Sažetak | Kulturološka i povijesna događanja Hrvatske iz 1991. obilježila su i cijelu književnoumjetničku scenu. Tiho vraćanje hrvatskih intelektualaca počelo je 1990.- e „drmati“ harmoniju pripremljenoga rata. Kritičko, minuciozno stvaralaštvo jednog eruditnog krugovaša obilježilo je predratnu, ali i ratnu hrvatsku scenu. Ideja pluralizma kao refleksija raznolikosti bila je zamisao Vlade Gotovca. Naime, politika onoga vremena svaki oblik umjetnosti formira u političko pitanje te ga time sabotira. Liberalist, istančanog ukusa, Vlado Gotovac u motive stvaralaštva polako počinje unositi i majčinsku rafiniranost. Počinju ga mučiti korijeni prisjećanja na zavičaj kao izvor topline. Iz takvog duhovnog sentimenta proizašao je i njegov govor majkama u kojem govori o hladnoći generala koji uzimaju tuđu djecu pod vlastito okrilje. Uz majčinske motive, interpretirana je i njegova zavičajnost koju je na osebujan način prenio i u stihove. Poštovanje majčinstva, ljubav prema zavičaju i domovini, okosnica su Gotovčeve poetike. Pored govora ispred Komande V. vojne oblasti interpretirane su i zbirke pjesama Crna kazaljka,Čekati sjevernije te zbirkama eseja, govora Znakovi za Hrvatsku, Poetika duše, Isto. Ovim su radom obuhvaćene pjesme čiji je motivski i tematski kompleks prikazuje specifičnost Gotovčeve poetike koja se najspecifičnije ogleda u navedenim motivima. Njegova slikovitost nije bila crno-bijele boje. Gotovac je balansirao između ništavila, nade i svijetle budućnosti. Njegove metafore odišu jednostavnim stilom s intelektualnim primislima. Također, devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća javlja se Bedem ljubavi čiji je cilj bio vratiti sinove iz ondašnje JNA. On je Gotovcu poslužio kao poticaj pri osvjetljavanju povijesti u ratnim vremenima. Žene, majke, sestre, bake bile su nositeljice kućnog ognjišta, vjerne Penelope. U Gotovčevim slikama i govoru, one su Here svoga vremena. Istraživački dio ovoga rada pokazao je zajedničke ideje njegova pjesničkog opusa i bilješki majki Bedema. Kao zalog za mir budućnosti, prenio je stihovima motive zvijezda, tišine, onirične vječnosti i nade. Dakle, domoljubnost kao jedno od naličja njegova stvaralaštva spona je koja ga veže s ovim pokretom, rodnim zavičajem i slobodnim govorom protiv „strašila“. Danas se Gotovca promatra dručije. Uvelike se prezentira u politiziranom obliku. Međutim, zagovaranja liberalizma, ljubavi, narodnosti, religioznosti, ovjekovječeni su njegovom poetikom koja odiše senzibilnošću prema ranjivim skupinama kao i nesebičnom odanošću prema hrvatskim idealima, kojima je poklonio i vlastitu slobodu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The cultural and historical events of Croatia in 1991 also marked the entire literary and art scene. The silent return of Croatian intellectuals began in 1990 to "shake" the harmony of the forthcoming war. The critical, meticulous work of an erudite circlemaker marked the pre-war, but also the war Croatian scene. The idea of pluralism as a reflection of diversity was the idea of Vlado Gotovac. Namely, the politics of that time turned every art form into a political issue and sabotaged it that way. A liberalist, of a refined taste, Gotovac slowly started adding maternal sophistication to his creative motives. He began to be tormented by the roots of remembering his homeland as a source of warmth. Such spiritual sentiment resulted in his speech to mothers in which he speaks about the coldness of generals who took other people's children under their own wing. In addition to his mother's motives, his homeland was interpreted too, adequately translating it into verse. Besides his speeches in front of the 5th Military District, poetry collections Crna kazaljka, Čekati sjevernije, Znakovi za Hrvatsku, Poetika duše and a collection of essays Isto were also interpreted. These works have analyzed poems which motive and thematic complex corresponded to the above. His picturesqueness was not black and white. Gotovac balanced between nothingness, hope and a bright future. His metaphors give off a simple style with intellectual considerations. In the 1990s Badem ljubavi Also appeared, the goal of which was to get back the sons from the former JNA. It served as an incentive for Gotovac to shed light on wartime history. Women, mothers, sisters, grandmothers were the bearers of the hearth and home, the faithful Penelope. In Gotovac's paintings and speech, they are the Heras of their time scenically. The research part of this paper showed the common ideas of his poetic opus and mothers of Bedem. As a pledge for the peace of the future, he conveyed the motifs of stars, silence, oneiric eternity and hope to them, as well as to us, the receptionists. Let's summarize; patriotism as one of the faces of his work is the link binding him to this movement, homeland and free speech against "scarecrows". Today, we consider Gotovac differently. He is largely presented in a politicized way. However, the advocacy of liberalism, love, nationality, religiosity, is forever documented in the words of one erudite. The work revealed his need to belong to vulnerable groups, thus bearing on his selfless loyalty to Croatian ideals, even though he was serving time in prison and gave the best years of his life for it. |