
Representation of Woman in Metal Subculture
Representation of Woman in Metal Subculture
Adriana Janković
This thesis is concerned with the problem of how women, with emphasis on their gender are represented in the world of metal subculture. Crucial cultural concepts such as representation, gender, sexual objectification, male-dominance, cultural identity and male gaze are connected with the wider topic of this thesis which is metal subculture. It is perceived as a special environment where its members’ cultural identities and mental concepts, according to Saussure’s theory, are formed under...
Representation of Women in Classical Hollywood: The Dumb Blonde, Femme Fatale and The Screwball Heroine
Representation of Women in Classical Hollywood: The Dumb Blonde, Femme Fatale and The Screwball Heroine
Katarina Smoljo
The Classical Hollywood Cinema stands as one of the most important periods in film history, during which films transitioned from silent to sound and developed distinctive visual and narrative styles of filmmaking. Similarly, the element of storytelling became a powerful tool in capturing viewers´ attention, as well as influencing their understanding and view of life and human relationships. Films from that era had specific ways of portraying different characters, especially those of women....
Representation of Women in Contemporary Hollywood Film: Chick Flicks - Trapped Between the Feminist and the Feminine
Representation of Women in Contemporary Hollywood Film: Chick Flicks - Trapped Between the Feminist and the Feminine
Petra Digula
The lucrative cinema business of the classical Hollywood brought up the emergence of a category called the woman’s film, recognizing an increased economic potential in creating a genre that would favor the affinities of the female cinemagoers of the time. It could be soon recognized that the woman’s film had similar characteristics of a genre today known under the name of chick flick. However, the transition from the woman’s film to chick flick was not a straightforward process....
Representation of Women in Films: „Psycho“ (1960), „The Silence of the Lambs“ (1991), „Titanic“ (1997) and „Skyfall“ (2012)
Representation of Women in Films: „Psycho“ (1960), „The Silence of the Lambs“ (1991), „Titanic“ (1997) and „Skyfall“ (2012)
Ana Žuvela
This thesis deals with the representation of women in the following films: Psycho (1960), The Silence of the Lambs (1991), Titanic (1997) and Skyfall (2012). After a thorough case study analyses of these films, the thesis attempts to determine if there are any differences in presenting women and men and whether the films in question strengthen or deny social stereotypes about women and women roles in films. Although the depiction of women in films has changed over time, if we think of...
Representation of black comic book superheroes
Representation of black comic book superheroes
Matej Mandek
Analysing popular culture can be presumed to be a trivial task, but under the surface, when all the aspects are considered, the topic reveals to be fairly complicated. This work will focus on the study of representation in relation to race, power and stereotyping that was primarily researched by Stuart Hall. It will be carried out on the basis of the two black comic book superheroes that appeared in the early stages of comic, The Black Panther and Brother Voodoo. The lenses through which...
Representation of gender and race in Jenji Kohan's Orange is the New Black
Representation of gender and race in Jenji Kohan's Orange is the New Black
Manuela Jović
Gender and race have been in the centre of many discussions between academics who oftentimes analysed how they are represented in media. Still, one group of people has not been researched enough, and that is incarcerated women who have not been accurately represented in the media through its history. The racial and gender stereotypes that are often used when depicitng the prison life of women resulted in further dehumanization and discrimination of incarcerated people. In an attempt to shed...
Representation of race in Harper Lee's “To Kill A Mockingbird”
Representation of race in Harper Lee's “To Kill A Mockingbird”
Lea Božić
Race and its representation in the media have been the center of attention among many scholars and academics. One aspect of race has often been stereotyped in media such as books, movies and TV shows and that is wrongful condemnation of black men and women to prison. Harper Lee’s novel To Kill A Mockingbird is one of many that focuses on such issues, but also conveys a message about empathy and its power to demine stereotypical beliefs. Through the analysis of some of the characters and...
Representation of race in Quentin Tarantino's films
Representation of race in Quentin Tarantino's films
Ela Igrec
Representations of race have been modified throughout the history as slavery was abolished and as many movements considering blacks' rights occurred. In the beginning, they were represented as submissive slaves who were thankful to have white masters to guide them. Later, their representation changed which produced many stereotypes. Blacks were mainly represented as unintelligent people whose only purpose was to guide white people or as persons engaged in some kind of criminal acts. The...
Representation of the Serial Killer in Alan Moore’s and Eddie Campbell’s “From Hell”
Representation of the Serial Killer in Alan Moore’s and Eddie Campbell’s “From Hell”
Dora Anđelković
The main focus of the research is directed at the analysis of the ways in which the author portrays the character of Sir William Whitey Gull, personal physician of Queen Victoria, as the notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper. Particular emphasis is put on the role of space in relation to the characterization and the motivation of the killer. This is primarily done by examining the function of the city of London as well as its historic landmarks in the process of creating the character of...
Representations of Contemporary Irish Diaspora in Emer Martin's More Bread or I'll Appear and Breakfast in Babylon
Representations of Contemporary Irish Diaspora in Emer Martin's More Bread or I'll Appear and Breakfast in Babylon
Anamaria Burčul
This paper examines the representations of contemporary Irish diaspora and life of Irish women emigrants in Emer Martin‟s novels More Bread or I‟ll Appear (2000) and Breakfast in Babylon (1995). This paper sets out to analyze how the protagonists oppose the traditional image of Irish society. Emer Martin intertwines different characters such as the homeless, transvestites, drug dealers and even a gay priest who all challenge the ideals of the society creating their own rules and norms....
Reprezentacija Dubrovnika kroz Igru prijestolja
Reprezentacija Dubrovnika kroz Igru prijestolja
Tanja Kalinić
Diplomski rad istražuje na koji je način Dubrovnik reprezentiran kroz popularnu seriju Igra prijestolja. Kombinacijm analize diskursa i promatranja sa sudjelovanjem, istraživanje otkriva na koji način je dubrovačka povijest predstavljena kroz organizirane ture Igre prijestolja. Istraživanje se bavi utjecajem snimanja serije na Dubrovnik te ispituje profesionalne turističke tematske obilaske koje posjetiteljima nude novu, dinamičnu i zabavnu dimenziju iskustva. Autorica istražuje...
Reprezentacija Požege i Požeške kotline u novelama Vilima Korajca i Josipa Eugena Tomića
Reprezentacija Požege i Požeške kotline u novelama Vilima Korajca i Josipa Eugena Tomića
Martina Crnković
Završni rad analizira reprezentaciju Požege i Požeške kotline u novelama Vilima Korajca i Josipa Eugena Tomića. Da bi se bolje utvrdile okolnosti u kojima se nalazila požeška književna scena, u radu se navode značajni požeški književnici koji su utjecali na razvoj požeške, ali i hrvatske književnosti 19. stoljeća. Glavni predmet istraživanja su novele „Šijaci“ Vilima Korajca i „Opančareva kći“ Josipa Eugena Tomića. Novele su bile najpogodnije štivo kojim se...
