Sažetak | Ljudi oduvijek u sebi nose potrebu za promjenom okoliša, za putovanjem te upoznavanjem novih područja. Rezultat toga bila je industrijska revolucija koja je rezultirala izumom parnog stroja što je naravno omogućilo tadašnji razvoj parobodova. Oni su prva preteča današnjih kruzera. Kruzere je zaista vrlo teško ispravno definirati, no oni su u svojoj biti brodovi za kružna putovanja. Najveći od njih imaju kapaciteta za tisuće i tisuće putnika kao i osoblja, a putovanja na njima mogu trajati od nekoliko dana pa do nekoliko tjedana ili čak mjeseci. Kruzerski je turizam turistički proizvod kao i svaki drugi, ali više bi se mogao definirati kao usluga budući da putnici plaćaju za uslugu smještaja i prijevoza. Među ciljnom skupinom kod kruzera prednjače oni iz Velike Britanije, no kada se sagledavaju oni koji uplovaljavaju u Hrvatsku na prva su tri mjesta Talijani, Amerikanci i Španjolci. Turistima je na raspolaganju vrlo veliki broj kruzerskih kompanija i kruzera te ih mogu odabrati prema svojim preferencijama. Neke od njih su Cunard Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Holland America Lines i slično. Turistički je nazanimljiviji Carnival Cruises koji su u biti ogromna grupacija koja u sebi sadrži mnoge kruzerske kompanije koje je postupno tijekom godine otkupila, a danas drže većinski dio tržišta u svojoj industriji. Tvrtka je osnovana 1972.godine, a svojim gostima nude krstarenja svuda po svijetu. Također nude putovanja za tvrtke koje idu na team building, vjenčanja ili medene mjesece. Sudjeluju u dobrotvornom radu skupljajući novac za teško oboljelu djecu. Jedan od njihovih najpoznatijih brodova jest Carnival Dream. Dug je 306 metara, teži 130,000 tona te je u stanju prevesti do čak 3,646 putnika istovremeno. Nudi širok izbor spavaćih soba, hrane i pića te ostalih zabavnih sadržaja. Iz prethodnog teksta može se vidjeti kako najveći udio u kuzerskoj industriji zauzimaju američke kompanije dok su europske u odnosu na njih znatno slabije, no tri koje se mogu istaknuti su Birka Line, The Majestic Line te Cruise&Maritime Voyages. Što se tiče nautičkih luka u svijetu, također postoji vrlo velik broj definicija, no glavno je to kako se moraju ostvariti mnogi uvjeti kako bi luka mogla funkcionirati i to oni prirodni, ekonomski, tehnički i slično. Što se tiče luka u svijetu ističu se ona u Miamiju kao najpopularnija i najprometnija, ali i one u Cairnsu i Barbadosu. Od europskih su vrijedne spomena one u Monaku, Seteu i Barcelni, a u Hrvatskoj bez dvojbe Dubrovnik, Split i Zadar. Dubrovnik je već godinama najpopularnija destinacija u Hrvatskoj pa to i brojke koje prikazuju kruzerski turizam potvrđuju. Split je na neki način „zamjena Dubrovniku“, a Zadar je tek u usponu. Pristanište za brodove na Poluotoku te u novoobnovljenoj Gaženici stvaraju vrlo velike mogućnosti za daljnji napredak, unatoč činjenici da statistički podaci pokazuju pad uz domaćem i međunarodnom prometu čiji je vrhunac bio 2013.godine. Još je jedna vrlo zanimljiva stvar vezana uz kruzere, a to je da ne nude samo putovanje i promatranje okoliša i lokacija sa samog broda već nude i razne izlete u svim lukama i destinacijama koje se posjete. Neke su lokacije recimo posjet Vatikanskom muzeju, razgledavanje Monserrata, razgledavanje autom i slično, sve naravno ovisi o posjećenoj destinaciji. Pregled kruzerske ponude u Europi nipošto nebi bio potpun da se izostavi i ponuda riječnih kruzera koja je u zadnjih nekoliko godina u velikom uzletu. Najpopularnije su riječne kruzerske kompanije Scenic Cruises, APT, Avalon Waterway i slično. Svojim gostima nude širok spektar opcija prehrane i zabave, kao i neke druge aktivnosti koje su proizvoljne te moguće da nisu niti uključene u cijenu. Glavna im je razlika od morskih kruzera u veličini, budući da većinom prevoze tek stotinjak gostiju te nešto manje posade. U Hrvatskoj su najpopularnije destinacije riječnih kruzera Osijek, Slavonski brod te na prvom mjestu Vukovar. Kod obrade financijskih aspekata kruzing industrije postavlja se pitanje koliko zaista gosti financijski pridonesu u nekoj destinaciji, odnosno kolika je njihova potrošnja. U Dubrovniku je to u prosjeku samo 37 eura, dok je recimo u Zadru čak 82 eura. Kruzeri također generiraju velik broj poslova, a taj je broj 2015.godine iznosio skoro milijun poslova diljem svijet te skoro 400,000 samo u Europi. Svoje zaposlenike kruzeri pronalaze diljem svijeta, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj, no ona je tek na jedanaestom mjestu sa samo 1,2% poslova. Od poslova koji se vežu uz kruzere najveći je broj naravno poslova na samim kruzerima, no slijede promet, trgovina, proizvodnja i slično. Kruzeri su naravno, kao i svaki drugi oblik poslovanja, ograničeni raznim zakonima i propisima. U svijetu su skoro sve situacije koje se mogu dogoditi obilježene zakonima, a takve situacije obuhvaćaju krađe, nestanak