Sažetak | Unatoč tome što ne postoji jasna definicija kvalitete života, ona je tema rasprava brojnih znanosti. U ovom radu se pristupilo proučavanju kvalitete života s gledišta geografije koja promatra kvalitetu života s obzirom na prostor u kojem se nalazi. Funkcionalna opremljenost se proučavala kroz objektivne pokazatelje i značajan je pokazatelj kvalitete života. Metodologija istraživanja je bazirana na online anketi kojoj je pristupilo 209 ispitanika s ciljem utvrđivanja kvalitete života i funkcionalne opremljenosti u gradu Otočcu. Otočac se u novije vrijeme suočava s brojnim negativnim gospodarsko- demografskim pokazateljima. Kvaliteta života se proučavala kroz domene: stanovanje, infrastruktura, prirodni okoliš i ekonomski okoliš. Iste su bazirane na multuatributivnom modelu kvalitete života u urbanom okolišu Lane Slavuj te prilagođene za potrebe ovog rada. Nadalje, funkcionalna opremljenost je proučavana kroz 6 funkcija: odgojno- obrazovnom, zdravstvenom, trgovačkom, financijskom, ugostiteljskom, upravnom i uslužnom funkcijom. U analizi objektivnih pokazatelja prikupljeni podaci prikazani su kartografski, a vizualizacija podataka izvršena je uz pomoć programa Google Earth Pro te programa ArcMap. Kriteriji gradskih funkcija dobiveni su internetskim i terenskim pretraživanjem prostora. Prilikom obrade ankete izvršena je deskriptivna i inferencijalna statistika koja je provedena u nekoliko faza, pomoću različitih statističkih metoda. U prvoj fazi inferencijalne
statistike provedena je analiza pomoću Cronbach's Alfa koeficijenta nakon čega se pristupilo faktorskoj analizi u kojoj se izdvojilo 9 latentnih faktora koji su uključeni u odgovarajuće faktore. ANOVA-om te hi kvadrat testom su se dobili odgovori na istraživačke ciljeve i postavljene hipoteze. Rezultati ukazuju na umjereno zadovoljstvo ispitanika funkcionalnom opremljenošću te je utvrđeno kako opremljenost zadovoljava potrebe stanovnika. Ispitanici su najmanje zadovoljni ekonomskom domenom, a najviše prirodnim okolišem. Nadalje, istraživanjem se potvrdila hipoteza kako su socijalne veze prednost života u malom gradu. Isto tako, iako Otočac kao mali grad ne nudi mnoštvo kulturnih sadržaja, ne postoji povezanost između želje za iseljavanjem i nezadovoljstvom kulturnim sadržajima. Subjektivni pokazatelji daju uvid u stavove lokalnog stanovništva, što ovaj rad čini značajnim pogotovo iz razloga manjka radova sličnog karaktera na području Ličko- senjske županije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Despite the fact that there is no clear definition of quality of life, it is a topic of discussion in many sciences. In this thesis, the study of the quality of life was approached from the point of view of geography, which observes the quality of life with regard to the space in which it is located. Functional equipment was studied through objective indicators and is a significant indicator of quality of life. The research methodology is based on an online survey that was accessed by 209 respondents with the aim of determining the quality of life and functional equipment in the city of Otočac. Recently, Otočac has been facing numerous negative economic and demographic indicators. The quality of life was studied through the following domains: domain of living, infrastructure, natural environment and economic environment, sociocultural environment, and social relationships. They are based on the multiattributive model of the quality of life in the urban environment of Lana Slavuj and adapted for the needs of this paper. Furthermore, the functional equipment was studied through 6 functions: educational, health, commercial, financial, catering, administrative and service functions. In the analysis of objective indicators, the collected data were presented cartographically, and data visualization was performed with the help of Google Earth Pro and ArcMap programs. The criteria of city functions were obtained by Internet and field search of the area. During processing the survey, descriptive and inferential statistics were carried out in several stages, using different statistical methods. In the first phase of inferential statistics, an analysis using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was carried out, after which a factor analysis was carried out, in which 9 latent factors were separated and included in the corresponding factors. ANOVA and chi-square test were used to obtain answers to the research objectives and set hypotheses. The results indicate moderate satisfaction of the respondents with the functional equipment, and it was determined that the equipment meets the needs of the residents. Respondents are the least satisfied with the economic domain, and the most with the natural environment. Furthermore, the research confirmed the hypothesis that social relationships are an advantage of living in a small town. Likewise, even though Otočac as a small town does not offer a lot of cultural content, there is no connection between the desire to emigrate and dissatisfaction with cultural content. Subjective indicators give an insight into the attitudes of the local population, which makes this work significant, especially due to the lack of works of a similar nature in the area of Ličko-senjska county |