
Analyse terminologique et phraseologique dans le domaine d'asile et d'immigration (textes legislatifs de l'UE)
Analyse terminologique et phraseologique dans le domaine d'asile et d'immigration (textes legislatifs de l'UE)
Ines Varaždinac
Le but de présente thèse de maîtrise est l'identification et l'analyse des unités terminologiques et phraséologiques dans des glossaires spécialisés concernant la politique de l'UE en matière d'immigration et d'asile. Le problème de l'identification des unités sous-mentionnées découle du fait qu'il n'y a pas de consensus sur les limites entre les syntagmes terminologiques et les unités phraséologiques. Le problème est encore aggravé par le manque d'accord sur la...
Analyse traductologique de deux nouvelles de Bernard Quiriny
Analyse traductologique de deux nouvelles de Bernard Quiriny
Matea Perković
Dans le présent mémoire de master, nous nous proposons d’effectuer une analyse traductologique des nouvelles La Mensongerie et Dans mon mur, écrites par l’auteur belge contemporain Bernard Quiriny et publiées dans son recueil de nouvelles fantastiques L’angoisse de la première phrase (2005). Après une brève présentation de l’auteur et de ses œuvres, nous nous penchons sur la traduction du titre de la nouvelle La Mensongerie. La suite de notre analyse s’appuie sur les sept...
Analysis and Evaluation of English High School textbooks
Analysis and Evaluation of English High School textbooks
Stana Marjančić
Various materials can be used in a classroom, but the one most frequently used is the textbook. Since there is no perfect textbook that would fulfill the needs of all teachers and learners, textbook evaluation has become an important practice in teaching. This paper deals with a micro and macro levels analysis, and evaluation of four English high school textbooks and a comparison of their similarities and differencies. For the purpose of this paper, an adapted version of Littlejohn's (2011)...
Analysis of Female Characters in Mary Lavin's Short Stories
Analysis of Female Characters in Mary Lavin's Short Stories
Marija-Lana Šojat
This final paper sets out to analyse female characters in a selection of Mary Lavin’s short stories. Usually set in a small suffocating community these narratives feature wives, mothers, daughters, widows, and various relationships these women have inside and outside the Irish family. The paper explores ways in which Lavin's women represent Irish womanhood in mid-twentieth-century Ireland.
Analysis of Male Protagonists in Edna O'Briens  The Country Girls Trilogy
Analysis of Male Protagonists in Edna O'Briens The Country Girls Trilogy
Neven Kliček
This paper analyses male characters in Edna O’Brien’s The Country Girls Trilogy in the light of Louis’ Althusser’s theory of Ideological State Apparatuses. It focuses on male protagonists, despite the fact that the two main characters are female, exactly because this kind of analysis is mostly absent from Edna O’Brien’s scholarship. The first chapter provides the social and political context of mid-century Ireland and the second one provides a general insight into O’Brien’s...
Analysis of Turkisms in West Herzegovinian dialect
Analysis of Turkisms in West Herzegovinian dialect
Katarina Miloloža
The main focus of this paper is on Turkisms present in Croatian language spoken in Western Herzegovina. In other words, the goal of this thesis is to provide an analysis of Turkisms based on the changes on the semantic level which happened during the process of language borrowing from Turkish into Croatian. Next to that, this work seeks to classify Turkisms into semantic fields, describe the changes and consequently divide them into groups according to the type of change. The corpus of...
Analysis of the Phraseological Units in The Shining by Stephen King
Analysis of the Phraseological Units in The Shining by Stephen King
Marija Merkaš
This master’s thesis deals with phraseological units that can be found in the novel The Shining written by Stephen King. To provide the basis for the analysis, the relevant theory is first presented. It outlines how phraseology came to be a separate linguistic field and highlights the characteristics of PUs. Different classifications of PUs are presented, focusing mostly on Fiedler’s classification and structural classification typical for Croatian phraseology as well. The corpus of PUs...
Analysis of violence in TV show “Narcos”
Analysis of violence in TV show “Narcos”
Lucija Medak
This thesis discusses the depiction of miscellaneous types of violence that occur in narconovelas, using the examples from the hit television series Narcos, which serves as a convenient illustration of a storyline replete with narco-terrorism in Colombia. In order to be able to determine how these examples support the bad image of Colombia, first it is necessary to establish specific definitions from the Marxist film theory for a better understanding. In addition to this, the paper will...
Analysis of vocabulary in Bernardine Evaristo’s The Emperor’s Babe
Analysis of vocabulary in Bernardine Evaristo’s The Emperor’s Babe
Doris Sušić
This thesis is focused on the analysis of vocabulary in the novel The Emperor’s Babe, by Bernardine Evaristo. Biographical facts about the author and the content of her novel-inverse are elaborated in the initial chapters. After that follows a chapter on Roman rule in Britain. The analysis of vocabulary is shown through following approaches: etymological and morphosyntactic within one chapter, and sociolinguistic within a separate chapter. In the etymological and morphosyntactic part the...
Anatomija bubrega i kirurško liječenje raka bubrega
Anatomija bubrega i kirurško liječenje raka bubrega
Iva Ljubičić
Bubreg je parni organ crvenkastosmeđe boje, prosječne duljine 10 cm, širine 5 cm i debljine 3 cm. Leži retroperitonealno u visini između dvanaestog prsnog i trećeg lumbalnog kralješka. Desni je niže pozicioniran radi anatomskog položaja jetre, dok lijevi leži bliže središnjoj liniji. Bubrezi se pomiču s pokretima ošita pri disanju. Na njemu leže nadbubrežne žlijezde (1). Na bubregu se nalaze dva ruba, lateralni koji je konveksan, a medijalni konveksan blizu krajeva i...
Anatomija mokraćnog mjehura i specifičnosti kirurškog liječenja raka mokraćnog mjehura
Anatomija mokraćnog mjehura i specifičnosti kirurškog liječenja raka mokraćnog mjehura
Jakov Vrančić
Mokraćni mjehur je subperitonealni mišićni organ koji služi kao rezervoar za urin. Nalazi se u donjem dijelu zdjelice kada je prazan, te se proteže do suprapubične regije kad je pun. Rastezljiv je, te tipično može držati do 500 mL urina a podupiru ga mišići zdjelične dijafragme i ligamenti koji se vezuju za vrat mjehura. S prednje strane mokraćnog mjehura nalazi se simfiza pubične kosti uz koju je dijelom fiksiran pubovezikalnim l igamentom u žena, puboprostatičnim ligamentom...
Anatomija prostate i specifičnosti kirurškog liječenja raka prostate
Anatomija prostate i specifičnosti kirurškog liječenja raka prostate
Doroteja Ražnjević
Prostata ili predstojna žlijezda dio je muškog spolnog sustava. Nalazi se iza preponske kosti te ispod mokraćnog mjehura, a ispred rektuma. Okružuje prostatični dio mokraćne cijevi, a kroz nju prolaze i ejakulatorni kanali koji se otvaraju u mokraćnu cijev. Rak prostate je najčešće dijagnosticirani rak kod muškaraca u razvijenim zemljama, te predstavlja drugi najčešći uzrok smrti od malignih oboljenja kod muškaraca. Najvažniji čimbenici koji utječu na pojavu su dob i...
