Title Anatomija mokraćnog mjehura i specifičnosti kirurškog liječenja raka mokraćnog mjehura
Title (english) Anatomy of a bladder and the specifics of surgical treatment of the bladder cancer
Author Jakov Vrančić
Mentor Tomislav Sorić (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Matek Sarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Sorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Gusar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-01-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Mokraćni mjehur je subperitonealni mišićni organ koji služi kao rezervoar za urin. Nalazi se u donjem dijelu zdjelice kada je prazan, te se proteže do suprapubične regije kad je pun. Rastezljiv je, te tipično može držati do 500 mL urina a podupiru ga mišići zdjelične dijafragme i ligamenti koji se vezuju za vrat mjehura. S prednje strane mokraćnog mjehura nalazi se simfiza pubične kosti uz koju je dijelom fiksiran pubovezikalnim l igamentom u žena, puboprostatičnim ligamentom u muškaraca. S gornje i stražnje strane prekriven je parijetalnim listom potrbušnice koji u žena prelazi na prednju stranu trupa maternice, a kod muškaraca na rektum. Kod muškaraca s donje strane mokraćnog mjeh ura nalazi se prostata uz koju se sa stražnje strane mjehura nalazi sjemeni mjehurić i sjemenovod. Mokraćni mjehur je s gornje strane spojen s mokraćovodima, a s donje mokraćnom cijevi. Sastoji se od 4 dijela: kupole ili vrha, tijela, baze i vrata. Rak mok raćnog mjehura je četvrti najučestaliji karcinom kod muškaraca te osmi najučestaliji karcinom kod žena. Prosječna dob za dijagnosticiranje raka mokraćnog mjehura iznosi 65 godina, a rijetko se dijagnosticira prije 40. godine. Muškarce pogađa 2 do 3 puta če šće nego žene. Rizični faktori za nastanak raka mokraćnog mjehura su izlaganje nikotinskom dimu, policikličkim aromatskim hidrokarbonima, produktima benzina, te određenim kemoterapijskim agensima. Najčešći simptom raka mokraćnog mjehura je bezbolna makrohe maturija, Rak mokraćnog mjehura se lijeći operacijom (transuretralna resekcija, radikalna cistektomija), intraveziokalnom terapijom (BCG-imunoterapijom, kemoterapeutik), radioterapijom i kemoterapijom ovisno o stadiju bolesti. Kao i kod liječenja od svih drugih stanja i bolesti, i kod tumora mokraćnog mjehura pomoć i uloga medicinske sestre je od velike važnosti za uspješan oporavak pacijenta. Posebice je to slučaj kod oporavka od radikalne cistektomije gdje su šanse za komplikacije povećane te ih se može liječiti i prevenirati pravilnom njegom. Da bi medicinska sestra bila u stanju uočiti promjene na postoperativnom pacijentu mora biti educirana o tipu operacije koji je pacijent prošao i mogućim komplikacijama koje mogu uslijediti. Do-educiranje medicinskih sestara nakon završetka osnovne edukacije na području skrbi za urološke pacijente pokazalo se neophodnim za postizanje najviše kvalitete njege, a posljedično i oporavka pacijenta.
Abstract (english) Bladder is a subperitoneal muscular organ whose main purpose is to store urine. Iti s located in the lower part of pelvis when empty, and stretches to suprapubic region. It's a distensible organ and can hold up to 500 mL of fluid whilst being supported by the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm and ligaments connecting to the neck of the bladder. On the anterior side of the bladder there is a pubic symphysis to which the organ is partially fixated to with pubovesical ligament in women and with puboprostatic ligament in men. On its posterior and superior side the bladder is covered with peritoneum that crosses onto the anterior surface of the body of the uterus in women, and onto the rectum in men. Inferior to the bladder a prostate is located in men with seminal vesicle and deferens on the posterior side of the prostate. The bladder is connected to ureters on its superior side and to the urethra on its inferior side. The bladder is made out of 4 parts: apex, body, fundus and neck. Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and eight most common cancer in women. The average age in which bladder cancer is diagnosed is 65 years, it is rarely diagnosed before the age of 40. It affects me 2 to 3 times more than women. Risk factors that lead to the occurrence of a bladder cancer are: exposure to the nicotine smoke, exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, exposure to the gasoline products, exposure to certain chemotherapy agens and fenacetine. The most common symptoms of the bladder cancer are painless gross hematuria, lower back pain, pain while urinating, stomach ache, loss of body weight, urinary tract infections. While most of the European countries are recording a fall in mortality of bladder cancer, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and some Baltic states are recording a rise in mortality. The most common forms of surgical treatment for bladder cancer are transurethral resection when the tumor is located on the surface and an open or laparascopic surgery when the tumor is invasive. These two methods of operation are being compared through the spectre of effectivness, cost and the operation duration. Laparascopic cystectomy greatly reduces intraoperative bleeding whilst an open cystectomy costs less and takes less time to be performed. The task of a nurse is to implement her knowledge and techniques into the medical care and to actively educate herself on the field of giving the patient the best care possible.
mokraćni mjehur
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:499653
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-02-04 17:46:07