
Cestovni promet i turizam između Njemačke, Austrije i Hrvatske
Cestovni promet i turizam između Njemačke, Austrije i Hrvatske
Dora Vukoja
Razvoj cestovnog prometa nejednako se tijekom vremena širio u svijetu. Modernizacija cestovnih mreža Njemačke, Austrije i Hrvatske započela je izgradnjom prvih autocesta na tim područjima. Pri povezivanju emitivnog i receptivnog turizma u cestovnom prometu najčešće se služi automobilima i autobusima. Za turiste koji dolaze u turističku destinaciju drugim vrstama prometnih sredstava u turističku ponudu destinacije ubraja se iznajmljivanje cestovnih prijevoznih sredstava. Uz mnoge...
Cezarov prokonzulat u Iliriku
Cezarov prokonzulat u Iliriku
Anđa Renić
Prvi poznati namjesnik rimske provincije Ilirik je Gaj Julije Cezar. Njegov prokonzulat u Iliriku započeo je 58. g. pr. Kr. i trajao do 50. g. pr. Krista. U historiografiji prevladava mišljenje da je provincija Ilirik osnovana Vatinijevim zakonom 59. g. pr. Kr., ali postoje i teorije koje smještaju osnivanje ove provincije u 168. g. pr. Kr., 118. g. pr. Kr., 78. g. pr. Krista. Postoji i teza da je Ilirik za vrijeme Cezarovog prokonzulata bio dio Cisalpinske Galije, ali ona ne nalazi...
Challenges in Translating Children’s Literature: The Science of Breakable Things by Tae Kellereller
Challenges in Translating Children’s Literature: The Science of Breakable Things by Tae Kellereller
Lucija Grubić
Children’s literature, from the definition, function, to its characteristics, remains a controversial area in the literary world, and thus in the world of literary translation. Most translators, both amateurs and experienced ones, inevitably face various challenges and problems when translating children’s literature. In order to meet the challenge and present the translation as successfully as possible, they have to make various adjustments and intervene in various ways (subtle and...
Challenges of Translating Children’s Literature: The Terrible Two by Mac Barnett and Jory John
Challenges of Translating Children’s Literature: The Terrible Two by Mac Barnett and Jory John
Adriana Mandić
Children’s literature continues to be a complex and debatable field of translation studies. Consequently, contrary to popular belief, translating children’s literature may present a great challenge even for an experienced translator. Since children have a special approach to books and reading, a children’s book has to be seen from a different perspective and the translator often has to make certain adjustments for children that are not required for adults. The thesis provides with the...
Chanson de Roland et sa diffusion en Europe
Chanson de Roland et sa diffusion en Europe
Nikolina Butijer
Le chevalier fabuleux du nom de Roland, ou Orlando en italien et croate, faisait partie de l'armée de Charlemagne. Il est mort pendant le passage des Pyrénées au retour d'une expédition en Espagne. La Chanson de Roland a, sans doute, énormément contribuée à la popularité de jeune chevalier, mais il faut souligner que tout remonte à une légende. La seule source crédible sur l'existence historique de Roland se trouve dans la biographie de Charlemagne écrite par Éginhard. Il...
Characteristics of Quentin Tarantino's Style
Characteristics of Quentin Tarantino's Style
Luka Marić
In this paper, we took a closer look at the director Quentin Tarantino and his films. The goal of this paper was to determine the characteristics of his style of filmmaking, what makes his movies different from most mainstream Hollywood productions. By analyzing his films and literature written by various authors, we have determined that Tarantino's style was largely influenced by the fact that he is an independent director, and that his films have many characteristics of postmodern art....
Childe Harold and Eugene Onegin as Representatives Of English and Russian Romanticism
Childe Harold and Eugene Onegin as Representatives Of English and Russian Romanticism
Ranko Ćirić
Both characters represent a specific period in time and two very specific and different cultures. The Russian character belongs to a semi-feudal society, the English character is a product of a civic society in its cradle. The period is the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. A time of great changes in society and technology. Literature followed the pace and was a reflection of these deep changes. The revolutionary outburst of romantic novels was a messenger of deep...
Children's Language Acquisition: the Case of Feral Children
Children's Language Acquisition: the Case of Feral Children
Petra Šimunović
The main focus of this paper is to provide an overview of theories and hypotheses that are related with children’s language acquisition, i.e. the process of primary language acquisition, and to connect them with feral children that have been born or brought up in isolation, without any contact with human language. Since children’s language acquisition has not been fully investigated till the present days, the main goal of this paper is to familiarize the reader with theories that explain...
Christian Symbolism in The Chronicles of Narnia
Christian Symbolism in The Chronicles of Narnia
Mateja Butorac
The main goal of this paper is to provide the analysis of Christian symbolisms found in The Chronicles of Narnia series. The paper begins by explaining the importance of works such as Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia for the understanding of Christianity. The second chapter introduces Christian fiction, defining the rules under which said genre operates as well as studying its progression through the centuries. The third chapter discusses C. S. Lewis’ life, portraying his road to...
Christianity, Music and Shakespeare
Christianity, Music and Shakespeare
Laura Brachova
This final paper focuses on Shakespeare in connection with Christianity and music. Firstly, information on Renaissance music in England is given, and then the characteristics of the Renaissance musical forms and their use in English Renaissance theatres are explained. Furthermore, Shakespeare's knowledge of music and its incorporation into his plays is discussed. Secondly, the thesis provides information on Christian beliefs and the perception of God in Humanism and Renaissance, and...
Christopher Nolan's postmodernism
Christopher Nolan's postmodernism
Martina Vučković
This master’s thesis deals with the filmography of Christopher Nolan and his style, and it analyses in detail three of his films: Memento (2000), The Prestige (2006) and Inception (2010). The first chapter focuses on Christopher Nolan’s film style, i.e., it explains the most common techniques he uses, such as nonlinear narration, playing with reality and dreams and his eagerness to include viewers in the cinematic experience. Furthermore, it explains why Nolan is considered to be a...
Cijepljenje autohtonih sorti masline na podlogu 'Oblica' na lokaciji Polača
Cijepljenje autohtonih sorti masline na podlogu 'Oblica' na lokaciji Polača
Ante Pešut
Maslina je vodeća mediteranska vrsta koja ima preko 1000 opisanih sorata (Bulimbašić, 2011). Preko 60 % masline u Hrvatskoj je sorta oblica, koja u nekim uvjetima ne daje zadovoljavajući prinos te se javlja potreba za uvođenje novih sorata masline. U tim uvjetima najbolji način jest precijepljivanje postojećih stabala. Cijepljenje je vegetativni način razmnožavanja koji je u voćarstvu poznat od antike. Poljski pokus za istraživanje postavljen je 2016. godine koristeći podlogu...
