Sažetak | U prvom dijelu ovog istraživanja o znamenjima u Četvrtom evanđelju, nakon kratkog
povijesnog pregleda razumijevanja čuda, opisuju se različitosti između čudesa u sinoptičkim
evanđeljima i čudesa u Ivanovu evanđelju. U drugom dijelu, pregledom Isusovih čuda koja su
opisana u Ivanovu evanđelju (2,1-12; 4,43-54; 5,1-18; 6,1-15; 6,16-21; 9,1-41; 11,33-44),
ukazano je na opravdanost njihova specifičnog naziva znamenja. U trećem dijelu rada,
detaljnom egzegetskom analizom obuhvaćeno je svih sedam znamenja u Ivanovu evanđelju.
Ishod toga istraživanja je da sva znamenja Ivanova evanđelja imaju istovjetnu svrhu, a to je
objava Božje slave u Isusu. Ustvari, nakon objave Božje slave na Sinaju (Izl 24,16), Šatoru
sastanka (Izl 40,35) i Hramu (1Kr 8,11), Božja nazočnost se definitivno objavljuje u Isusovoj
osobi. To je Božja slava u Logosu koji se ušatorio (usp. Iv 1,14) među ljudima. Drugo
svojstvo svih sedam ivanovskih znamenja je odgovor vjere u Isusa kod onih koji vide Isusova
znamenja. Konačno, naznačena funkcija čudesa u Ivanovu evanđelju opravdava specifičnost
njihovog naziva znamenjima, za razliku od čudesa u sinoptičkim evanđeljima koja su u
funkciji svjedočenja dolaska Kraljevstva Božjeg. |
Sažetak (engleski) | After a brief general outline about miracles, the first chapter of this study describes
differences between the miracles in the Synoptic gospels and the miracles in the Gospel of
John. In the second part of the research, it is stressed the explanation of a specific use of
expression signs for miracles in the seven texts of the Gospel of John (2:1-12; 4:43-54; 5:1-
18; 6:1-15; 6:16-21; 9:1-41; 11:33-44). The third part of this study embraces a detailed
exegetical analysis of all seven signs (miracles) in John`s gospel. The results of the research
identify that the seven signs have a common purpose. It is the revelation of God`s glory in
Jesus. More precisely, after the manifestation of God`s glory on Sinai (Ex 40:35), in the Tent
of Meeting and the Temple (1Kings 8:11), God`s presence is definitely manifested in the
person of Jesus Christ. It is the glory of God in the Logos that “made his dwelling among us“
(Jn 1:14). Another important characteristic of all seven signs in John is the faith as a response
of those who witness the signs of Jesus. Finally, the function of “miracles” in the gospel of
John justifies their specific designation as “signs”. In the Synoptic gospels, differently to
John, the purpose of miracles is testimony of the arrival of the Kingdom of God. |