Sažetak | Uz pomoć stručne literature u radu je definiran pojam fotografije, prikazana je kratka povijest i razvoj fotografskih postupaka uz doprinos brojnih znanstvenika i umjetnika. Fotografija iza sebe ima dugu povijest kroz koju se pokušavao riješiti problem trajnog zapisa slike. Naglasak je na kemijskim eksperimentima koji su u 19. st. rezultirali izumima dagerotipije, ambrotipije, ferotipije, kalotipije i sl. Nadalje, opisuje se nastanak fotografije u boji i analogne fotografije na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. st. u čemu je veliku ulogu imao George Eastman s izumom Kodak fotoaparata koji se punio filmom u traci. Razvoj tehnologije je doveo do otkrića digitalne fotografije kojom je fotografija postala lako dostupna i sveprisutna. Spominju se i razne namjene fotografije kao što su umjetnička i dokumentarna fotografija, reklamna fotografija, reprodukcija te eksperimentalna fotografija. Obrađuje se i likovni jezik fotografije u kojem se spominju likovni elementi kao što su točka, crta, ploha, svjetlo-sjena, ton, kolorizam i specifični likovni jezik fotografije kao što su rakurs i plan te okvir (kadar).
Praktični dio obuhvaća integriranje medija fotografije na nastavne teme iz Nastavnog plana i programa za likovnu kulturu te analiza uspješnosti istih. To istraživanje je provedeno na nastavnim satima likovne kulture s učenicima prvog, drugog, trećeg i četvrtog razreda. S učenicima prvog razreda izvedena je nastavna tema 'Crtani film', a s učenicima trećeg razreda nastavna tema 'Fotostrip'. Obrađene nastavne teme su usko povezane sa njihovim sadržajem u Nastavnom planu i programu, no u cilju je bilo rad na zadatku učiniti što zanimljivijim, originalnim i kreativnim kako bi učenici kroz to bili uvedeni u razne mogućnosti koje fotografija nudi. U drugom i četvrtom razredu izabran je malo drugačiji pristup. Korištena likovna tehnika bila je nekonvencionalna i originalna. U drugom razredu učenici su uz pomoć fotoosjetljivog papira naučili kako su nastajale prve fotografije a u četvrtom razredu su se uz pomoć računalnog programa 'Paint' bavili digitalnom fotomontažom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | With the help of professional literature in the paper, the concept of photography, it’s brief history and the development of photographic procedures with the contribution of numerous scientists and artists was defined. The photography has a long history behind through which it was trying to solve the problem of permanent image recording. Emphasis is placed on chemical experiments in the 19th century resulted in inventions of daguerreotype, ambrotopy, ferotype, calotype, and the like. Furthermore, there is a description of the emergence of a color photography and analogue photography at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries where the great role was played by George Eastman with the invention of the Kodak camera, which was filled with a movie in the tape. The development of technology led to the discovery of a digital photo by which photography became easily accessible and ubiquitous. Also mentioned are various purposes of photography such as artistic and documentary photography, advertising photography, reproduction and experimental photography. The artistic language of photography is also discussed in which are mentioned artistic elements such as point, line, plane, light-shadow, tone, color and specific artistic language of photography, such as rakurs and plan and frame. The practical part involves the integration of photo media on curriculum subjects from the Curriculum for the fine arts and the analysis of their success. This research was conducted in the lessons of fine art with students of the first, second, third and fourth grade. With the first grade students, the curriculum subject 'Cartoon Film' was introduced, and with the students of the third grade the curriculum subject 'Photostrip'. Treated curriculum subjects were closely related to their content in the Curriculum, but the purpose was to make the assignment more interesting, original and creative so that the pupils could be introduced to the various possibilities offered by photography. In the second and fourth grade, a slightly different approach was chosen. The used art techniques were unconventional and original. In the second grade, students learned about some of the first photos ever made in history of photography with the help of photo-sensitive paper, and in the fourth grade, with the help of the computer program 'Paint', they were engaged in digital photomontage. |