
Remembrance and Control
Remembrance and Control
Irena Jurković
Given the rise of the Holocaust representations in film, literature and visual arts, the question is no longer whether to represent the Holocaust, but rather how to represent it. In that regard, Art Spiegelman’s depiction of the Holocaust in a graphic narrative is often cited as particularly interesting and groundbreaking work. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the representation of the Holocaust and the memory process in Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel Maus, drawing mainly on...
Reminiscenze letterarie e storiche nelle opere di Giuseppe Sabalich
Reminiscenze letterarie e storiche nelle opere di Giuseppe Sabalich
Matea Maraš
Lo scopo di questa tesi di laurea è rintracciare gli elementi intertestuali nelle opere di Giuseppe Sabalich, il più prolifico autore zaratino a cavallo tra l’Ottocento e il Novecento. Si tratta dei monologhi: Il linguaggio senza parole, Essere... o non essere, e del proverbio in un atto Fra i due litiganti il terzo...perde. In primo monologo, Il linguaggio senza parole, il protagonista è un maestro disoccupato, che, dopo il furto della cassa scolastica, comincia a studiare i sistemi...
Rene Magritte i psihologija vizualnih enigmi
Rene Magritte i psihologija vizualnih enigmi
Suzana Radišić
René Magritte je najslavniji belgijski umjetnik 20. stoljeća. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na Magritteova djela iz njegovog nadrealističkog umjetničkog razdoblja. Magritteove vizije i razmišljanja, koja se manifestiraju kao vizualne enigme u njegovom osebujnom umjetničkom stvaralaštvu, razmatraju se i detaljnije diferenciraju pomoću psihološkog pristupa. Razmatra se uloga podsvjesnog i fantazije u umjetničkom stvaralaštvu. René Magritte je smatrao kako je psihoanaliza samo jedna...
Renesansne komponente u dalmatinskoj skulpturi Jurja Dalmatinca
Renesansne komponente u dalmatinskoj skulpturi Jurja Dalmatinca
Jelena Šimundić Bendić
Juraj Dalmatinac jedna je od najznačajnijih umjetničkih ličnosti u povijesti hrvatske umjetnosti. Za njegov opus karakteristična je uporaba elemenata gotičkog i renesansnog stila Svojim radom u gradovima srednje Dalmacije od 1441. do 1473. godine, promijenio je razvojni tok hrvatske umjetnosti, prenijevši sa sobom iskustva novih prekojadranskih likovnih kretanja, koja je uglavnom stekao u kasnogotičkim i renesansnim mletačkim i padovanskim likovnim krugovima. Koristio je grafičke...
Renesansni ljetnikovci Dubrovačke Republike
Renesansni ljetnikovci Dubrovačke Republike
Kristina Rebić
Ovaj završni rad bavi se ljetnikovcima izgrađenima na području Dubrovačke Republike od sredine 15. do kraja 16. stoljeća. U početnim poglavljima objašnjavaju se gospodarski, kulturni i sigurnosni preduvjeti koji su ostvareni za gradnju ljetnikovaca. Zatim se objašnjava utjecaj zemljišnih odnosa na prostor izgradnje ljetnikovaca i sagledava se utjecaj izgradnje ljetnikovaca na oblikovanje dubrovačkog izvangradskog prostora. U idućem dijelu gradnja ljetnikovaca sagledava se iz...
Repertorio culinario romanzo nelle varianti di Sebenico
Repertorio culinario romanzo nelle varianti di Sebenico
Marija Krečak
Lo scopo di questa ricerca era di raccogliere il lessico nel repertorio culinario nelle varianti di Sebenico e determinare la percentuale dei romanismi, cioè il numero dei italianismi, venezianismi, romanismi e relitti dalmatici. Inoltre, per raccogliere il corpus, due tipi delle interviste sono state usate, guidata e semi- guidata. Quattro informanti erano scelti secondo l'età: un'informante di età più avanzata, due informanti di mezza- età e l'informante giovane. Il corpus ottenuto è...
Repovi čekanja u uslužnim djelatnostima
Repovi čekanja u uslužnim djelatnostima
Riana Reili
Repovi čekanja razvili su se kao dio operacijskih istraživanja u sklopu kvantitativnih modela, a služe kako bi predvidjeli dužinu repova čekanja u raznim uslužnim (ali i drugim djelatnostima). Server ili usluga ne mogu odjednom obraditi sve jedinice koje pristaju na mjesto rada te stoga nastaju redovi, uzrokovani nasumičnim dolascima i ne mogućnošću predviđanja. Uslužne djelatnosti su brzo rastući sektor, a repovi čekanja najizraženiji su upravo u takvima. Oni imaju nekoliko...
Representation and Ethnicity in the Literary Field
Representation and Ethnicity in the Literary Field
Oszkar Roginer
The thesis deals with the question of how ethnicity influenced representation in the Hungarian literary field of Transylvania during the interbellum. It focuses on the negotiation processes connected to the Transylvanist movement, and on the dimensions of ethnicity mobilised in the various argumentation paths, utilising them to (re)construct a separate literary field after the dissolution of the Habsburg Empire. It examines how the Hungarian community reframed its cultural-, and especially...
Representation of Asian Americans and the American Dream in Fresh Off the Boat
Representation of Asian Americans and the American Dream in Fresh Off the Boat
Lucija Beškara
The two main focuses in this paper are on the representation of Asian Americans in media and the notion of the American Dream. The two main issues are exemplified through the characters and the plot of the series Fresh Off the Boat. The paper demonstrates the variation of the definition of the American Dream throughout history. It also provides examples of most common stereotypes in the representation of Asian Americans in media. Another important concept discussed and exemplified in this...
Representation of Female Characters in Marvel
Representation of Female Characters in Marvel
Lucija Kristić
The dominance of Marvel’s superhero movies is expanding together with the popularity of the iconic superhero characters depicted in those movies. Many children regard superheroes as their role models, wishing they could be just like them. Consequently, the representation of such characters is important, as it shapes the image of a man and a woman within the audience through the portrayed characters. Female superhero characters are often considered to be created for men’s appreciation;...
Representation of Gender and Race in Disney's Non-White Princess Films
Representation of Gender and Race in Disney's Non-White Princess Films
Ivana Špika
Disney’s animated films have been popular among young viewers all over the world for almost a century and have had a great influence on popular culture. One of the most successful characters Disney has produced are their princesses. For several decades Disney has created only white princesses, however, in 1990s Disney began to portray women of color in their princess films. In my thesis I analyzed the way Disney represented gender and race in films with non-white Disney character. I also...
Representation of Gender in "Modern Family"
Representation of Gender in "Modern Family"
Tamara Vuković
Television reflects and shapes, or in Hall’s terms, represents American culture to the audience, and sitcoms are one of the major instruments through which dominant ideologies about gender are circulated. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how a popular American ABC’s sitcom, Modern Family, which apparently resists traditional gender portrayal, uses systems of representation to construct meanings and reproduce knowledge about gender, using mainly Stuart Hall’s work of representation...
