Sažetak | Društvene mreže postale su neizostavan dio svakodnevnog života, oblikujući način na koji ljudi komuniciraju, dijele informacije i prezentiraju se. Uz kontinuirane promjene u algoritmima i razvoj novih digitalnih platformi, raste potreba za istraživanjem njihova učinka na mentalno zdravlje, posebno na generaciju Z. Ovo istraživanje ispitalo je povezanost korištenja društvenih mreža (emocionalne povezanosti, samoprezentacije, održavanja kontakta), sklonosti uspoređivanju s drugima i usredotočene svjesnosti s depresivnošću kod mladih iz generacije Z, uz naglasak na spolne razlike. Rezultati su pokazali da su žene, u odnosu na muškarce, više emocionalno povezane s društvenim mrežama i sklonije samoprezentaciji te održavanju društvenih kontakata, a također su iskazale i višu razinu depresivnosti. Istraživanju su pristupile 394 osobe, od kojih je 98 sudionika (24,87%) i 296 sudionica (75,13%), u dobi od 18 do 30 godina, s prosječnom dobi od 23 godine. Uzorak je bio prigodan i temeljen na dostupnosti sudionika iz studentskih i grupa za mlade na raznim društvenim mrežama. Nisu utvrđene spolne razlike u sklonosti uspoređivanju s drugima i usredotočenoj svjesnosti. Kod žena, emocionalna povezanost i sklonost uspoređivanju s drugima bile su pozitivno povezane s depresivnošću, dok je usredotočena svjesnost bila negativno povezana. Ostali elementi korištenja društvenih mreža (samoprezentacija i održavanje kontakta) nisu bili povezani s depresivnosti. S druge strane, kod muškaraca nije utvrđena značajna povezanost između ovih varijabli i depresivnosti. U ovoj kombinaciji prediktora, kod žena, značajni pozitivni prediktor depresivnosti bila je sklonost uspoređivanju s drugima, a značajni negativni presdiktor usredotočena svjesnost. Rezultati sugeriraju važnost razvoja rodno osjetljivih intervencija u kontekstu mentalnog zdravlja i kontinuirano educiranje mladih o utjecaju društvenih mreža na mentalno zdravlje. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Social media has become an essential part of everyday life, shaping the way people communicate, share information, and present themselves. With ongoing changes in algorithms and the development of new digital platforms, the need for continuous research into their effects on mental health, particularly on Generation Z, is growing. This study explored the relationship between social media use (emotional connection, self-presentation, and maintaining contact), social comparison tendencies, mindfulness, and depression in young people from Generation Z, with a focus on gender differences. The study included 394 participants, of whom 98 were male participants (24.87%) and 296 were female participants (75.13%), aged between 18 and 30 years, with an average age of 23. The sample was convenient and based on the availability of participants from student groups and youth groups on various social media platforms. The results showed that women, compared to men, were more emotionally connected to social media, more prone to self-presentation, and more likely to maintain social contacts, while also exhibiting higher levels of depression. No gender differences were found in social comparison tendencies and mindfulness. For women, emotional connection and social comparison tendencies were positively related to depression, while mindfulness was negatively related. Other aspects of social media use (self-presentation and maintaining contact) were not related to depression. On the other hand, no significant relationship was found between these variables and depression in men. In this combination of predictors, for women, significant positive predictor of depression was social comparison tendencies and significant negative predictor was mindfulness. The results suggest the importance of developing gender-sensitive interventions in the context of mental health and the continuous education of young people about the impact of social media on mental health. |