La variacion de la /s/ implosiva en el espanol de La Habana
Nikolina Krajinović En este trabajo se plantea un estudio sociolingüístico sobre la variación de la /s/ implosiva en el habla de La Habana, la capital de Cuba. El estudio se ha realizado a través del análisis de las entrevistas grabadas, y ha tomado en cuenta tanto las variables lingüísticas como las sociales. Los resultados han mostrado que el contexto fonético, sexo/género, edad y nivel de estudios determinan el comportamiento lingüístico de la comunidad de habla en cuestión. Las variantes de la...
La variation dénominative dans le domaine de l'analyse technique sur le marché boursier
Ines Matezović Dans le présent mémoire, nous abordons la question de la variation dénominative dans la langue spécialisée du domaine de l'analyse technique sur le marché boursier. Le but de ce mémoire est de faire une analyse synchronique de la fréquence de l'emploi des variantes dénominatives avec l'accent sur les anglicismes. En premier lieu, le corpus de ce mémoire est formé de textes spécialisés en français et en croate et il est structuré par rapport à des interlocuteurs. Le premier...
La variedad andaluza en Huelva: actitudes lingüísticas hacia el uso y estatus del ceceo y seseo
Ivona Lovreković El objetivo de este trabajo fin de máster fue analizar la percepción de los onubenses sobre la distinción, el seseo y ceceo en la ciudad de Huelva. En la primera parte analizamos el andaluz en el contexto histórico con el foco en los fenómenos de ceceo, seseo y distinción. También, miramos los cambios en el habla de los hablantes en centros urbanos de Andalucía, incluyendo las previas investigaciones sobre Huelva. En la segunda parte analizamos el cuestionario hecho para este trabajo...
La visionedellavita nelle opere teatrali di Luigi Pirandello
Katarina Grbas Lo scopo di questa tesi è provare a scoprire la visione della vita di Luigi Pirandello mostrata nelle sue tre opere teatrali (Così è (se vi pare), Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore, La Nuova Colonia). L’obiettivo della tesi è comparare i tre drammi che fanno parte delle diverse fasi della produzione teatrale di Pirandello, trovando le loro differenze e similarità e vedendo come Pirandello ha cambiato la sua visione della vita attraverso gli anni. Nella prima parte della tesi viene...
Language Acquisition and Production
Ana Nemec This final paper deals with the issue of how we acquire and produce language. The focus is placed on speech errors and their nature of providing evidence for the processes that lie behind language acquisition and production. To begin with, in the first chapter of this work, the description of how we learn a language step by step is provided following the child’s development of speech comprehension and production; from the so-called vegetative sounds, such as crying, to proper words with a...
Language Anxiety among Croatian and Spanish University EFL Students
Magdalena Zmaić Today, foreign language (FL) anxiety is considered as one of the most important
affective factors which directly influences the process of second language (L2) learning
(Young 1990; MacIntyre & Garnder 1994; Dewaele 2013). The purpose of this study was to
examine the levels of language anxiety among Croatian and Spanish university students of
English. Furthermore, this thesis attempted to investigate whether there are differences in
perceived anxiety between Croatian and Spanish university...
Language Death in the Context of Anglophone Communities
Jere Junaković Language death represents a complex phenomenon which is linguistically and socially engaging for both the academic community and the wider public as out of the current 7,099 languages, at least 1, 547 (22%) are endangered. Linguistically, the study of the phenomenon encompasses various stages of endangerment of a certain language and it can be followed from its endangered to extinct stage where a different process can take place – that of language revival and revitalization. The latter...
Language Endangerment: The Case of Native American Languages in the US and Australian Aboriginal Languages
Marijan Zubčić The present master thesis explores and describes the phenomenon of language endangerment in the United States and Australia. The thesis examines the resemblance between the statistics regarding indigenous languages on the two continents. Throughout the thesis the British colonization is examined as one of the main influences on the linguistic situation in the US and Australia. The topic was chosen as the language endangerment continues in the globalized world of the 21st century,...
Language Maintenance and Language Shift in Wales
Tomislav Nebes The Welsh language is the official but not the most used language in Wales. Welsh has developed in a way that differs from the development of many other European languages because of its membership in the United Kingdom. According to the 2011 Census, Welsh is spoken by only 21 percent of the Welsh. This paper therefore investigates the reason why the official language is the minority language, and what is done to encourage people in Wales to learn Welsh. In the process, we consider the...
Language Policies and Attitudes towards Loanwords – The Case of Anglicisms among Croatian and Italian Youth
Katarina Grbas The aim of this paper is to investigate the attitudes of Croatian and Italian youth towards anglicisms in their languages. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses English as a lingua franca and describes language contact between English and Croatian as well as Italian. Moreover, the theoretical part provides definitions of linguistic borrowing and anglicisms and explains the language of youth and reasons behind the frequent usage of anglicisms. The first part of the thesis also deals...
Language Policies and Migration Processes: The Case of English-Croatian Billingualism
Antonela Bakić This paper aims to show the participants' experiences concerning the language policies of their country of origin and their host country. In order to achieve this aim, the paper is divided into two main parts. The first part is theoretical and is mostly concerned with the language policies of the U.S., the South African Republic, and Croatia. It also encompasses the role of language policies in education. Moreover, the theoretical part also discusses the migration processes in general and...
Language Policies in English-Dominant Countries: The Case of Spanish and French
Maja Geljić The main focus of this paper is the analysis of language policies in the following Englishdominant countries: the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, with the emphasis on two major European languages: Spanish and French. The first part of this paper consists of a brief presentation of the definitions of language policy and language planning as well as their types. In the following parts the reader is provided with some important facts about the researched countries...