Sažetak | Uvod: Šumska pedagogija je disciplina koja spaja znanja o šumskim ekosustavima sa odgojnoobrazovnim radom u prirodi.Temelji se na : osjetilnom promatranju prirode, upoznavanju ljudi sa životom prirode i njenim specifičnostima, stjecanju znanja pomoću iskustva prilikom učenja u prirodi te na razvoju svih aspekata ljudske osobnosti. Pridonosi i razvoju motoričkih sposobnosti i vještina u koje ubrajamo: brzinu, ravnotežu, preciznost, koordinaciju, snalažljivost, samostalnost i orijentaciju u prirodi. U ovom diplomskom radu je provedeno istraživanje, a cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi postoje li razlike u stavovima učitelja i roditelja o mogućnostima primjene kinezioloških sadržaja u okviru šumske pedagogije među učenicima u primarnom obrazovanju. Također, sekundarni cilj je bio utvrditi postoje li značajne razlike među ispitanicima s obzirom na dob samih ispitanika. Metode : U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 130 sudionika od kojih je 65 učitelja koji rade u primarnom obrazovanju i 65 roditelja čija djeca pohađaju primarno obrazovanje. Tijekom istraživanja obuhvaćene su 4 županije u Republici Hrvatskoj: Zadarska županija, Grad Zagreb, Splitsko-dalmatinska županija i Osječko-baranjska županija. Za potrebe istraživanja konstruiran je anketni upitnik. Upitnik sadrži 21 pitanje kojim se ispituje stupanj slaganja s postavljenom tvrdnjom. U upitniku je korištena Likertova skala procjene od 5 stupnjeva. Tijekom obrade podataka izračunati su osnovni deskriptivni parametri za sve varijable ispitanika za subuzorak učitelja i subuzorak roditelja odvojeno, a zatim su pomoću MannWhitney U testa izračunaterazlike u stavovima i mišljenjima između učitelja i roditelja te mlađih i starijih ispitanika. Dobiveni rezultati su obrađeni u programu Statistika for Windows 13. Rezultati : Nakon provedenog istraživanja utvrđeno je da nema značajnih razlika u stavovima između učitelja i roditelja. Također, utvrđeno je i da nema razlike među ispitanicima s obzirom na dob samih ispitanika. Svi ispitanici imaju pozitivne stavove o primjeni kineziološkog sadržaja u okviru šumske pedagogije. Zaključak: Nakon analize rezultata utvrđeno je da su učitelji i roditelji koji su mlađi i stariji od 35 godina svjesni važnosti kineziologije i boravka na čistom šumskom zraku jer su njihova mišljenja o ovoj temi bila izrazito pozitivna. Ukoliko su ljudi spremni proučavati prirodu, otkrivati i uživati u njenom skrivenom sadržaju, priroda će postati sastavni dio njihova života u kojem će s ljubavlju boraviti i primjenjivati tjelesne aktivnosti. Na ovaj način će život učiniti ljepšim, bogatijim i ono najbitnije zdravijim |
Sažetak (engleski) | Introduction: Forest pedagogy is a discipline that combines knowledge of forest ecosystems with educational work in nature. It is based on: sensory observation of nature, familiarizing people with the life of nature and its specificities, acquiring knowledge through experience while learning in nature, and on the development of all aspects of human personality. It also contributes to the development of motor skills and skills, which include: speed, balance, precision, coordination, resourcefulness, independence and orientation in nature. In this master thesis, research was conducted, and the aim of the research was to determine whether there are differences in the views of teachers and parents about the possibilities of applying kinesiology content within Forest Pedagogy among students in primary education. Also, the secondary aim was to determine whether there are significant differences between the respondents with regard to the age of the respondents themselves. Methods: 130 participant participated in this research, 65 of them were teachers working in primary education and 65 were parents whose children attended primary education. During the research, 4 counties in the Republic of Croatia were covered: Zadar County, City of Zagreb, Split-Dalmatia County and Osijek-Baranja County. A questionnaire was constructed for the purposes of the research. The questionnaire contains 21 questions and consists of 4 independent and 17 dependent variables. A 5-point Likert rating scale was used in the questionnaire. During data processing, basic descriptive parameters are calculated for all respondent variables for the subsample of teachers and the subsample of parents separately, and then differences in attitudes and opinions between teachers and parents and younger and older respondents are calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test. The obtained results were processed in theprogram Statistics for Windows 13. Results : After the research, it was determined that there are no significant differences in attitudes between teachers and parents. Also, it was determined that there is no difference between the respondents regarding the age of the respondents themselves. All respondents have positive views on the application of kinesiology content within Forest Pedagogy. Conclusion: After analyzing the results, it was determined that teachers and parents who are younger and older than 35 years are aware of the importance of kinesiology and staying in clean air because their opinions on this topic were extremely positive. If we are ready to study nature, discover and enjoy its hidden content, it will become an integral part of our life in which we will lovingly reside and apply physical activities. In this way, we will make life more beautiful, richer and, most importantly, healthier. |