informacije u većoj ili manjoj mjeri utječu na društvo te na društveni i demokratski razvoj zajednica. Razvojem tehnologije razvijali su se i mediji te dobili svoj elektronički oblik. Možemo reći da su elektroničke publikacije, odnosno internetske stranice posljednjih godina doživjele svoj vrhunac. Svakim danom broji se sve veći broj posjetitelja. Sve je više čitatelja tiskane medije zamijenilo onim elektroničkim. Shodno tome, web...
Funkcija intertekstualnosti u autobiografizmu Irene Vrkljan
Funkcija intertekstualnosti u autobiografizmu Irene Vrkljan
Ivana Šutalo
U diplomskom radu prikazana je funkcija intertekstualnosti u romanima Irene Vrkljan. Točnije, funkcija intertekstualnosti prikazat će se na temelju tri romana koji čine njezinu autobiografsku trilogiju, a to su: Svila, škare, Marina ili o biografiji i Dora, ove jeseni. Vrkljan u hrvatsku književnost ulazi pojavom časopisa Krugovi te ponajprije stvara poeziju nadahnutu nadrealizmom. Krenuvši u smjeru autobiografske proze, ova iznimna autorica iznjedrila je romane koji su pronašli put...
