Engleske posuđenice u ruskom jeziku
Iva Lojić Izuzev riječi staroruskog, praslavenskog i indoeuropskog podrijetla, u ruskom jeziku nalazimo velik broj riječi engleskog podrijetla. U novije vrijeme, ti anglicizmi ušli su u ruski, kao i hrvatski jezik, putem masovnih medija, bilo televizije, interneta ili novina. Zbog djelatnosti poput brodogradnje, inženjeringa i zanata ruski jezik došao je u kontakt s nizozemskim i engleskim jezikom. Posuđenice danas nalazimo u području politike, ekonomije, financija, poduzetništva, tehnologije,...
Engleske posuđenice u učenikovu međujeziku
Nikolina Mesić Rad istražuje uporabu i razumijevanje engleskih riječi i izraza u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji učenika u osnovnoj školi u dvjema različitim društvenim sredinama. Anketnim upitnikom, sastavljenim za potrebe istraživanja, izvršena je analiza uporabe i razumijevanja engleskih riječi i izraza te hrvatsko-engleskih rečenica u učenikovu međujeziku. Polazna pretpostavka je da postoji razlika između samoprocjene i stvarnog razumijevanja engleskih riječi i izraza te hrvatsko-engleskih...
Engleski jezik između potrebe i pomodarstva
Anđela Orzes Rad se bavi istraživanjem potreba za učenjem i uporabom engleskog jezika u svakodnevnoj i profesionalnoj komunikaciji u različitim područjima ljudskog djelovanja na osobnoj i profesionalnoj razini. Anketnim upitnikom sastavljenim za potrebe istraživanja, izvršena je analiza potreba za učenjem i uporabom engleskog jezika u osobnoj i profesionalnoj komunikaciji. Polazi se od pretpostavke da je poznavanje i uporaba engleskog jezika u svakodnevnom životu, praćenju medija, profesionalnom...
Engleski jezik u virtualnoj komunikaciji mladih
Iva Živković Rad istražuje korištenje i razumijevanje engleskih riječi/izraza u virtualnoj komunikaciji mladih. U prvom, teorijskom dijelu rada razmatra se status engleskog kao globalnog jezika, jezika društvenih mreža, odnosno jezika virtualne komunikacije. Engleski se smatra globalno raširenim jezikom koji služi za komunikaciju između ljudi diljem svijeta. Kroz rad će se definirati uloga engleskog jezika u virtualnoj komunikaciji mladih. Uvodni dio objašnjava globalizaciju engleskog jezika i...
Englesko-hrvatski jezični dodiri u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji
Karlo Jurić Rad istražuje utjecaj engleskoga jezika na hrvatski jezik kroz različite medije, odnosno
sredstva komunikacije koji, upotrebom novih, neprilagođenih riječi engleskog podrijetla,
značajno utječju na svakodnevnu komunikaciju mladih u društvu.
Rad se temelji na istraživanju provedenom u dvije đakovačke srednje škole: Gimnazija A. G.
Matoš te Ekonomska škola Braća Radić. Za potrebe istraživanja sastavljen je anketni upitnik koji
sadrži englesko-hrvatske rečenice...
English Blends in the Television Domain
Anja Jurić This paper provides a corpus-based research on English blends in the television domain. On a sample of 49 English blends I calculated their observed and normalized frequency in the television domain and compared their frequency between 5 different genrescomedy, fantasy, action, horror and drama. After I got the results in which genre blends are the most common, I compared the frequency of blends between three different domainstelevision, blog and news. This paper gave an insight which domain...
English Element in Croatian Graffiti
David Sambunjak This paper presents an analysis of the Anglicisms found in 44 Croatian graffiti. First, all graffiti were presented together with pictures and English translations. Then, Anglicisms and pseudo-Anglicisms were isolated from the context of graffiti and, after the model has been determined, analyzed orthographically. Orthography of Anglicisms is formed in relation to orthography of the model, in relation to pronunciation of the model, or in relation to both model’s pronunciation and...
English Elements in Coffee Bar and Restaurant Names in Zadar (Analysis on the orthographic and morphological levels)
Lucija Matković Hodanić This diploma thesis offers an examination of language contact between English and Croatian through a study of English elements present in the names of coffee bars and restaurants in Zadar. The primary objective of this research was to identify and classify Anglicisms within these names, assessing their level of adaptation in terms of orthography and morphology using Filipović's methodology. The first section of the thesis provides a theoretical foundation, defining concepts of language...
English Pronunciation of Foreign Proper names
Ivana Pilipović Proper nouns are an integral and important part of one´s identity as they identify a person as a unique individual. However, the uniqueness of proper nouns does not lay in their meaning only, but also in the grammatical features they display in comparison to other types of nouns. One of the most peculiar one being their idiosyncratic pronunciation. This thesis examines the problems occurring when being confronted with the pronunciation of proper names of various foreign origins and why...
English abbreviations in aviation, aerospace and aeronautics: classification
Lucija Možek This thesis provides a linguistic analysis and classification of aviation abbreviations using a limited corpus of English aviation terms. The research covers 216 abbreviations that come from a few sources: Acronym Glossary by Federal Aviation Administration, List of Frequently Used EASA Abbreviations by European Union Aviation Safety Agency and All Aviation Abbreviation Dictionary issued by Flying in Europe Organization. The analysis of the collected abbreviations was carried out using a...
English as a Global Language
Ella Malenica The main focus of this BA Thesis paper is to explain the issue of English language being cited as a global one in today's society, due to the fact that it is one of the most spoken and widespread world languages which is accepted and used in many countries, not only as an official, but also as a second language. Furthermore, this paper focuses on the fact that English occurs as a language which is most frequently being used as lingua franca, or to be more precise as a language of...
English as a Lingua Franca Among Croatian Instagram Users
Ivana Čičmir This thesis provides an insight into the position of English as the dominant lingua franca from the perspective of Croatian public figures’ use of English on Instagram. The main aim of the conducted research was to examine, detect and indicate the main problems of Croatians’ use of English on social media, in this particular case, Instagram. The first part of the thesis is the theoretical background based on definitions of English as a lingua franca, explaining the reasons which...