Language Policies in English-Dominant Countries: The Case of Spanish and French
Maja Geljić The main focus of this paper is the analysis of language policies in the following Englishdominant countries: the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, with the emphasis on two major European languages: Spanish and French. The first part of this paper consists of a brief presentation of the definitions of language policy and language planning as well as their types. In the following parts the reader is provided with some important facts about the researched countries...
Language Policy and Minority Languages in New Zealand
Katarina Grbas The aim of this paper is to investigate the situation in New Zealand in terms of the
country's language policy and minority languages, which are the New Zealand Sign
Language, Pacific and community languages. The theoretical part of the thesis represents
New Zealand as a country, and gives definitions of language policy and planning and minority
languages. The second part portrays the development of a language policy in New Zealand,
and the process of Māori language revitalization. Later,...
Language Policy and the Role of English in Brussels: A Study on Language Use and Attitudes
Gabrijela Ravlić This thesis examines the language policy and the role of English in Brussels, incorporating a small-scale study on language use and attitudes among people living in the city. The first part explores the theoretical background of language policy and planning (LPP), covering its emergence, evolution, and critical approaches. It also delves into LPP in Belgium, focusing on state reforms, linguistic freedom, and the principle of territoriality. Additionally, it discusses the concept of...
Language and Gender: A Small-Scale Study of Newspaper Representations of Sexist Language
Marija Orkić This paper focuses on the analysis of eight newspaper articles representing the issue of sexism in language from two American and two British newspapers. The American newspapers include The New York Times and USA Today, whereas the British newspapers are the Telegraph and The Guardian. The analysis is pointed towards revealing underlying messages of the articles with an attempt to make the author’s attitude towards the referred issue visible. What is also of interest is the way authors...
Language and Mental Disorders
Sara Oreč This final paper deals with Language and Mental Disorders. It contains the definition of neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics, explains the process of normal brain functioning and describes most important parts of the brain involved in the language processing. Furthermore, two most common phenomena have been explained and divided into categories. Apart from language disorders, some of the speech disorders have also been listed. Before introducing aphasia, its most common cause has been...
Language and Reality in David Harrower's "Knives in Hens"
Šime Šprljan This paper analyzes the connections between language and reality that can be found in David Harrower's play Knives in Hens through the dynamics between the three characters: Young Woman, her husband William and Gilbert the miller. Due to Young Woman's naivety and initial tendency to understand phrases literally, language's arbitrarity is shown and is then analyzed through different sources. Language is shown to be an artificial human product, created with an intent to symbolize reality. It...
Language and identity in Istria: A sociolinguistic analysis of the digital communication of Istrian people on social networks
Aurora Garić This study aims to find out how Istrian people express their identities through the use of languages or dialects on social networking sites, particularly on Facebook. As one of the biggest social media platforms, Facebook is home to a wide range of groups dedicated to preserving regional identities and dialects. This study focuses on the Region of Istria since, due to its history, it is an area of great linguistic variety with various spoken languages and dialects. There exist many Facebook...
Language impairments in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Izabela Franković This undergraduate thesis paper deals with language impairments in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The paper begins with an overview of theories of language impairments in individuals with ASD. Theories which were discussed include Theory of mind deficit, Weak central coherence theory, Executive functioning deficit theory, and Pragmatic language impairment theory. Afterwards, a trajectory of language acquisition in autistic individuals is provided, along with its distinct...
Language on the Internet with Special Reference to the Language of Gaming
Maja Stipić The main goal of this paper is to provide an insight into the variety of language present on the Internet and the ways it is used in various Internet-using situations, with special focus on the language variety found in gaming. The paper begins with an introduction to the effects the Internet has on people's everyday lives. The next chapter focuses on some of the universal features of the Internet language and certain phenomena that shape the communication within the medium. The focus then...
Languages in Ireland and Scotland
Sanja Krznarić The final thesis is based on the diachronic and synchronic analysis of languages spoken in Ireland and Scotland, taking into account the key political and religious moments that marked these two countries. Since the topic is quite extensive, the emphasis is put on the analysis of the most significant phonological, grammatical and lexical characteristics of the variety of the English language spoken in Scotland and Ireland, the circumstances under which that language appeared and how it...
Laparoskopsko liječenje hijatalne hernije i gastroezofagealne refluksne bolesti u Općoj bolnici Zadar
Dora Režan Uvod: Hijatalna hernija je stanje u kojem dio želuca izlazi kroz otvor dijafragme u prsni koš, što može izazvati gastroezofagealnu refluksnu bolest (GERB) i druge simptome poput žgaravice, regurgitacije, boli u epigastriju i prsima te kroničnog kašlja. Zbog preklapanja simptoma s drugim probavnim problemima, dijagnoza može biti izazovna. Napretkom istraživanja otkriveni su značajni patofiziološki mehanizmi koji povezuju hijatalnu herniju i GERB. Rano proučavanje fokusiralo se na...