Sažetak | Budući da turizam ima sve veću ulogu u javnom i privatnom sektoru, njegovo djelovanje ima značajan utjecaj na život i oblikovanje zajednice. Turizam je složeni fenomen koji svojim rastom počinje doticati sve sfere života. Njegov utjecaj odnosi se na ekonomske, ekološke i socijalne aspekte koji kroz svoje promjene mijenjaju način života lokalne zajednice. Kako bi se destinacija razvijala u dobrom smjeru, i tako ne narušavala postojeću resursno-atrakcijsku osnovu grada i kvalitetu života stanovništva, potrebno je uključiti građanstvo u kreiranje turističke ponude pošto su i oni samo nositelji turističke ponude. Gledajući s aspekta grada Varaždina, kultura, povijest i arhitektonsko nasljeđe zasigurno su jedni su od najvećih atributa destinacije pa tako kulturni turizam postaje fokus razvoja destinacije. Novi trendovi u turizmu okreću se specifičnim oblicima turizma koji slijede vodilju održivosti i ravnopravnog razvoja turizma u destinaciji. Tema ovog diplomskog rada je Stavovi lokalnog stanovništva o razvoju turizma grada Varaždina. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi suvremene turističke trendove te pozitivne i negativne učinke turizma u destinaciji, utvrditi resursno-atrakcijsku osnovu grada Varaždina za razvoj turizma, utvrditi stavove i značaj lokalnog stanovništva u razvoju turizma grada Varaždina, iznijeti preporuke usmjerene budućem razvoju turizma grada Varaždina. Radu je prethodilo provođenje istraživanja o utjecaju razvoja turizma na njegovu okolinu i zajednicu te pozitivnim i negativnim učincima koji iz njega proizlaze. Koristio se polustrukturirani intervju kao metoda prikupljanja podataka o trenutnom stanju turizma u gradu Varaždinu i mišljenju lokalnog stanovništva o budućem razvoju turizma grada. Na razvoj turizma destinacije utječe više aspekata, stoga je kroz istraživanje ispitano mišljenje djelatnika u turizmu, osobe privatnog i javnog sektora, te stavovi lokalne zajednice. Temeljno istraživačko pitanje na koje se pokušalo odgovoriti je koji je stav lokalnog stanovništva i uloga u razvoju turizma grada Varaždina? Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je kulturni turizam u primarnom fokusu turističke ponude grada Varaždina i kako upravo taj oblik turizma ima najveći potencijal razvoja. Utvrđeno je da postoji slaba participacija lokalnog stanovništva u kreiranju strategije razvoja turizma te u tom pogledu su nužne promjene i poboljšanja. Na kraju rada, na temelju iznesenog, dane su preporuke za daljnji razvoj turizma u gradu Varaždinu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Today, tourism is present in both the private and public sectors and its impact on both I sin incline, why it became an important factor in shaping communities. Tourism is a complex phenomenon that due to its growth affects all the spheres of life. That includes economic, ecological, and social aspects which through their evolution change the way people in local communities coexist. For a tourist destination, as a geographical term, to go in the right direction and develop itself without creating any distortions in the existing resource-attraction basis of the city and the quality of life of the local population, it is important to involve that same population in the process of creating of the tourist offer. Seen from the aspect of the city of Varaždin, culture, history and architectural heritage are certainly one of the greatest attributes of the city as a destination, why cultural tourism in that context is now in focus. New trends in tourism are turning to specific forms of tourism that follow the guideline of sustainability and equal development of tourism in the destination. The main subject of this thesis i „Attitudes of the local residents on development of tourism in the city of Varaždin“.Goal of this paper was to determine contemporary trend in tourism, positive and negative impacts of tourism in destination, determine resource-attraction basis of the city of Varaždin for tourism development, determine attitudes of and importance of local population for tourism development of the city of Varaždin, make recommendations directed towards future tourism development of the city of Varaždin. The paper was preceded by conducting the research on the impacts of tourism on communities and the environment. The research enquires both positive and negative effects resulting from the development of tourism in a specific community. To collect data about public opinion on the future of tourism as an activity in the city of Varaždin, as well as on its current state, a semi-structured interview was used. Furthermore, as several subjects affect the development of tourism in general, different groups of people have been examined through the research, which includes people working in a specific sector, both from a private and public sphere, and others Fundamental research question that was tried to answer was what is the attitude of the local population and its role in tourism development in the city of Varaždin? The results of the conducted research have shown that the main focus of the tourist offer of the city of Varaždin is cultural tourism and that it is the exact form of tourism that has the most potential for growth. It has also been found that the participation of local population in the making of tourism development strategy is low, so that is the sphere that requires necessary change and improvement. At the end of the paper, based on everything that has been presented, recommendations for further tourism development of the city of Varaždin have been given. |