
Children with ‘plastic’ brains: A critical Overview of Halpern’s approach of How Children Learn Their Mother Tongue
Children with ‘plastic’ brains: A critical Overview of Halpern’s approach of How Children Learn Their Mother Tongue
Veronika Pintarec
This study gives a critical overview on Halpern’s approach on how children acquire their mother tongue. The validity of Halpern’s approach has been tested and a comparison with Universal Grammar by Chomsky has been made. The validity of Halpern’s approach has been tested out using a set of criteria found in the existing literature. The comparison includes firstly elaborating arguments for and against both Halpern’s approach and Universal Grammar, as well as drawing conclusions based...
Children's Language Acquisition: the Case of Feral Children
Children's Language Acquisition: the Case of Feral Children
Petra Šimunović
The main focus of this paper is to provide an overview of theories and hypotheses that are related with children’s language acquisition, i.e. the process of primary language acquisition, and to connect them with feral children that have been born or brought up in isolation, without any contact with human language. Since children’s language acquisition has not been fully investigated till the present days, the main goal of this paper is to familiarize the reader with theories that explain...
Christian Symbolism in The Chronicles of Narnia
Christian Symbolism in The Chronicles of Narnia
Mateja Butorac
The main goal of this paper is to provide the analysis of Christian symbolisms found in The Chronicles of Narnia series. The paper begins by explaining the importance of works such as Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia for the understanding of Christianity. The second chapter introduces Christian fiction, defining the rules under which said genre operates as well as studying its progression through the centuries. The third chapter discusses C. S. Lewis’ life, portraying his road to...
Christianity, Music and Shakespeare
Christianity, Music and Shakespeare
Laura Brachova
This final paper focuses on Shakespeare in connection with Christianity and music. Firstly, information on Renaissance music in England is given, and then the characteristics of the Renaissance musical forms and their use in English Renaissance theatres are explained. Furthermore, Shakespeare's knowledge of music and its incorporation into his plays is discussed. Secondly, the thesis provides information on Christian beliefs and the perception of God in Humanism and Renaissance, and...
Christopher Nolan's postmodernism
Christopher Nolan's postmodernism
Martina Vučković
This master’s thesis deals with the filmography of Christopher Nolan and his style, and it analyses in detail three of his films: Memento (2000), The Prestige (2006) and Inception (2010). The first chapter focuses on Christopher Nolan’s film style, i.e., it explains the most common techniques he uses, such as nonlinear narration, playing with reality and dreams and his eagerness to include viewers in the cinematic experience. Furthermore, it explains why Nolan is considered to be a...
Cijepljenje autohtonih sorti masline na podlogu 'Oblica' na lokaciji Polača
Cijepljenje autohtonih sorti masline na podlogu 'Oblica' na lokaciji Polača
Ante Pešut
Maslina je vodeća mediteranska vrsta koja ima preko 1000 opisanih sorata (Bulimbašić, 2011). Preko 60 % masline u Hrvatskoj je sorta oblica, koja u nekim uvjetima ne daje zadovoljavajući prinos te se javlja potreba za uvođenje novih sorata masline. U tim uvjetima najbolji način jest precijepljivanje postojećih stabala. Cijepljenje je vegetativni način razmnožavanja koji je u voćarstvu poznat od antike. Poljski pokus za istraživanje postavljen je 2016. godine koristeći podlogu...
Cijepljenje u djece - stavovi ispitanika Zadarske županije
Cijepljenje u djece - stavovi ispitanika Zadarske županije
Marija Vidaić
Uvod: Cijepljenje ili aktivna imunizacija spada u najveća dostignuća medicinske znanosti. Važna je mjera prevencije zaraznih bolesti. Davanjem određenog antigena postiže se stvaranje specifične imunosti, koja štiti primaoca od određene zarazne bolesti. Osim pozitivnog utjecaja na zdravlje, ima utjecaj i na socioekonomski status pojedinca i zajednice. Cilj: Istražiti stavove ispitanika mladih roditelja o cijepljenju vlastite djece te ih usporediti sa stavovima ispitanika njihovih...
Cinema of Peter Jackson
Cinema of Peter Jackson
Ana Žuvela
The subject of ths paper is the career of one of the most successful film directors of the 21st century – Peter Jackson. Jackson's opus can be divided into three phases (horror, fantasy/adventure and other) which are elaborated in the latter parts of the paper by analysing films that represent a specific category. The paper deals with the analysis of the following films: Bad Taste (1987), The Frighteners (1996), Heavenly Creatures (1994) and The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-2003). This...
Cinematic Representations of Madness
Cinematic Representations of Madness
Josipa Sabo
Film is an emotionally charged art form which has the power to influence viewers’ emotions. Since madness is a product of the human psyche, the interest of the audience in this particular topic spiked a great deal of cinematic representations of madness. Ever since The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919), the film industry has grown accustomed to representing madness as something less than human and the madman as someone who is violent, murderous and bestial. The images of madness analysed in...
Ante Kasalo
U ovom radu je opisan Cionizam kao nacionalni i politički pokret koji je doveo do osnutka države Izrael. Rad je koncipiran tako da se prati razvoj cionističke ideje kroz modernu povijest, sa židovskom poviješću u tom trenutku. U radu su opisani motivi koji su doveli do stvaranja ovog pokreta, te marginalizacija židovskog stanovništva u tadašnjoj Europi. Spominju se prve cionističke organizacije, njihovi tvorci i njihov utjecaj i djelovanje na tadašnje židovsko društvo. Zasebno...
Citatnost kao postupak izgradnje ženskog identiteta u djelima Slavenke Drakulić i Irene Vrkljan
Citatnost kao postupak izgradnje ženskog identiteta u djelima Slavenke Drakulić i Irene Vrkljan
Tea Škiljo
Središte ovoga istraživanja zauzima prikaz citatnih postupaka pomoću kojih je konstruiran književni identitet ženskih likova u razdoblju druge polovice 20. i početka 21. stoljeća. Analiza se provela na djelima autorica Slavenke Drakulić i Irene Vrkljan pri čemu su odabrani romani Mileva Einstein, teorija tuge (2016) te Marina ili o biografiji (1986). U prvome poglavlju rada definirani su pojmovi lika, tipa i karaktera od antike pa sve do modernijih vremena na temelju nekoliko...
Cjelovita skrb trudnica s gestacijskim dijabetesom
Cjelovita skrb trudnica s gestacijskim dijabetesom
Antea Simunić
Gestacijski dijabetes, odnosno dijabetes koji se prvi put dijagnosticira kod žena tijekom trudnoće, trenutno je najčešći metabolički poremećaj kod trudnica. Najčešće se javlja u drugom tromjesečju trudnoće i to kao direktna posljedica inzulinske rezistencije, čiji nastanak potenciraju hormoni prisutni u trudnoći, a koje stvara posteljica. Inzulinska rezistencija predstavlja poremećaj metabolizma glukoze kada dolazi do slabljenja perifernog učinka inzulina čija je glavna...
