Sažetak | Cilj: cilj istraţivanja jest utvrditi broj pacijenata koji su lijeĉeni zbog jetrene ciroze u OB Šibensko-kninske ţupanije na odjelu gastroenterologije u razdoblju od 1. sijeĉnja 2019. do 31. prosinca 2021. godine, ispitati komplikacije koje su nastale te razlike istih u odnosu na etiologiju jetrene ciroze. Metode: istraţivanje je provedeno retrospektivno, a podaci su prikupljeni iz bolniĉkog informacijskog sustava (BIS) pacijenata hospitaliziranih na odjelu gastroenterologije OB Šibensko-kninske ţupanije. Za statistiĉku analizu je korišten statistiĉki software STATISTICA 12, Tibco, Kalifornija. Rezultati: prikupljeni su podaci za 108 pacijenata. Alkohol je uzrok ciroze jetre u 58,33 % ispitanika, a u 41,67 % ispitanika etiologija ciroze jetre je nealkoholna. Ascites je bio najĉešće javljana komplikacija kojeg je razvilo 54,62 % ispitanika, dok je najrjeĊa bio hepatorenalni sindrom kojega je imalo svega 2,78 % ispitanika. U skupini ispitanika s alkoholnom cirozom jetre, njih 68,25 % imalo je ascites, 38,09 % varikozitete jednjaka, 38,09 % koagulopatiju, 26,98 % ţuticu, 26,98 % jetrenu encefalopatiju, 4,76 % hepatorenalni sindrom, 50,79 % portalnu hipertenziju te 6,34 % hepatocelularni karcinom. U skupini ispitanika s nealkoholnim uzrocima ciroze jetre, njih 35,56 % imalo je ascites, 13,33 % varikozitet jednjaka, 17,78 % koagulopatiju, 35,56 % ţuticu, 4,44 % jetrenu encefalopatiju, 0 % hepatorenalni sindrom, 13,33 % portalnu hipertenziju te 2,22 % hepatocelularni karcinom. Zaključak: ovim istraţivanjem pokazalo se da je alkohol znaĉajniji uzrok jetrene ciroze u muškoj populaciji, kao i da taj oblik ciroze dovodi do ĉešće pojave komplikacija, što je u skladu s navodima iz literature. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Aim: research aim is to collect and analyze data on patients’ who were treated for liver cirrhosis in the General Hospital of Sibenik-Knin County at the Department of Gastroenterology in the period from 1 st of January 2019 until 31st of December 2021, in order to examine the resulting complications and their differences in relation to the etiology of liver cirrhosis. Methods: research was conducted retrospectively, and the data were collected from the hospital information system (BIS) of patients hospitalized at the gastroenterology department of the OB of Sibenik-Knin County. For statistical analysis was used Statistical software STATISTICA 12, Tibco, California. Results: data were collected for 108 patients. Alcohol is the cause of liver cirrhosis in 58.33 % of respondents, and in 41.67 % of respondents, the etiology of liver cirrhosis is nonalcoholic. Ascites was the most frequently reported complication developed by 54.62 % of subjects, while the rarest was hepatorenal syndrome, which was experienced by only 2.78 % of subjects. In the group of subjects with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, 68.25 % had ascites, 38.09 % esophageal varices, 38.09 % coagulopathy, 26.98 % jaundice, 26.98 % hepatic encephalopathy, 4.76 % hepatorenal syndrome, 50.79 % portal hypertension and 6.34 % hepatocellular carcinoma. In the group of subjects with non-alcoholic causes of liver cirrhosis, 35.56 % had ascites, 13.33 % esophageal varices, 17.78 % coagulopathy, 35.56 % jaundice, 4.44 % hepatic encephalopathy, 0 % hepatorenal syndrome, 13 .33 % portal hypertension and 2.22 % hepatocellular carcinoma. Conclusion: this research has demonstrated that alcohol is a more significant cause of liver cirrhosis in the male population, as well as that this form of cirrhosis leads to more frequent complications, which is in accordance with the literature. |