Sažetak | Šibensko zlatarstvo na području kasnosrednjovjekovnog šibenskog kotara te Skradina i Visovca do sada je bilo veoma skromno istraženo, stoga je cilj ovoga rada bila izrada prve monografije šibenskog gotičkog zlatarstva u razdoblju od osnutka Šibenske biskupije 1298. pa do osmanlijskog zauzeća Skradina 1522. godine. S tom svrhom provedena su prva sustavnija arhivska i terenska istraživanja, na čijim se rezultatima zasniva ova doktorska disertacija koja se bavi ukupnom zlatarskom djelatnošću na šibenskom području tijekom kasnoga srednjeg vijeka – zlatarima i njihovim djelima, sačuvanim korpusom zlatarskih radova te izgubljenim djelima anonimnih majstora zabilježenim u arhivskim izvorima. Na temelju analize brojnih arhivskih podataka i sačuvanog korpusa zlatarskih radova, u radu se razmatraju razni aspekti šibenskog gotičkog zlatarstva. Nakon uvodnih poglavlja o povijesti istraživanja navedene teme te specifičnim povijesnim okolnostima u Šibeniku tijekom 14. i 15. stoljeća, važna je cjelina posvećena onodobnim šibenskim zlatarima, o kojima je tijekom arhivskih istraživanja pronađen znatan broj dokumenata čiji su skraćeni izvadci doneseni u bilješkama. Na temelju gotovo tisuću i petsto do sada neobjavljenih i preko stotinu objavljenih arhivskih dokumenata o šibenskim zlatarima, po prvi su put rekonstruirane djelomične biografije osamdesetak majstora iz 14. i 15. stoljeća, a objavljeni su i podaci o desetorici zlatara iz prve četvrtine 16. stoljeća. No, unatoč znatnom broju poznatih imena i iznimno velikoj količini arhivskih vijesti o njima, u izvorima je sačuvano svega dvadesetak dokumenata o narudžbama i donacijama zlatarskih djela. Međutim, samo je sa zlatarom Antunom dela Cecha iz Venecije doveden u vezu fragment raspela analiziran u poglavlju Sačuvana djela poznatih majstora. Četvrto poglavlje posvećeno je djelima anonimnih majstora, odnosno sačuvanim i nepovratno izgubljenim radovima nepoznatih zlatara zabilježenim u arhivskim izvorima, te dokumentiranim zlatarskim djelima kojima se zametnuo trag u proteklih stotinjak godina. Tako su u potpoglavlju Sačuvana djela obrađeni zlatarski radovi nepoznatih šibenskih majstora, predmeti importirani iz drugih središta te oni koji su naknadno prispjeli na područje Šibenika. Analizom ukupno dvadeset i četiri sačuvana djela anonimnih majstora, utvrđeno je kako gotovo polovicu korpusa čine djela zlatara iz drugih gradskih središta. U potpoglavlju Dokumentirana zlatarska djela kojima se zametnuo trag analizirana su dva danas izgubljena zlatarska rada iz 15. stoljeća evidentirana u fotodokumentaciji splitskog Konzervatorskog odjela, a u potpoglavlju Arhivske vijesti o djelima koja nisu sačuvana ili nisu identificirana, objavljeno je oko stotinu pedeset arhivskih dokumenata u kojima se spominje izrazito velika količina danas izgubljenih zlatarskih radova, najvećim dijelom onih profanog karaktera. Budući da svega dvadesetak sačuvanih djela sakralnog zlatarstva i manja količina nakita (naušnica i prstenja) pružaju nepotpunu sliku izvornog stanja, u cjelini Vrste zlatarskih radova sintetizirana su sva saznanja o različitim vrstama predmeta od plemenitih metala zabilježenih u Šibeniku tijekom kasnog srednjeg vijeka. Upravo množina arhivskih vijesti o srebrnom posuđu, priboru za jelo i nakitu zorno svjedoči o bogatstvu i raznovrsnosti izvornog šibenskog zlatarskog korpusa, koji je protokom vremena sveden na ostatke ostataka. Na saznanjima iz prethodnih poglavlja temeljena je cjelina Uvjeti i okolnosti razvoja šibenskog gotičkog zlatarstva, u kojoj su izneseni zaključci o svim aspektima zlatarske djelatnosti u Šibeniku u vrijeme kasnoga srednjeg vijeka; o brojnosti šibenskih zlatara, o načinu funkcioniranja zlatarskih radionica i naukovanju, o tehnikama, materijalima i alatima, o mjerama za plemenite metale i bisere te narudžbama i naručiteljima. Na kraju, doktorat je popraćen prilozima, odnosno transkriptima dvadesetak arhivskih dokumenata te katalogom sačuvanih zlatarskih djela i ilustracijama. Iako oskudnost arhivskih izvora i sačuvanih djela iz 14. stoljeća nalaže oprez u donošenju definitivnih zaključaka o šibenskom zlatarstvu toga perioda, vjerojatno je, sukladno specifičnim povijesnim okolnostima, do rasplamsavanja zlatarskog obrta u Šibeniku došlo tek tijekom 15. stoljeća. No, premda su okolnosti u to vrijeme bile iznimno povoljne za razvoj šibenskog zlatarstva, ono ipak nije dosegnulo stupanj razvoja razvijenijih zlatarskih središta poput Zadra i Dubrovnika, ali se, čini se, uspjelo približiti razini onoga u gradovima poput Trogira i Splita. