
Fauna člankonožaca na žutim ljepljivim pločama u ekološkim i integriranim maslinicima i vinogradima Zadarske županije tijekom 2018.
Fauna člankonožaca na žutim ljepljivim pločama u ekološkim i integriranim maslinicima i vinogradima Zadarske županije tijekom 2018.
Božena Vitlov
Člankonošci (Arthropoda) predstavljaju najbrojniju i najrasprostranjeniju skupinu beskraljeţnjaka. Za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju najznačajniji su: paučnjaci, pauci i kukci. Odabrano je pet lokacija, po dva maslinika i dva vinograda svaki u ekološkom i integriranom sustavu uzgoja i peta lokacija dalmatinska makija koja nije u sustavu poljoprivredne proizvodnje, već se na njoj nalazi samoniklo dalmatinsko bilje. Istraţivanje je provedeno u razdoblju od sredine lipnja 2018. do sredine...
Fauna člankonožaca u nasadu badema (Prunus dulcis Mill.)
Fauna člankonožaca u nasadu badema (Prunus dulcis Mill.)
Marija Josić
Badem (Prunus dulcis Mill.) je vrlo stara voćarska kultura, koja na području zadarskog zaleđa ima dugogodišnju tradiciju uzgoja. Na području Ravnih kotara, u mjestu Korlat, na 12 ha zemljišta podignut je nasad sa 3500 stabala badema u ekološkoj proizvodnji. Zastupljene sorte su Ferragnese, Ferraduel i Troito. Istraživanje je trajalo od sredine svibnja do sredine rujna 2018. godine. Glavni cilj ovog završnog rada bio je istražiti sastav i raznolikost faune člankonožaca tijekom...
Fausts Erkenntnis des höchsten Gutes und die Erfüllung des Wesens in Goethes Faust I
Fausts Erkenntnis des höchsten Gutes und die Erfüllung des Wesens in Goethes Faust I
Anđela Matković
In dieser Arbeit wird Fausts Streben nach einem höheren Gut sowie seine Vertiefung seiner eigenen Fähigkeiten dargestellt. Man sehnt sich nach dem, was man nicht haben kann und auf diesem Weg kommt man zu einem Wendepunkt, an dem man zwischen Gut und Böse wählen muss. Zu Faust und zu allen anderen Menschen ist dieser Weg bekannt, da jeder von uns diesen inneren Kampf hat, in dem man alle Geheimnisse dieser Welt kennenlernen möchte, während man andererseits der Konsequenzen bewusst ist....
Female Identity and Aspects of Space
Female Identity and Aspects of Space
Irena Skrbin
The aim of this final paper is to compare the relation between space and female identity on the example of three novels from English literary history: Daneil Defoe’s Moll Flanders (1722), Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway (1925), and Orlando (1928). In the first example we have male presentation of a female protagonist in the context of the 18th century urban environment while in the other two examples the percpetion of the issue is feminine: in her Mrs Dalloway Virginia Woolf also uses London...
Female Protagonists Across the Centuries: Moll Flanders, Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Sarah Miles
Female Protagonists Across the Centuries: Moll Flanders, Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Sarah Miles
Laura Melvan
The paper sets out to analyse female protagonists and representations of female sexuality in the British novels written in different historical periods: Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders (18th century), Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles (19th century), and Graham Greene’s The End of the Affair (20th century). The paper explores the status of real women and their sexuality across a three-century span, as well as the reactions of readers and publishers. However, the main focus of the...
Female Sexuality in the Selected Novels of Edna O'Brien, Emma Donoghue and Emer Martin
Female Sexuality in the Selected Novels of Edna O'Brien, Emma Donoghue and Emer Martin
Andrea Jerković
This diploma paper sets out to explore representations of female sexuality in The Country Girls Trilogy by Edna O’Brien, Hood by Emma Donoghue and Emer Martin’s More Bread or I’ll Appear. The gradual development of subversiveness and obscenity is rather evident in the representation of the heroines who constantly provoke and dispute Irish and Catholic moral values. Female characters both in the sixties and in the nineties demonstrate that Irish female identity cannot be defined by the...
Feminine Gender Stereotyping in Disney`s Animated Films
Feminine Gender Stereotyping in Disney`s Animated Films
Sara Vukša
The modern world is leaning more and more towards the equality of rights between men and women, taking the emphasis off the traditional gender roles, however, gender stereotyping is still present in mass media and therefore hampers the achievement of gender equality. In order to shed a light on this issue, this bachelor thesis deals with the representations of women and gender stereotypes aimed towards women in the media, especially in animated films released by The Walt Disney Studios. On...
Femininity and Masculinity in TV Series Modern Family
Femininity and Masculinity in TV Series Modern Family
Martina Matijević
In this paper the differences between femininity and masculinity which appear in popular TV series Modern Family were analyzed. Over the last few years the representation of femininity and masculinity has been modified and improved, however some stereotypes about what women and men should do still lingers. It can be said that in Modern Family differences between femininity and masculinity are not strictly determined. The goal of this paper was to analyze how Modern Family uses typical...
Feminism in Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments
Feminism in Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments
Zrinka Matković
This thesis deals with feminist aspects in Margaret Atwood’s novel The Testaments. As an introduction in the topic the first part of the thesis provides general information about Margaret Atwood, the acclaimed Canadian writer. Among other things, her novels were defined as feminist, therefore the following chapter focuses on the concept of feminism and its explanation. The development of feminism through history, the introduction of four waves feminism, is discussed. The brief description...
Feminism, Sexuality and Gender Roles in the Scream Movies
Feminism, Sexuality and Gender Roles in the Scream Movies
Magdalena Zmajić
The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of sexuality, gender roles, and feminism in the context of the Scream movies. Through numerous examples, it was highlighted how male characters are often portrayed as subordinate to female characters. The topic of sexuality encompasses various categories, including homosexuality and the Oedipus complex, while also challenging the prevailing prejudices about female sexuality as deserving punishment. Furthermore, it was explained how the theme of...
Feministička kritika nacionalizma: O odnosu feminističkih i nacionalnih identiteta
Feministička kritika nacionalizma: O odnosu feminističkih i nacionalnih identiteta
Kristina Čačić
Ovaj rad daje obrise teorijskih razmatranja nacije i nacionalizma u kontekstu konstruiranja nacionalnih kao kolektivnih identiteta. Naglasak je na feminističkim interpretacijama nacije kao muške konstrukcije kao rodnu dopunu razumijevanja nacionalizma i njegove uloge u emancipaciji žena u nacijama-državama. Kroz koncepte nacionaliziranog roda i orodnjene nacije ukazuje se na esencijalistička uporišta nacionalističkih interpretacija tradicije na razini države, civilnog društva i...
Feminističke misli u stvaralaštvu Jagode Truhelke
Feminističke misli u stvaralaštvu Jagode Truhelke
Josipa Blažinović
Rad govori o Jagodi Truhelki, začetnici hrvatskog ženskog pisma, autentičnoj dječjoj književnici, neiskvarenog katoličkog svjetonazora, moralnih načela i iskrenog hrvatskog domoljublja. Podijeljen je u tri glavna dijela. U prvom dijelu opisuje se Truhelkino školovanje, istaknute su i osobe od posebnog utjecaja na njezin učiteljski rad. Sažeto se iznosi sav opus, stvaralaštvo, te smjernice kojima se najčešće vodila u svojim djelima. Isto tako prikazan je kritički osvrt na...
