Abstract | Androgena alopecija je nasljedni gubitak kose, ovisan o djelovanju androgena, te je najčešći oblik neožiljkaste alopecije. Sklonost alopeciji nasljeđuje se autosomno dominantno s različitom penetracijom gena, a osim naslijeđa, važan je utjecaj hormona. Estrogeni produljuju, a androgeni skraćuju trajanje anagene faze rasta dlake. Ciklus rasta dlake podijeljen je u tri faze: anagenu – fazu aktivnog rasta dlake, katagenu – involutivnu fazu i telogenu – fazu mirovanja rasta dlake. Kod androgene alopecije, trajanje anagene faze postupno se smanjuje sa svakim ciklusom, dok trajanje telogene faze raste. Androgena alopecija se može javiti u muškaraca i u žena, s različitom kliničkom slikom, te razlikujemo muški i ženski tip. Dijagnoza se primarno postavlja na temelju anamneze i kliničkog pregleda. Drugi dijagnostički testovi provode se u slučaju nejasne kliničke slike, te u svrhu diferencijalne dijagnostike. Za određivanje dijagnoze može se provoditi test povlačenja kose, trihoskopija, trihogram, fototrihogram, biopsija vlasišta i laboratorijski testovi. Terapija uključuje topičku primjenu prvenstveno minoksidila, finasterida, dutasterida te peroralnu primjenu minoksidila, finasterida i dutasterida, intralezionarnu primjenu dutasterida, plazme bogate trombocitima i mezoterapijskih preparata te transplantaciju kose, lasersku terapiju te na raznovrsne kozmetičke preparate i postupke. Uz simptomatsku terapiju, bolesniku je potrebno pružiti psihološku podršku. Važnost razumijevanja i liječenja androgene alopecije raste zbog estetskih razloga koje moderno društvo naglašava. Prorjeđivanje ili gubitak kose smatra se estetskim nedostatkom, koji značajno utječe na psihičko zdravlje i kvalitetu života osobe. U skrbi za bolesnike sa androgenom alopecijom sudjeluje multidisciplinarni tim, u kojem medicinska sestra ima važnu ulogu. |
Abstract (english) | Androgenic alopecia is the last hair loss, dependent on the action of androgens, and is the most common form of non-scarring alopecia. The tendency to alopecia is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with different gene penetration, and in addition to inheritance, the influence of hormones is important. Estrogens produce and androgens shorten the duration of the anagen phase of hair growth. The hair growth cycle is divided into three phases: anagen- the phase of active hair growth, catagen - the involution phase and telogen - the resting phase of hair growth. In androgenic alopecia, the duration of the anagen phase gradually decreases with each cycle, while the duration of the telogen phase increases. Androgenic alopecia can occur in men and women, with a different clinical picture, and we distinguish male and female types. The diagnosis is primarily based on history and clinical examination. Other diagnostic tests are performed in the case of an unclear clinical picture, and for the purpose of differential diagnosis. A hair pull test, trichoscopy, trichogram, phototrichogram, scalp biopsy and laboratory tests can be performed to determine the diagnosis. The therapy includes to topical application of minoxidil, finasteride, dutasteride mainly, and peroral application of minoxidil, finasteride and dutasteride, intralesional application of dutasteride, plasma rich in platelets and mesotherapy preparations as well as hair transplantation, laser therapy and various cosmetic preparations and procedures. Along with symptomatic therapy, the patient needs psychological support. The importance of understanding and treating this condition is increasing because of the aesthetic reasons that modern society emphasizes. Thinning or loss of hair is considered an aesthetic defect, which significantly affects a person's psychological health and quality of life. A multidisciplinary team works in the care of patients with androgenic alopecia, in which the nurse plays an important role. |