
Identity Politics and Affective Work in Contemporary Popular Comedy
Identity Politics and Affective Work in Contemporary Popular Comedy
Pavao Parunov
Popular comedy in the United States has been rapidly changing in the last ten years. Because of the diversification of consumption of television and film content, popular comedy has seen a significant rise in terms of the number of popular comedians who encompass various formats of content creation. At the same time, the public discourse of social justice is largely conditioned by identity politics. This thesis argues that there are specific changes to be observed in popular comedy which...
Identity in TV Series 'Superstore'
Identity in TV Series 'Superstore'
Ana Krajina
This thesis deals with the analysis of the construction of identity of two selected characters of the American sitcom ‘Superstore’. The aim is to analyze the factors that contribute to identity formation in a multi-cultural workplace. The theoretical part provides previous research done on the topic of identity with an emphasis on the intersectional approach which is used to analyze crossing of racial, gender, and class aspects of identity. The practical part refers to the examples from...
Identity in Z Z Packer's Drinking Coffee Elsewhere
Identity in Z Z Packer's Drinking Coffee Elsewhere
Anja Glavinić
From ancient history onwards, the concept of identity was a subject of debate in many intellectual circles. Stemming from the philosophical thinkings of the Greeks, the notion of identity found its way into many other scholarly disciplines, as well as literature and finally, popular culture. This thesis aimed to deepen the understanding of identity, especially with regard to Z Z Packer's esteemed collection of short stories entitled Drinking Coffee Elsewhere (2003). Based on the method of...
Identità linguistica e sociale degli studenti nelle Marche
Identità linguistica e sociale degli studenti nelle Marche
Karla Galešić
La ricerca sociolinguistica condotta ai fini della presente tesi ha come obbiettivo principale quello di indagare l’identità e sociale degli studenti nelle Marche. La ricerca si basa su un questionario che ciascuno degli informanti ha affrontato individualmente. I dati raccolti forniscono informazioni sulla competenza linguistica degli informanti e sulle loro strategie comunicative; si cerca, inoltre, di interpretare gli atteggiamenti linguistici degli informanti nei confronti dei...
Identità, doppia appartenenza, alterità ed esilio – la Dalmazia di Enzo Bettiza
Identità, doppia appartenenza, alterità ed esilio – la Dalmazia di Enzo Bettiza
Barbara Jeftoski
Questa tesi si occupa del romanzo autobiografico l’Esilio di Enzo Bettiza. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di rappresentare i vari discorsi riprodotti dall'autore stesso scrivendo della sua infanzia e giovinezza trascorsa in Dalmazia. Il tema fondamentale è la questione dell'identità dell'autore, che si intreccia con la sua doppia appartenenza e alterità. I discorsi che sono stati analizzati sono il discorso degli scrittori esiliati e il discorso orientalistico e balcanico....
Identität in Nikolaus Lenaus „Ahasver, der ewige Jude“
Identität in Nikolaus Lenaus „Ahasver, der ewige Jude“
Leana Jurica
Nikolas Lenau war ein österreichischer Poet und Schriftsteller. Er hat das Gedicht „Ahasver, der ewige Jude“ geschrieben. Seine Lyrik war melancholisch und pessimistisch wie sein Leben. Er hat seine persönlichen Probleme in seinen Werken übergetragen. Seine psychische Lage war ähnlich wie Ahasvers. An diesem Gedicht hat er vier Jahre geschrieben. Der Begriff „ewige Jude“ stammt aus dem 17. Jahrhundert und später ist dieser Begriff als Ahasver bekannt. Ahasver bedeutet noch...
Identitätssuchende Figuren in den Romanen von Monika Maron und Arno Geiger
Identitätssuchende Figuren in den Romanen von Monika Maron und Arno Geiger
Ema Lacković Drpić
Rosalind Polkowski in Monika Marons Roman Stille Zeile Sechs (1991) und Ingrid und Philipp Erlach in Arno Geigers Roman Es geht uns gut (2005) sind auf der Suche nach ihrer wahren Identität. Die beiden Autoren, die deutsche Schriftstellerin Monika Maron (geb. 1941) und der österreichische Schriftsteller Arno Geiger (geb. 1968) beschäftigen sich in ihren Werken mit den Konflikten, deren Träger die deutschsprachige Geschichte bis 1945 (Nationalsozialismus, Anschluss Österreichs,...
Ideological state apparatusses in Brian Moore's The Emperor of Ice-cream and The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne
Ideological state apparatusses in Brian Moore's The Emperor of Ice-cream and The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne
Tea Bolonja
The purpose of this paper is to give a representation of what L. Althusser calls ‘ideological state apparatuses’ based on the analysis of two novels by Northern Irish writer Brian Moore, The Emperor of Ice-cream and The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne. Family, school and the Church are strong social forces that influence and shape individuals on a daily basis. That is particularly visible in Ireland where for much of the 20th century the Catholic Church had an extremely important role in...
Ideology in Donald Trump's Discourse (A Critical Discourse Analysis: van Dijk's Perspective)
Ideology in Donald Trump's Discourse (A Critical Discourse Analysis: van Dijk's Perspective)
Katarina Anđelković
This paper explores the ideological political discourse of Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign in the United States of America. The theoretical framework for analysis is built from within the area of critical discourse analysis with an emphasis on language and the perspective used is that of Teun van Dijk. The categories that are analyzed are those of syntax and style, meaning and rhetoric. The issues that are explored are Donald Trump’s ideological viewpoints in which the...
Ideološke razlike pravaša u Banskoj Hrvatskoj, Dalmaciji i Istri do nastanka Države SHS
Ideološke razlike pravaša u Banskoj Hrvatskoj, Dalmaciji i Istri do nastanka Države SHS
Mario Ramljak
Cilj ovog rada prikazati je ideološke razlike unutar pravaških skupina u Banskoj Hrvatskoj, Dalmaciji i Istri do nastanka države SHS. Politička situacija u Banskoj Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji sve do povratka ustavnosti 1860. godine i nije baš dobra te su prisutne dvije grupacije: Narodna i Unionistička. Godinu dana kasnije u takvom ozračju javlja se Stranka prava koju su osnovali dr. Ante Starčević i Eugen Kvaternik. Pravaštvo kao političko ideološki pokret počeo se razvijati 50-ih...
Idiomatic expressions with body parts in English and French
Idiomatic expressions with body parts in English and French
Silvia Popić
This final paper focuses on the analysis of idiomatic expressions with body parts in English and French with an emphasis on the translation. Since the two languages have been historically related and greatly influenced one by another, the aim is to present how their lexical and syntactic similarities are visible in figurative language i.e. in the expressions with parts of the body. The first part of this work provides general terminology concerning phraseology and idioms and explains...
Idioms in the Framework of Construction Grammar
Idioms in the Framework of Construction Grammar
Josipa Bradarić
In this final paper, the concepts of idioms, Construction Grammar, construction and constructional idiom have been presented and supported by various examples. Firstly, idioms are sequences of words whose meaning cannot be predicted from the meaning of its semantic constituents. Secondly, Construction Grammar is a grammatical framework which explores language and grammatical knowledge in forms of constructions. Constructions are pairings of form and semantic or discourse function present at...
