Sažetak | Čovjek svakodnevno proživljava niz emocija i raspoloženja, bilo pozitivnih ili negativnih, te posjeduje brojne alate za njihovu regulaciju. Jedan od najpopularnijih alata regulacije je upravo glazba te se može koristiti kroz sedam strategija; Zabava, Oporavak, Snažni osjećaji, Mentalni rad, Premještanje, Utjeha i Otpuštanje ljutnje; od kojih se Otpuštanje ljutnje izdvaja kao jedina kroz koju se izražavaju negativni afekti. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati regulaciju glazbe s obzirom na spol i glazbeni angažman te su ispitani odnosi strategija regulacije glazbe, dobi, emocionalne stabilnosti te ruminacije ljutnje. U istraživanju su sudjelovali mlađi odrasli (N=142; Nglazbenici=61; Nneglazbenici=81; Nž=113; Nm=29). Podaci su prikupljeni online anketom, a korišteni instrumenti uključivali su: skraćenu verziju Ljestvice regulacije raspoloženja glazbom (B-MMR) (Saarikallio, 2008), Subskalu iz „Big Five“ testa koja se odnosi na emocionalnu stabilnost (IPIP 50S; Goldberg, 1999) te Skalu ruminacije ljutnje (Sukhodolsky. Golub i Cromwell, 2001). Nakon provedene faktorske analize utvrđena je trofaktorska struktura B-MMR, a dobiveni faktori su nazvani Mentalna regulacija glazbom, Otpuštanje ljutnje i Oporavak/Zabava. Rezultati istraživanja ne ukazuju na razliku između glazbenika i neglazbenika ni na jednoj od podljestvica, ali je utvrđen interakcijski efekt spola i glazbenog angažmana na podljestvici Mentalna regulacija glazbom - točnije žene glazbenice postižu veće rezultate od žena neglazbenica te muških glazbenika,. Na podljestvici Oporavak/Zabava utvrđen je glavni efekt spola, točnije žene su postizale više rezultate u odnosu na muškarce. Također su utvrđene pozitivna povezanost između ruminacije ljutnje i Otpuštanja ljutnje, negativna povezanost između ruminacije ljutnje i emocionalne stabilnosti, te pozitivna povezanost između svih subskala regulacije raspoloženja glazbom. Rezultati potvrđuju samo neke od pretpostavljenih odnosa stoga su potrebna daljnja istraživanja ove tematike. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Every day, a person experiences a series of emotions and moods, whether positive or negative, and possesses numerous tools for their regulation. One of the most popular regulation tools is precisely music and it can be used through seven strategies; Fun, Recovery, Strong Feelings, Mental Work, Relocation, Comfort and Release of Anger; of which only Release of Anger stands out as the only one through which negative affects are expressed. The main purpose of the research was to determine the level in which a person regulates through music with regard to gender and musical engagement, and the relationships between regulation of music, age, emotional stability and rumination of anger were examined. Young adults participated in the research (N=142; Nmusicians=61; Nnonmusicians=81; Nfemale=113; Nmale=29). Online survey was conducted to collect the data, and the instruments used included: a brief version of the Music Mood Regulation Scale (BMMR) (Saarikallio, 2008), the Big Five Emotional Stability Subscale (IPIP 50S; Goldberg, 1999) and Anger Rumination Scale (Sukhodolsky, Golub and Cromwell, 2001). After the factor analysis, the three-factor structure of the B-MMR was determined, and the obtained factors were called Mental regulation by music, Release of anger and Recovery/Fun. The results of the research do not indicate a difference between musicians and non-musicians on any of the subscales, but an interaction effect of gender and musical engagement was determined on the Mental regulation by music subscale - more precisely, female musicians achieve higher results than female non-musicians and male musicians, and although this difference was not determined for also male non-musicians, the arithmetic mean still points to a slightly higher score for female musicians. On the Recovery/Fun subscale, the main effect of gender was determined, more precisely, women achieved more results than men. A positive correlation was also found between anger rumination and anger release, a negative relationship between anger rumination and emotional stability, and a positive relationship between all subscales of mood regulation by music. The results confirm only some of the assumed relationships, so further research on this topic is needed. |