Sažetak | Rak je životno ugrožavajuća bolest koja je nerijetko popraćena intenzivnim emocionalnim doživljajima koja utječu na psihološko i socijalno funkcioniranje pacijenta, ali i njegove bližnje. Prilikom samog upoznavanja pacijenta s dijagnozom maligne bolesti kod osoba se javljaju intenzivne emocionalne reakcije (Gregurek i Braš, 2008). Emocionalne i psihološke reakcije su brojne, a one koje se najčešće pojavljuju uz dijagnozu raka su anksioznost i depresivnost (Stanimirović, 2017; Jurić, Jonjić i Miličević, 2016). Međutim, postoje velike individualne razlike u načinu doživljavanja i suočavanja s bolešću što može imati različite efekte na psihološke ishode. Upravo je zbog navedenog svrha ovog rada bila ispitati odnos strategija suočavanja pacijenta te percepcije vlastite bolesti i kvalitete života, anksioznosti i depresivnosti te osobe. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 84 osobe oboljele od raka. Ispitanici su prvo ispunjavali Upitnik općih podataka zatim su slijedili upitnici: Kratki inventar boli, Upitnik percepcije bolesti, Upitnik dispozicijskog i situacijskog suočavanja sa stresom, Ljestvica bolničke anksioznosti i depresivnosti te Upitnik kvalitete života Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Rezultati su pokazali kako pojedini aspekti percepcije bolesti imaju značajan doprinos objašnjenju kvalitete života, anksioznosti i depresivnosti onkoloških pacijenata. Utvrđeno je da percepcija veće osobne i medicinske kontrole bolesti uz manje emocionalnih reprezentacija predviđa bolju kvalitetu života. Percepcija viših razina emocionalnih reprezentacija predviđa više razine anksioznosti, dok percepcija viših razina emocionalnih reprezentacija i ozbiljnijih posljedica bolesti (značajan utjecaj bolesti na financijsko stanje, život općenito) predviđa više razine depresivnosti pacijenta. Također, dobiveno je kako strategije suočavanja nisu u korelaciji s kvalitetom života, anksioznošću i depresivnošću. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Cancer is a life-threatening disease that is often accompanied by intense emotional experiences that affect the psychological and social functioning of the patient, but also his/her loved ones. Intensive emotional reactions occur since the patient has been acquainted to his malignant illness (Gregurek & Braš, 2008). Emotional and psychological reactions are numerous, and those most frequently associated with cancer diagnosis are anxiety and depression (Stanimirović, 2017; Jurić, Jonjić & Milicevic, 2016). However, differences of experiencing and dealing with the disease that may have diverse effects on psychological outcomes are individual.Therefore, the purpose of this research was to examine relationship between the patient's coping strategies, perception of his own illness and his quality of life, anxiety and depression. The study included 84 patients suffering from cancer. The respondents first filled out: The Questionnaire on general respondent data followed by questionnaires: Brief Pain Inventory (BPI, Cleeland & Ryan, 1994), The Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R, Moss-Morris, Weinman, Petrie & Buick, 2002), Short version of coping inventory (Hudek-Kneţević & Kardum, 1993), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS, Zigmond & Snaith, 1983) and World Health Organisation Quality of Life-Bref (The WHOQOL Group, 1998). The results showed that certain aspects of illness perception are significant predictors of the quality of life, anxiety and depression of oncological patients. Furthermore, results of research established that the perception of greater personal and medical control of disease with less emotional representations anticipates better quality of life. Perception of higher levels of emotional representation predicts higher levels of anxiety, while perception of higher levels of emotional representation and more serious consequences of illness (significant influence of disease on financial condition, life in general) predicts higher levels of depression of the patient. Additional findings included, results of coping strategies are not correlated with quality of life, anxiety and depression. |