Sažetak | Oduvijek se naglašava važnost prehrane i poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora koji se konstantno suočava s različitim izazovima i rizicima, a jedan je od njih pandemija virusa COVID-19. Naime, ovaj je virus vrlo specifičan i jedinstven jer se ne može usporediti niti s jednom bolešću koja je do sada postojala. Pandemija virusa COVID-19 u velikoj se mjeri odrazila na ljudima, ali i poslovnim subjektima, a njen je početak zabilježen 2020. godine. Od onda pa do danas promijenili su se životi ljudi, ali i poslovanja poduzeća, uključujući i one iz prehrambenog sektora. Uslijed pandemije COVID-19 nastupale su mnogobrojne mjere koje obuhvaćaju izolaciju ljudi, zatvaranje granica zemalja i onemogućavanje putovanja. Posljedice pandemije vidljive su i u poljoprivredno-prehrambenom sektoru koji je bio ugrožen zbog nemogućnosti slobodnog kretanja robe, usluga i ljudi što je za posljedicu imalo nestašicu hrane, porast cijena poljoprivrednih i prehrambenih proizvoda te smanjenje prihoda poduzetnika. Iako je zabilježen pad prihoda i dobiti poduzeća iz prehrambene industrije tijekom prvih mjeseci pandemije, neminovan je i vrlo brz oporavak do razina na kojima je bio prije pandemije. U ovome su se diplomskome radu prikazali utjecaji pandemije na rezultate ostvarene u poljoprivredno-prehrambenom sektoru te je evidentan nagli pad istih tijekom prvih mjeseci pandemije, ali, isto tako, i brz oporavak do razina na kojima je bio prije pandemije. Također, proizvodnja netrajnih dobara ostvarila je bolje rezultate od proizvodnje trajnih dobara, a strogost mjera za suzbijanje zaraze bila je viša na vrhuncu pandemije nakon čega su iste mjere, naravno, popustile. Ukoliko se promotre ostvareni poslovni rezultati deset najvećih hrvatskih prehrambenih tvrtki, vidljivi su različiti utjecaji pandemije COVID-19 na iste. Dok na neke nije imala nikakvog utjecaja, na neke je tvrtke pandemija COVID-19 uzrokovala mnoštvo poremećaja u vidu poslovnih prihoda i neto dobiti, ali i financijskih pokazatelja poslovanja. Iako se pokazalo da je iskustvo u poslovanju veoma važno za suočavanje s krizama kao što je kriza izazvana pandemijom COVID-19, ni to nije dovoljno ukoliko tvrtka nema dovoljno dobru i kvalitetnu poslovnu strategije te ukoliko konstantno ne kontrolira vlastite rezultate kao i rezultate svojih konkurenata. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The importance of nutrition and the agri-food sector, which is constantly facing various challenges and risks, one of which is the COVID-19 virus pandemic, has always been emphasized. Namely, this virus is very specific and unique because it cannot be compared to any disease that has existed so far. The pandemic of the COVID-19 virus had a great impact on people, but also on businesses, and its beginning was recorded in 2020. From then until today, people's lives have changed, but also the business of companies, including those from the food sector. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been numerous measures that include isolating people, closing country borders and preventing travel. The consequences of the pandemic are also visible in the agricultural and food sector, which was threatened due to the impossibility of free movement of goods, services and people, which resulted in a food shortage, an increase in the prices of agricultural and food products, and a decrease in the income of entrepreneurs. Although there was a decline in the income and profits of companies from the food industry during the first months of the pandemic, a very quick recovery to the levels they were at before the pandemic is inevitable. In this thesis, the effects of the pandemic on the results achieved in the agricultural and food sector were presented, and a sudden drop in them during the first months of the pandemic, but also a quick recovery to the levels that were before the pandemic, are evident. Also, the production of non-durable goods achieved better results than the production of durable goods, and the strictness of the measures to suppress the infection was higher at the peak of the pandemic, after which the same measures were, of course, relaxed. If you look at the business results of the ten largest Croatian food companies, the different impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on them are visible. While it had no impact on some companies, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a lot of disruptions in the form of business income and net profit, as well as financial indicators of operations. Although it has been shown that experience in business is very important for dealing with crises such as the crisis what caused COVID-19 pandemic, even that is not enough if the company does not have a sufficiently good and high-quality business strategy and if it does not constantly control its own results as well as the results of its competitors. |