
Colonial discourse in Joseph Conrad's Novels
Colonial discourse in Joseph Conrad's Novels
Ante Vukičević
In this paper, the author highlights the analysis of the works of Joseph Conrad and to see how they were written in relation to colonial discourse and in what measure did Conrad support or oppose processes of colonialism and imperialism through his works, and through his personal life. Firstly, his early life when Conrad worked as a sailor is explained. Then, the state in Europe and the world in Conrad’s time is stated. After that, the paper looks on certain criticism directed at Joseph...
Color Expressions in English and Croatian
Color Expressions in English and Croatian
Antonia Bašić
This paper deals with the expressions in English and Croatia that contain one of the following colors: black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, pink, brown, purple and grey. The same expressions in two languages are compared and the degree of their equivalence is established. The first part of the paper is concerned with color studies and theory according to Berlin & Kay, Eleanor Rosch, and Debi Roberson who studied colors from the universal aspect. The second part of the paper is focused...
Comic Representation of Grotesque Bodies Through Disgust
Comic Representation of Grotesque Bodies Through Disgust
Jelena Čale
There is a certain peculiarity, and especially when they are all merged, about the notions of comedy, grotesque bodies and disgust as they are undoubtedly one of the extensively researched and yet obscured realms of both interest and necessity. The intention of this paper is upon the examination of a body of literature on comic representation of grotesque bodies through disgust to reach the objectives laid down in form of research questions that are to be analysed. The reflected research...
Communicative Competence in the Context of Communicative Laguage Teaching with Emphasis on English in Croatia
Communicative Competence in the Context of Communicative Laguage Teaching with Emphasis on English in Croatia
Ivana Skračić
This final thesis paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter provides an introduction and outlines the main topics of the paper and they are: communicative competence, communicative language teaching and position of the English language in the Croatian educational system and in everyday communication of the Croatian people. The second chapter deals with the communicative competence theory and provides a description of its structure. The main topics of the third chapter are: the...
Comparative Analysis of PUs with Proper Names in English and Russian
Comparative Analysis of PUs with Proper Names in English and Russian
Veronika Danilović
The topic of this master’s thesis is comparison of English and Russian phraseological units containing proper names. The corpus of 76 English PUs is taken from the English- Russian/Russian-English Dictionary of Idioms. Each PU was then found a Russian equivalent, if possible, and each PU was analysed with regards to its meaning, etymology, syntactic structure, etc. The main goals of this thesis are to find out what degree of equivalence is most common within the corpus, as well as which...
Comparative analysis of English and Russian sound systems
Comparative analysis of English and Russian sound systems
Veronika Danilović
The aim of this BA thesis was to compare English and Russian sound systems, side by side, while indicating their similarities as well as pointing out their differences. Firstly, vowels from both languages were compared and categorized. Moreover, reduction, a fundamental process which occurs in both languages in different ways, was described. Secondly, consonants were divided depending on their qualities and differences according to the voicing, manner of articulation and place of...
Comparative analysis of PUs with food constituent in English and Italian
Comparative analysis of PUs with food constituent in English and Italian
Antonija Milardović
This thesis argues special branch of linguistics, relatively recently emerged, phraseology. The focus is on phraseological units and their descriptive and comparative analysis. The thesis aims to conduct the research in order to demonstrate how one constituent (in this particular case: the food constituent) of PU is represented in one language (English) and how in the other (Italian). The research consists firstly of compiling the theoretical framework, which includes a definition of some...
Comparison of English and Italian PUs containing designations of parts of the body
Comparison of English and Italian PUs containing designations of parts of the body
Maja Žunić
The main topic of this thesis is the comparison of English and Italian in terms of phraseological units that each language uses regularly. The idioms that appear in the analysis belong to a specific group of PUs: those which contain designations of parts of the body. The first part of the paper is divided into a few sections and it provides an insight into some of the theoretical concepts related to phraseology as a field of study. The next part deals with the contrastive analysis of PUs in...
Comparison of somatic PUs in English and Croatian
Comparison of somatic PUs in English and Croatian
Marta Mikac
The theme and the main task of this research was the comparison and structural analysis of somatic PUs. Somatic PUs, as well as PUs in general are very common in everyday speech and literature as well. Through this paper one can learn what types of somatic PUs are possible according to the principles of structural analysis and how PUs can be classified both in Croatian and English. Additionally, through this classification one can get an insight into which types of PUs are the most common in...
Competencias requeridas para aprobar el examen de traductor en la UE
Competencias requeridas para aprobar el examen de traductor en la UE
Tamara-Bjanka Vranješević
El trabajo pretende analizar las competencias necesarias para el trabajo de traducción dentro de la Unión Europea. Basándonos en textos elegidos de prensa española relevante y el artículo que sirve como modelo de examen de traducción en la página web oficial de la Unión Europea vamos a demostrar cuáles son las competencias que un candidato debe tener para aprobar el examen/la convocatoria, y con éxito llevar a cabo el trabajo de traducción de la UE. Los textos son traducidos del...
Compounds in Shakespeare's King Lear
Compounds in Shakespeare's King Lear
Manuela Živoder
This final paper deals with compounds that William Shakespeare used in his tragedy King Lear. Compounds are binary structures and they display head-modifier relationship, also unlike phrases, compounds tend to have their stress located on the left-hand member. English compounds can be divided into several groups: compound nouns, compound adjectives, compound verbs and phrasal compounds. Shakespeare mostly used compound adjectives or epithets in order to describe mental or physical features...
