Sažetak | U ovom završnom radu pisati će se općenito o gripi, ponešto o povijesti same gripe, etiologiji, epidemiologiji, patogenezi, vrstama gripe, kliničkoj slici, komlikacijama, dijagnozi, kliničkim osobitostima influence u djece ranije dobi, o liječenju gripe te o njenoj profilaksi.
Gripa se smatra ozbiljnom bolešću. Neki ljudi je mnogo puta znaju zamijeniti sa običnom prehladom ili čak drugim respiratornim infekcijama. Pripada akutnoj zaraznoj bolesti koju prate simptomi visoke temperature i dominacija općih simptoma koji prevladavaju nad respiratornim simptomima. Kao takva dovodi do ozbiljnih, po život opasnih komplikacija kao što su na primjer aktivacija postojeće kronične bolesti ili pneumonija. Oštećuje sluznicu dišnog trakta te time uzrokuje suhi kašalj i bol u grlu. Ne šireći se po tijelu ostaje lokaliziran u dišnim organima, te se time bolest očituje pojavom općih simptoma kao što su tresavice, visoke temperature, bolova u mišićima, glavobolje i opća slabost cijelokupnog organizma. Opći simptomi povlače se odmah nakon 2-3 dana dok opća slabost i kašalj znaju trajati čak do dva tjedna. Antibiotici ne utječu na gripu jer je gripa virusna bolest. Iako gripa i prehlada zahvaćaju dišni sustav te samim time dijele neke od zajedničkih simptoma, nisu iste bolesti jer imaju različite posljedice i tijek bolesti.
“ Respiratorni sustav, ovaj izrazito zarazni virus kojem inkubacija traje manje od 24 sata, zahvaća nešto kasnije te u tom trenu slama cijeli organizam, a 1 oboljeli može zaraziti čak 12 ljudi. Posebno je opasna za osobe starije dobi i djecu što po nekim inozemnim istraživanjima potvrđuje porast broja komplikacija i čak 5 puta veći broj hospitalizacija takvih pacijenata. Kod odraslih mogu izazvati 3 vrste pneumonije kao što su virusna upala pluća s visokom smrtnošću, zatim virusno-bakterijsku sa smrtnošću od 15%, te najblaži oblik pneumonije uzrokovan bakterijama sa smrtnošću od visokih 7%, dok kod djece virus gripe može izazvati otitis mediu – upalu srednjeg uha ” (1). |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this final paper, it will be written about flu, something about history of influenza, etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, types of flu, clinical picture, complications, diagnosis, clinical peculiarities of influenza in children of an earlier age, treatment of influenza and its prophylaxis.
Flu is considered as a serious illness. Many people are often replacing flu with other respiratory infections. It belongs to acute infectious disease accompanied by high temperature symptoms and dominance of general symptoms that prevail over respiratory symptoms. As such, they lead to serious, life-threatening complications such as the activation of existing chronic diseases or pneumonia. It damages the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, causing dry cough and pain in the throat. By not spreading through the body remains localized in the respiratory tract, and the disease is manifested by the appearance of general symptoms such as nausea, high temperature, muscle pain, headache, and overall weakness of the entire body. General symptoms are withdrawn immediately after 2-3 days, while general weakness and cough last up to two weeks. Antibiotics do not affect flu because flu is a viral disease. Although flu and cold affect the respiratory system and share some of the common symptoms, they are not the same disease because they have different consequences and course of illness.
“ The respiratory system, this highly contagious virus with an incubation of less than 24 hours, is caught sometime later and in that moment breaks the whole organism, and 1 patient can infect up to 12 people. It is particularly dangerous for the elderly and children who, according to some foreign studies, confirms the increase in the number of complications and even five times the number of hospitalizations of such patients. In adults, they can cause 3 types of pneumonia such as viral pneumonia with high mortality, viral-bacteria with 15% mortality, and the slightest form of pneumonia caused by bacteria with a high mortality of 7%, while children with flu can cause otitis media - middle ear inflammation ” (1). |