
Comparison of somatic PUs in English and Croatian
Comparison of somatic PUs in English and Croatian
Marta Mikac
The theme and the main task of this research was the comparison and structural analysis of somatic PUs. Somatic PUs, as well as PUs in general are very common in everyday speech and literature as well. Through this paper one can learn what types of somatic PUs are possible according to the principles of structural analysis and how PUs can be classified both in Croatian and English. Additionally, through this classification one can get an insight into which types of PUs are the most common in...
Competencias requeridas para aprobar el examen de traductor en la UE
Competencias requeridas para aprobar el examen de traductor en la UE
Tamara-Bjanka Vranješević
El trabajo pretende analizar las competencias necesarias para el trabajo de traducción dentro de la Unión Europea. Basándonos en textos elegidos de prensa española relevante y el artículo que sirve como modelo de examen de traducción en la página web oficial de la Unión Europea vamos a demostrar cuáles son las competencias que un candidato debe tener para aprobar el examen/la convocatoria, y con éxito llevar a cabo el trabajo de traducción de la UE. Los textos son traducidos del...
Compounds in Shakespeare's King Lear
Compounds in Shakespeare's King Lear
Manuela Živoder
This final paper deals with compounds that William Shakespeare used in his tragedy King Lear. Compounds are binary structures and they display head-modifier relationship, also unlike phrases, compounds tend to have their stress located on the left-hand member. English compounds can be divided into several groups: compound nouns, compound adjectives, compound verbs and phrasal compounds. Shakespeare mostly used compound adjectives or epithets in order to describe mental or physical features...
Comunicazione e le reti sociali. Il caso della lingua italiana
Comunicazione e le reti sociali. Il caso della lingua italiana
Ana Kristina Golub
Il presente lavoro tratta l'analisi della comunicazione sulle reti sociali. Lo scopo di questa ricerca era di descrivere le caratteristiche della lingua italiana che gli italiani usano sulle reti sociali. Con lo sviluppo della società si è sviluppata anche la tecnologia e così Internet è diventato parte della nostra quotidianità. Scrivere con una penna è sostituito con la tastiera, mentre il collegamento ad Internet è diventato la dipendenza umana. Secondo l'Eurostat, oggi i giovani...
Concept of Masculinity in Mafia Movies and TV Shows
Concept of Masculinity in Mafia Movies and TV Shows
Ante Vukičević
In this paper, the author highlights the importance of the concept of masculinity in mafia movies and TV shows. Firstly, the paper analyses the concept of masculinity throughout history in order to see how that concept changed and evolved. After that, author of the paper starts the analysis of the selected movies and TV shows, them being The Godfather trilogy, Goodfellas, and The Sopranos. Author of the paper analyses the importance of masculinity and family roles within the characters of...
Conceptos de muerte y sacrificio humano y sus representaciones en la cultura maya
Conceptos de muerte y sacrificio humano y sus representaciones en la cultura maya
Cvita Didović
El objetivo de presente trabajo fin de máster es acercarnos a la cultura maya con el fin de determinar las principales características del sacrificio humano y el concepto de muerte, junto con sus representaciones. La tesis consta de tres partes. La primera parte concierne a las características generales de la civilización maya y a los numerosos logros culturales que la diferencian de otras culturas, como la escritura jeroglífica y el calendario. La segunda parte introduce el concepto de...
Conceptual Love Metaphor in English Pop Songs
Conceptual Love Metaphor in English Pop Songs
Stephanie Kurpez
This MA thesis deals with metaphors, i.e. with conceptual love metaphors. There are two approaches to metaphor: the traditional one where metaphor is considered a poetic device and the cognitive one, which was studied here. Metaphor is present in thought and action. Conceptual metaphor consists of two parts; domains – source and target domain. The source domain is a more concrete concept, which is used to describe the target domain. The target domain is either an abstract or not clearly...
Conceptual Metaphors in English and Croatian Media During the COVID – 19 Pandemic
Conceptual Metaphors in English and Croatian Media During the COVID – 19 Pandemic
Albina Korotaj
This thesis analyses the linguistic changes that occurred due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of the analysis were conceptual metaphors detected in the articles published from October 2021 until March 2022 in the chosen English and Croatian media. The first aim of the analysis was to determine which conceptual metaphors occurred in the COVID-19 discourse. The second aim was to discover which types of conceptual metaphors were found most frequently. The third aim was to...
Conceptual Metaphors in Selected English Animated Films
Conceptual Metaphors in Selected English Animated Films
Ivona Drobac
On one hand, conceptual metaphors represent a significant aspect of the human conceptual system in the sense that they help us understand abstract concepts. On the other hand, animated films have had a certain significance in people’s lives as well and they represent a productive framework for recognizing the way in which we relate source domains to target domains. The purpose of this thesis was to examine, through the analysis of selected animated films, whether conceptual metaphors could...
Concordance des temps en français et en italien : analyse comparative
Concordance des temps en français et en italien : analyse comparative
Bruno Beara
Ce mémoire de master traite de l'analyse des systèmes verbaux français et italien à travers une comparaison de leurs règles pour la concordance des temps, dans le but de reconnaître leurs similitudes et leurs différences au cours des siècles du développement de la langue latine. L'article se compose de plusieurs parties de contenu - alors que dans la première partie nous nous sommes concentrés sur les descriptions des règles pour la concordance des temps dans chaque langue...
Concordia Apostolorum: ikonografija sv. Petra i sv. Pavla u 4. i 5. stoljeću
Concordia Apostolorum: ikonografija sv. Petra i sv. Pavla u 4. i 5. stoljeću
Josip Seličanec
Prikaz Concordiae Apostolorum jedan je od važnijih ikonografskih elemenata koji nastaje u drugoj polovici 4. stoljeća. Reforma koju papa Damaz pokreće sa štovanjem kulta mučenika u Rimu uzdiže značaj koji su dvojica apostola imali. Naime, prema apokrifnoj literaturi Petar i Pavao djelovali su zajedno u širenju evanđelja u Rimu, gdje su na kraju mučeni i ubijeni, što ih čini idealnim zaštitnicima grada. Apostolski autoritet koji su Petar i Pavao uživali u Rimu dovodi do toga da...