osobe pa čak i ozlijede gostiju ili članova posade. Hrvatsko zakonodavstvo zasad funkcionira vrlo dobro, međutim i tu još uvijek ima mjesta za rast i razvitak. Bitno je spomenuti i iskustva zaposlenih i prethodno zaposlenih na kruzerima kako bi se dobio što bolji uvid u njihovo funkcioniranje. Postoje naravno pozitivni, ali i negativni komentari i iskustva ljudi koji kažu da je posao veoma zahtjevan, ponekad čak i previše, ali svi se slažu kako su plaće većinom sukladne količini posla koji se obavlja. Jedna od prethodnih zaposlenika ističe kako joj je to bilo jedno od najboljih vremena u njezinom životu. U skoro 7 godina rada na kruzerima većinu je vremena provela radeći na recepciji te je obišla skoro sve zemlje svijeta i kao zaključak ističe da bi takav posao preporučila svim mladim ljudima željnim posla, putovanja te novih iskustava i znanja. Kruzerski turizam ostvaruje mnoge pozitivne, ali i negativne efekte na destinaciju. Neke od pozitivnih bile bi produženje sezone u pred i post sezonu, financijski efekti kao i „besplatna reklama“. No, neke od najozbiljnijih negativnih posljedica su opterećenje gradske infrastrukture, ugrožavanje kvalitete života domicilnog stanovništva kao i kvalitete zraka, mora i kopna, ali i takozvane granične odnosno marginalne pojave poput krađa, vandalizma, prostitucije i sličnoga. Kako bi se ove pojave eliminirale ili smanjile, potrebno je obrazovati gradsko stanovništvo, naplaćivati ulaz u grad te povećati broj policije za vrijeme sezone kao i uvesti ozbiljnije kazne za nedopušteno ponašanje. Postoji mnogo predviđanja za razvoj kruzerskog turizma u budućnosti. Mnogi stručnjaci smatraju kako će se, na primjer, veći broj mladih uključiti u ove vrste turističkih tokova, kako će se povećati popularnost riječnih kruzera te kako će se mnogi privatni otoci otvoriti za javnost. Također smatraju da će kruzeri postati privremeni dom mnogim poznatim kuharima i tim postupkom privući ljubitelje hrane. U svakom slučaju, kruzeri su pozitivna pojava koja svojim prisutstvom uvažava i potvrđuje vrijednost određene turističke destinacije. Međutim, kod kruzera treba biti oprezan kako negativne i štetne posljedice ne bi ugrozile one pozitivne efekte i učinke. |
Sažetak (engleski) | People have always had a desire to change their environment, to travel and to discover new places. That resulted in the Industrial revolution which manifested in the form of the steam machine which then led to the development of the first steam ships. They were the first form of today's cruisers. Cruisers are very hard to define, but in their core, they are ships for circular trips. The biggest ones among them have the capacity to carry thousands and thousands of passengers, as well as staff and the trips that cruises offer can last a few day or even weeks and months. Cruising tourism is a tourist product just like any other, but it would be better to define it as a service since the guests pay for the service of accommodation and transport. The target group that uses cruisers the most comes from Great Britain, but if only the ones that come to Croatia are considered, then the top three places are taken by the Italians, Americans and Spaniards. Tourists have a wide variety of cruising companies and cruisers themselves to choose from and they can easily pick one that suits their needs. Some of the companies are Cunard Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Holland America Lines and so on. One of the most interesting companies is Carnival cruises which is actually a major group that consists of a few cruising companies and today they hold the majority of the cruising market. The company was established in 1972. and their guests can choose almost any location in the world to go to. They offer packages for companies going on team building, weddings and honeymoons. They also do charity work collecting money for sick children. One of their most famous ships is Carnival Dream. It is 306 meters long, weights 130,000 tons and is capable of carrying up to 3,646 passengers at the same time. It offers a wide variety of rooms, food and beverages and other entertainment services. From the previous text it is visible that the most of the cruising market belongs to the American companies while the European ones are mush weaker, but three of them stand out and they are the Birka Line, the Majestic Line and the Cruise & Maritime Voyages. When talking about the ports in the whole world, it is also a known fact that there are a lot of different definitions, but the consensus is that the post has to ensure that many conditions are fulfilled, such as natural ones, economic ones, technical and so on. The most popular port and the one with probably the most traffic is the one in Miami, but the ones in Cairns and Barbados have to be mentioned as well. In the European area some of the popular ones