
Conceptual Metaphors in English and Croatian Media During the COVID – 19 Pandemic
Conceptual Metaphors in English and Croatian Media During the COVID – 19 Pandemic
Albina Korotaj
This thesis analyses the linguistic changes that occurred due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of the analysis were conceptual metaphors detected in the articles published from October 2021 until March 2022 in the chosen English and Croatian media. The first aim of the analysis was to determine which conceptual metaphors occurred in the COVID-19 discourse. The second aim was to discover which types of conceptual metaphors were found most frequently. The third aim was to...
Conceptual Metaphors in English, Spanish, and Croatian in Stephen King's Pet Sematary
Conceptual Metaphors in English, Spanish, and Croatian in Stephen King's Pet Sematary
Tanja Stupar
Despite metaphors being omnipresent in our everyday lives, their usage frequently goes unnoticed. This paper analyzes conceptual metaphors, a particular type of metaphor proposed by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1980), which entail understanding an abstract domain of experience in terms of a concrete domain of experience. What makes the creation of such metaphors possible is the existence of multiple correspondences between the two domains. These correspondences are also referred to as...
Conceptual Metaphors in Selected English Animated Films
Conceptual Metaphors in Selected English Animated Films
Ivona Drobac
On one hand, conceptual metaphors represent a significant aspect of the human conceptual system in the sense that they help us understand abstract concepts. On the other hand, animated films have had a certain significance in people’s lives as well and they represent a productive framework for recognizing the way in which we relate source domains to target domains. The purpose of this thesis was to examine, through the analysis of selected animated films, whether conceptual metaphors could...
Concordance des temps en français et en italien : analyse comparative
Concordance des temps en français et en italien : analyse comparative
Bruno Beara
Ce mémoire de master traite de l'analyse des systèmes verbaux français et italien à travers une comparaison de leurs règles pour la concordance des temps, dans le but de reconnaître leurs similitudes et leurs différences au cours des siècles du développement de la langue latine. L'article se compose de plusieurs parties de contenu - alors que dans la première partie nous nous sommes concentrés sur les descriptions des règles pour la concordance des temps dans chaque langue...
Concordia Apostolorum: ikonografija sv. Petra i sv. Pavla u 4. i 5. stoljeću
Concordia Apostolorum: ikonografija sv. Petra i sv. Pavla u 4. i 5. stoljeću
Josip Seličanec
Prikaz Concordiae Apostolorum jedan je od važnijih ikonografskih elemenata koji nastaje u drugoj polovici 4. stoljeća. Reforma koju papa Damaz pokreće sa štovanjem kulta mučenika u Rimu uzdiže značaj koji su dvojica apostola imali. Naime, prema apokrifnoj literaturi Petar i Pavao djelovali su zajedno u širenju evanđelja u Rimu, gdje su na kraju mučeni i ubijeni, što ih čini idealnim zaštitnicima grada. Apostolski autoritet koji su Petar i Pavao uživali u Rimu dovodi do toga da...
Conseguenze cognitive del bilinguismo
Conseguenze cognitive del bilinguismo
Anette Pejaković
Il presente lavoro si occupa del bilinguismo e le sue conseguenze cognitive. Offre una vista generale sui concetti del bilinguismo e le ragioni per le quali una persona decide di apprendere una seconda lingua e diventare bilingue, approcciando il mondo in un modo diverso. Il bilinguismo non offre solo la conoscenza di una seconda lingua come un vantaggio, però anche lo sviluppo cognitivo con tutti i vantaggi, come la flessibilità mentale, il livello più alto del pensiero astratto e...
Constructing Victorian London
Constructing Victorian London
Zoran Kalapać
This paper tried to showcase how space can affect people. Focus was on Victorian London. It analyzed space in these books: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Hawksmoor and From Hell. London at that time had an incredible increase of population. This resulted in an incredibly gap between higher and lower class. Lower class could barely survive. Every day was a struggle to survive till next day. Space was divided and crossing the boundaries would result in...
Construction of the Other in the U. S. Media
Construction of the Other in the U. S. Media
Fabijan Cindrić
Representation of something opposite to us has always been a very difficult task. Very often it can cause conflict, misunderstanding and misconceptions between seemingly opposite civilisations over how they perceive the world. The aim of this study was to analyse some of the notions that cause conflict between societies and how that translates into U.S. media representing the Middle East. The analysis presented in this paper was based mostly on the work of Edward Said (1977) and many other...
Consumerism and the crisis of postmodern identities in White Noise, Fight Club and You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine
Consumerism and the crisis of postmodern identities in White Noise, Fight Club and You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine
Valentina Šestak
This Master's thesis aims to present the main aspects of the ideology and the phenomenon of consumerism as discussed in the work of Jean Baudrillard, and explore the idea that postmodern identities are predominantly constructed through consumption. Thanks to the technological development and profusion of mass media, the logic of consumption now rules almost all spheres of life, from personal desires and identities to interpersonal relationships etc., and it has lead to the creation of a...
Consumerism in Mark Ravenhill's Shopping and Fucking
Consumerism in Mark Ravenhill's Shopping and Fucking
Tanja Bućo
The author in this paper elaborates the postmodern view of the consumer society using Mark Ravenhill's play Shopping and Fucking as a representative text. The play depicts modern environment under the influences of consumerism and capitalism. The paper analyses the features of the modern sociey, such as an excessive consumption, materialism, exploatation of the human body, loss of protection and identity, explaining the causes and consequences of the arrival of consumerism. It also analyses...
Contemporary Irish Society in Dermot Bolger’s The Journey Home and Emily’s Shoes
Contemporary Irish Society in Dermot Bolger’s The Journey Home and Emily’s Shoes
Ana Jurjević
The aim of this final paper was to analyse contemporary Irish society as presented by Dermot Bolger in the novels The Journey Home (1990) and Emily's Shoes (1992). The selected novels are analysed within the context of the representation of national and religious identity which is rapidly changing in Irish urban centers in the second half of twentieth century. This final paper focuses on personal, cultural and social reasons for the crisis of identity as well as the declining influence of...
Contemporary Irish Women in the Novels of Emer Martin
Contemporary Irish Women in the Novels of Emer Martin
Jana Fanjek
This final paper sets out to analyse two selected novels by Emer Martin: Breakfast in Babylon (1995) and More Bread or I’ll Appear (1999). The paper focuses on contemporary Irish women trying to find their place in the world at the end of the 20th century. The paper analyses various aspects of Irish womanhood such as the influence of the Catholic Church and an extremely patriarchal society on the formation of women’s identity and sexuality during the 20th century. The paper also attempts...
