Title Grčko-helenistička kamena plastika u Dalmaciji
Title (english) Greco-hellenistic stone sculptures in Dalmatia
Author Noemi Monteduro
Mentor Igor Borzić (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Maršić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Borzić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvia Bekavac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology Ancient Archeology
Abstract Hrvatska je oduvijek bila zemlja bogata arheološkom baštinom. Ne može se reći sa
sigurnošću iz kojeg perioda posjedujemo najviše nalaza, ali može se reći kako iz perioda
grčke kolonizacije Jadrana imamo manje nalaza u odnosu na nalaze iz razdoblja kolonizacije
Rimljana. Na području današnjeg Visa, Hvara, Solina i Trogira pronađeno je najviše kamene
plastike inspirirano grčkom kulturom. Ovim nalazima najviše su se bavili N. Cambi, B.
Kirigin i B. Gabričević čiji su se radovi najviše koristili pri pisanju ovoga rada.
Grčko-helenistička kamena plastika na području kopnene Hrvatske još nije pronađena, što je
i logično jer su se svi trgovački putovi koji se vežu za Grke odvijali morskim putem, odnosno
preko Jadranskog mora. Taj period u kojemu Grci započinju s plovidbom na ovo područje
počeo je u relativno ranom razdoblju VII. i VI. st. prije Krista. Svoj su utjecaj u početku širili
neizravno, kasnije su nastajale učestalije infiltracije koje su naposljetku rezultirale
kolonizacijom Visa i Hvara početkom IV. st. prije Krista. Nalaza inspiriranih grčkom
kulturom iz perioda prije kolonizacije pronađeno je tek par komada (autohtoni elementi s vrlo
malo grčkih), dok je nalaza iz perioda za vrijeme i poslije kolonizacije pronađeno mnoštvo
(prevladavaju grčki elementi, ali se polako javljaju i italski).
Najviše artefakata je pronađeno na otoku Visu na kojem su najzastupljeniji obiteljski
nadgrobni spomenici (stele), a rjeđe artefakti kultnog karaktera. Budući da je potvrđeno da su
na Visu postojale lokalne radionice kamene plastike (postoji mogućnost kamenoloma), nije
čudno da je gustoća nalaza najveća na ovome otoku. Nakon Visa najviše je artefakata
pronađeno na Hvaru gdje je zastupljenost kamene plastike funeralnog i kultnog karaktera
podjednaka, te Trogiru i Solinu u kojima su zastupljeniji artefakti kultnog karaktera. Većina
ovih nalaza se danas čuva u Arheološkom muzeju u Splitu.
Abstract (english) Croatia has always been a country with a rich cultural heritage. We cannot say with certainty,
from which period is the most of the findings, but we can state that the findings from the
period of Greek colonisation of Adriatic are less found than the ones from the period of
Roman colonisation. Areas, today known as Vis, Hvar, Solin and Trogir, are the ones with
most findings of carved stone inspired by the Greek culture. These findings were mostly
researched by N. Cambi, B. Kirigin and B. Gabričević whose works were mostly used in this
Greeko-helenistic stone carvings on the territory of continental Croatia have not yet been
found. That is logical because all trading routes connected with Greece were held by the
Adriatic sea. Period in which the Greeks strarted with sailing to this area, started in relatively
early times of VII. and VI. century B. C. Their influence, at the beginning was indirect, later
the infiltrations were more frequent, which resulted with colonisation of Vis and Hvar at the
beginning of IV. century B. C. Findings that were inspired by the Greek culture, found before
the colonisation are rare (autochthonous elements with very little of Greek). From the period
during and after the colonisation myriad of artifacts were found (Greek elements prevail, but
there were also Italic).
Most of artifacts were found on the island Vis, where the most common were family
tombstones (stelae), and less common were artifacts of religious character. Because it was
confirmed that on Vis were present local stonecarving workshops (with a possibility of
quarries), it is not strange that the largest density of artifacts is exactly on this island. After
Vis, the most artifacts were found on Hvar, where the representation of stone carvings of
funeral and religious character is equal. Artifacts found in Trogir and Solin are mostly of
religious character. Most of these findings are today placed in Archelogical museum in Split.
kamena plastika u Dalmaciji
nalazi inspirirani grčkom kulturom
Arheološki muzej Split
radionice kamene plastike
kolonizacija Visa
kolonizacija Hvara
nalazi kultnog karaktera
Keywords (english)
Stone carving in Dalmatia
artifacts inspired by the Greek culture
Archeological museum Split
stone carving workshops
colonisation of Vis
colonisation of Hvar
discoveries of iconic character
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:122668
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-09-29 08:34:37