Title Polisemija i sinonimija u financijskoj terminologiji hrvatskoga jezika
Title (english) Polysemy and synonymy in Croatian financial terminology
Author Maša Maradin
Mentor Barbara Vodanović (mentor) MBZ: 243364
Mentor Goran Schmidt (komentor) MBZ: 281221
Committee member Marija Omazić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 254741
Committee member Goran Schmidt (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 281221
Committee member Ana Ostroški Anić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 301344
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-10-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 811.163.42 - Croatian language
Abstract Temu disertacije čine dva glavna problema usustavljivanju terminologije – polisemija i sinonimija, kojima se u radu pristupa sa deskriptivnog, sociokognitivnog aspekta pošto su se načela tradicionalne terminologije pokazala nedostatnima za njihov opis. Rad je započet teorijskim okvirom unutar kojega su pronađeni modeli za daljnju obradu. Definiran je položaj jezika struke kao podskupa općega jezika, a ne kao njegove inačice, što podrazumijeva da jezik struke podliježe istim pravilima kao i
... More opći, uz dodatne karakteristike koje se odnose na posebnu domenu, govornike i komunikacijsku situaciju. Sociokulturna funkcija jezika očituje se u ovisnosti izbora termina o razini specijaliziranoga znanja govornika te o komunikacijskoj situaciji, što je u određenoj mjeri povezano i s ostvarenjem jezika struke u različitim funkcionalnim stilovima. Takvo viđenje specijaliziranoga diskursa bilo je podloga za istraživanje terminološke varijabilnosti ovisne o kontekstu. Istraživanje se temelji na vertikalnoj klasifikaciji jezika struke, pri čemu su se koristili tekstovi različite razine specijalizacije koji podrazumijevaju heterogenu skupnu govornika. Kao korpus za istraživanje su poslužili prijevodi tekstova financijske tematike. Provedena je terminološka obrada financijskoga nazivlja, pri čemu je ustanovljen velik broj anglicizama koji nemaju ekvivalenta u hrvatskom jeziku ili supostoje s domaćim ekvivalentom i time čine sinonimni par ili niz. Usporedbom frekvencije takvih sinonima u korpusima ustanovljeno je jesu li ovakva supostojanja opravdana ili je potrebno normirati nazive. Opravdanost sinonima očituje se u kognitivnoj motiviranosti njihova odabira u određenoj situaciji, što je vodilo odabiru sociokognitivne teorije u daljnjem proučavanju polisemije i sinonimije. Osim sinonimije, terminološkom obradom ustanovljeno je i postojanje polisemije u financijskoj terminologiji hrvatskoga jezika. Analizi polisemnih jedinica pristupa se s kognitivno-lingvističkoga aspekta utemeljenog na teoriji prototipa. Analizirane su strukture polisemnih jedinica općeg jezika, kao i strukture polisemnih jedinica jezika struke pri čemu se zamjećuju jednaki procesi koji dovode do polisemije, kao i jednaka struktura jedinica u općem jeziku i u jeziku struke. Različite značenjske nijanse aktualiziraju se u različitim kontekstima, što dokazuje višedimenzionalnost pojma i višeznačnost termina. Budući da polisemija predstavlja jedan od temeljnih prijevodnih problema, opisani su pokušaji njezina rješavanja u teoriji i praksi. Kognitivnolingvistički pristup potom je primijenjen na sinonimiju, pri čemu je u obzir uzeto govornikovo konstruiranje značenja koje se temelji na njegovom iskustvu i percepciji, zbog čega je i samo značenje podložno promjenama koje ovise o kontekstu. Na primjerima se pokazuje utječu li različite perspektive govornika, namjere priopćavanja i idealizirani kognitivni modeli na odabir određene terminološke varijante, što bi podrazumijevalo da je isti koncept moguće opisati sa različitih stajališta čak i ako taj koncept pripada domeni specijaliziranoga znanja. U drugom dijelu proučavanja sinonimije u terminologiji naglasak je stavljen na korpusnu analizu pri čemu se uočavaju procesi konceptualizacije na temelju kojih govornici odabiru određene terminološke i leksičke varijante i stavljaju ih u sinonimni odnos. Doprinos rada očituje se u naglasku na funkcionalnost i kognitivnu motiviranost polisemije i sinonimije u jeziku struke te u pristupanju tim fenomenima sa deskriptivnog, sociokognitivnog aspekta. Less
Abstract (english) This doctoral thesis is mainly concerned with the two phenomena that present the main problems to the attempts of terminology standardization – polysemy and synonymy, which are considered in the light of descriptive, sociocognitive aspect as traditional terminology principles turned out to be insufficient for their analysis. The thesis starts with theoretical framework that provided the author with the efficient models to be used in further analysis. Within the theoretical chapter, the
... More special language has been identified as the subset of the general language and not its variant. Such a position of the special language implies that it shares the rules with the general language, but has also additional specific characteristics referring to a special subject field, users and communicative situation. Sociocultural function of the language can be identified in the process of choosing a term that depends on the user's level of specialized knowledge and on the given communicative situation, which is also related with use of the special language in different functional styles. Such a perception of a special language has been the basis for the research of terminological variability depending on context. The research is based on vertical classification of a special language, whereby the author used a corpus of texts of various degrees of specialization which imply heterogeneity of users. Corpus of texts used for this research consists of translations belonging to financial subject field. Terminological analysis of Croatian financial terminology was carried out first, whereby a large amount of anglicisms was established. Most of them either do not have an equivalent term in Croatian or they co-exist with an equivalent Croatian term thus making a synonymous pair or even synonimous sequence. Frequency distribution of both or more coexisting terms was compared in the corpuses, which gave answer to whether the coexistence of those synonyms is justified or, on contrary, the terms should be standardized. Legitimacy of the coexistence of synonyms results from cognitive motivation underlying their choice in a specific situation, which gave rise to the application of sociocognitive theory in the further research. Apart from synonymy, terminological analysis also showed the existence of polysemy in Croatian financial terminology. The analysis of polysemous units was carried out from the aspect of cognitive linguistics, based on prototype theory. The author carried out the analysis of polysemous structure of lexemes belonging to general language and on terms belonging to special language, which resulted in observation that the processes causing polysemy and the structures of polysemous units in special language are equal to those in general language. Different contexts activate different aspects of meaning of a single notion, which proves pluridimensionality of notion and polysemy of term. Since polysemy presents one of the main threats to an accurate translation, attempts made to reduce it both in theory and in practice are presented in the last part of the chapter. Approach based on cognitive linguistics was afterwards applied to the examples of synonymy, taking into consideration user's construal of meaning which is based on his or her extralinguistic experience and perception which leads to semantic change, i.e. the context activates the existing aspect of meaning or causes the appearance of the new one. The examples show whether different perspectives of the users, their different intentions or different idealized cognitive models can influence the choice of a particular terminological variation, what would lead to the assumption that the same concept can be described from different points of view even though it belongs to the domain of specialized knowledge. The second part of the synonymy analysis put an accent to a corpus analysis which showed conceptualization processes based on which the users choose particular terminological and lexical variations and put them in a synonymous relationship. Contribution of this thesis lies in treatment of polysemy and synonymy as functional, cognitively-motivated characteristics of terminology, and in descriptive, sociocognitive aspect of the approach to their research. Less
financijska terminologija
sociokognitivni pristup
jezik struke
terminološke varijacije
teorija prototipa
Keywords (english)
financial terminology
sociocognitive approach
special language
terminological variations
prototype theory
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:465705
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-11-27 11:56:05