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The research into the goldsmithing in the area of the late medieval Šibenik district, Skradin and Visovac has been very modest so far, so the aim of this thesis was to produce the first monograph of the Šibenik Gothic goldsmithing, in the period from the founding of the Šibenik diocese in 1298 to the Ottoman occupation of Skradin in 1522. To this end, more systematic archival and field research was undertaken for the first time, producing results that constitute the basis for this doctoral dissertation which covers all goldsmithing activities in the Šibenik area during the late Middle Ages ‒ goldsmiths and their works, the preserved goldsmithing corpus and the lost works of anonymous masters known from archival sources. Based on the analysis of comprehensive archival data and the preserved goldsmithing corpus, the paper considers various aspects Šibenik's Gothic goldsmithing. After the introductory chapters on the history of research on this topic and the specific historical circumstances in Šibenik during the 14th and 15th centuries, an important segment is dedicated to the Šibenik goldsmiths of that time. Thanks to extensive archival research, a large number of records about them have been found and presented in notes in the form of summarised excerpts. Based on almost one thousand five hundred unpublished and over a hundred published archival documents on Šibenik goldsmiths, for the first time it was possible to reconstruct partial biographies of approximately eighty masters from the 14th and 15th centuries, and also publish the data on ten goldsmiths from the first quarter of the 16th century. However, despite many known names and an extremely large amount of archival reports about them, only around twenty documents referring to commissions and donations of goldsmiths' works were preserved in the sources. But only one goldsmith could be connected to certain preserved object which was analysed in the chapter Preserved works of known masters. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the works of anonymous masters, i.e. to the preserved and irretrievably lost pieces made by unknown goldsmiths recorded in archival sources, and to the documented goldsmiths' works that have gone missing over the course of the last century. The subchapter Preserved works thus tackles the goldsmithery by still unknown Šibenik masters, objects imported from other centres and those that subsequently arrived in the Šibenik area. By analysing a total of twenty-four preserved works made by anonymous masters, it was established that almost half of the corpus consists of works by goldsmiths from other city centres. The subchapter Documented goldsmithery that has gone missing, analyses two lost goldsmithing pieces from the 15th century that are now considered lost. The third subchapter presents approximately one hundred and fifty archival documents, which refer to an extremely large amount of predominantly secular objects now considered lost. Since only approximately twenty preserved religious goldsmithing artefacts and a small amount of jewellery (earrings and rings) provide an incomplete picture of the original circumstances, the segment The types of Goldsmith Products synthesizes all insights about different types of precious metal objects found in Šibenik during the late Middle Ages. The abundance of archival reports about various silver utensils, cutlery and jewellery clearly testifies to the exceptional opulence and diversity of the original Šibenik goldsmithing corpus, which has been reduced to mere traces over time. The segment The conditions and circumstances of the development of the Šibenik Gothic Goldsmithing is based on the findings from the previous chapters, presenting the conclusions on various aspects of goldsmithing activity in Šibenik during the late Middle Ages; the number of Šibenik goldsmiths, the functioning of goldsmith workshops and apprenticeships, techniques, materials and tools, units of measure for precious metals and pearls, and on commissioners. Finally, the doctoral thesis is accompanied by Appendix, i.e. transcripts of twenty-two important archival documents, as well as a catalogue of preserved goldsmithing artefacts and their illustrations. Even though the scarcity of archival sources and preserved works from the 14th century calls for caution in making definitive judgments about goldsmithing in Šibenik at that time, it is probable that, considering specific historical circumstances, the boom in the goldsmith trade in Šibenik did not happen before the 15th century. However, although the situation at that time was extremely favourable for the development of goldsmithing in Šibenik, it seems that it did not reach the standards of more developed goldsmithing centres such as Zadar and Dubrovnik, but it was probably close to the level of cities such as Trogir and Split. |