Sažetak | U temu starokršćanska Tarsatika uveo nas je N. Novak. Tarsatika je antičko ime današnjeg grada Rijeke i njezina povijest započinje još u prapovijesno vrijeme. Razvoj Tarsatike možemo popratiti kroz 3 faze. Prva je u 1. i 2. st. kada se gradski raster prilagođava prirodnom području. Iz tog razdoblja poznate su nam terme, bedemi, stambena arhitektura i nekropola. Druga razvojna faza počinje u 3. i 4. st. kada je Tarsatika imala važnu ulogu u obrani Italije od barbara i kada je postala dio obrambenog sustava Klaustra Alpium Iuliarun. Grad je zamišljen kao središte vojno-upravnog karaktera koji je trebao raspoređivati postrojbe na ugrožena mjesta. U trećoj fazi za vrijeme 5. i 6. stoljeća grad više nije korišten u svojoj izvornoj funkciji, čak se našao sloj gareži koji možemo povezati da je u 5. stoljeću principij gorio. Sama Tarsatika nije puno istraživana, ali prve konkretne informacije na temelju pravih arheoloških istraživanja pronađene su u 20. st., a N. Novak i J. Višnjić se mogu istaknuti kao osobe koji su nam donijele bitne informacije, uz R. Matejčić. Istražen je principij i profana bazilika od strane Konzervatorskog zavoda koji je sve to objedinio u djelu Tarsatički principij. Tamo su istraženi bočni zid, otvoreno dvorište i četiri pomoćne prostorije te luk koji je bio ulaz u principij. Nalazi bazilike nisu bili dovoljni da se napravi rekonstrukcija, ali moglo bi se pretpostaviti da je bila bogato ukrašena po nalazima tesera i mramornih ploča. Od pokretnih nalaza tip principij nam je najzastupljeniji kojega datiramo s kraja 3. st. do sredine 4. st. Metalnih nalaza ima svakakvih, od konjaničke opreme, fibula, prstenja... Možemo istaknuti brončani lovorov list koji je vezan za štovanje carskog kulta. Ostali starokršćanski lokaliteti koje N. Novak spominje su: crkva Sv. Fabijana i Sebastijana, Sv. Jeronim, Sv. Andrija, Sv. Lovre i crkva Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije. Ova zadnja crkva je istražena i J. Višnjić nam je objedinio njegova istraživanja. To je trobrodna bazilika koja je istražena 2008./2009. godinu te bi se moglo pretpostaviti na temelju njenog istraživanja i zaključiti da je vjerojatno Tarsatika bila i biskupsko središte kao Senj i Krk. |
Sažetak (engleski) | N. Novak introduced us to the topic of Early Christian Tarsatica. Tarsatica is the ancient name of today's city of Rijeka, and its history begins in prehistoric times. We can follow the development of Tarsatica through 3 phases. The first is in the 1st and 2nd centuries, when the city grid adapts to the natural area. From that period we know the spas, bullwark, residential architecture and the necropolis. The second development phase begins in the 3rd and 4th centuries, when Tarsatica played an important role in the defense of Italy against the barbarians when it became part of the defense system of the Claustra Alpium Iuliarun. The city was imagened to be a center of military administrative character that was supposed to deploy troops to threatened places. The third phase of the 5th and 6th centuries, the city was no longer used in its original function, a layer of burned rubble was even found, which we can relate to the fact that in the 5th century the principle was burning. Tarsatica itself has not been researched much, but the first concrete information based on real archaeological research was brought in the 20th century, and N. Novak and J. Višnjić can stand out as the ones who brought us very important information to the scene along with R. Matejčić. The principium and the profane basilica were investigated by the Conservation Institute, which united all of this in the book Tarsatički principij. There, the side wall, an open courtyard and four auxiliary rooms, as well as the arch that was the entrance to the principium, were investigated. The findings of the basilica were not enough to make a reconstruction, but it could be assumed that it was richly decorated based on the findings of tesserae and marble slabs. Of the movable finds, the Principium type is the most represented, which we date to the end of the 3rd century to the middle of the 4th century. We can highlight a bronze laurel leaf that is related to the worship of the imperial cult. Other Early Christian sites mentioned by N. Novak are the church of St. Fabian and Sebastian, Saints, Jerome, Saints. Andrew, St. St. Lawrence and the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This last church was investigated and J. Višnjić gathered his research for us. It is a three-nave basilica that was researched in 2008 and 2009, and it could be assumed based on its research and the conclusions it brings that Tarsatica was probably also an episcopal center like Senj and Krk. |