are the one in Monaco, Sete and Barcelona and in Croatia the ones in Dubrovnik, Split and Zadar. Dubrovnik is the most popular tourist destination in Croatia for year, and the statistics for cruising tourism confirm that. Split is considered „Dubrovnik's replacement“ and Zadar is yet to see its best days. Ports on Zadar's semi island and the newly renovated Gaženica offer many possibilities for further development in spite the fact that numbers show a decrease in local and international traffic, whose peak was in the year 2013. Another very interesting fact connected to cruisers is that they do not only offer the possibility of travel and observing the environment and other locations from the ship itself, but also offer a great deal of on shore excursions in each post and destination they visit. Some of the excursions offered are, for example, a visit to the Vatican Museum, the sightseeing of Monserrat, sightseeing by car and many more. This paper would not be complete if it did not mention river cruises that are becoming more and more popular in the recent years. The most popular ones are Scenic Cruises, APT, Avalon Waterways and so on. Their guest can choose great deal of food and entertainment options as well as some other activities that might not be included in the price. The main difference between them and sea cruisers is in the size, since they can only carry a few hundred passengers and crew members at the same time. In Croatia, the most popular river cruising destinations are the ones in Osijek, Slavonski Brod and Vukovar in the first place. When talking about the financial aspects of cruising tourism, the main question is how much guest really spend in a particular destination. In Dubrovnik they only spend around 37 Euros on average, while in Zadar the average is around 82 Euros. Also, cruisers generate a great deal of jobs and in the year 2015. That number was around one million jobs in the whole world, and around 400,000 jobs in Europe alone. Cruisers find their employees in the whole world, so that includes Croatia too, but it is only in the 11th place when it comes to the number of people employed on cruisers and it holds only 1,2%. When it comes to the jobs related to cruisers, the greatest number are, of course, the ones on cruisers, but traffic, trade and production follow. Cruisers are, just as any other kind of business, regulated by various laws and restrictions. The laws in Croatia are, for now, still functioning very well, but there is always room to develop and grow. It is important to mention the experiences of people employed and previously employed on cruisers so that a deep insight on their functioning is visible. There are, of course, positive as well as negative experiences, but they all agree that the amount of money earned is, almost always, right to the amount of work done. One of the previous cruiser employees points out that working there as one of the best times of her life. In seven years that she worked there she was mostly in charge of the reception and had visited almost every country in the world. She also recommends the job to every young person with a desire to work, travel and learn new things. It is important to say that cruising tourism has many positive, but many negative side effects as well. One of the best effects cruisers have on a particular destination are definitely the prolongation of pre and post season, the financial effects and a „free commercial“. However, some of the most serious negative aspects of cruisers are the pressure it has on the city infrastructure, the degradation of the quality of life of the local people as well as the contamination of the air, sea and soil. It can also result in so called marginal events such as robberies, vandalism, prostitution and similar. To make these happenings rare or to even eliminate them, it is necessary to educate the locals and make a law that says every tourist has to pay a small amount of money to enter the city. It is also necessary to increase the number of police officers in the city itself during the season and start using strict punishments for those who do not obey these laws. There are many predictions for the development of cruising tourism in the future. Many experts believe that in the future more young people will start to travel by cruisers. They also believe that the popularity of river cruises will increase and that many private islands will open to welcome tourists on cruisers. They also believe that cruisers will become a temporary home to many celebrity chefs and that will attract many food lovers. In any case, cruisers are a positive phenomenon that only confirms the value of a tourist destination. However, when dealing with cruisers one has to be very careful so that the negative and harmful side effects won't overwhelm the positive effects and contributions. |