Title Nenasilje u teologiji oslobođenja Dorothee Sölle
Title (english) Nonviolence in the Liberation Theology of Dorothee Sölle
Author Ana Marija Raffai
Mentor Biljana Kašić (mentor)
Mentor Jadranka Rebeka Anić (komentor)
Committee member Marko Vučetić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Biljana Kašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Jambrešić Kirin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-11-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 21/29 - Religious systems. Religions and faiths
Abstract U ovom se radu istražuje kompleksni i multidimenzionalni koncept nenasilja u teologiji oslobođenja suvremene teoretičarke i teologinje Dorothee Sölle na temelju njezina cjelovitog teološkog opusa i djelovanja. Nenasilje kao angažirana misao i etička pozicija osnovna je odrednica u njezinu teološkom promišljanju u analizi kojeg se razabire kako više krugova utjecaja i teorijskih pristupa nenasilju, posebno autora/ica Gandhija, Mullera, Sharpa, Eberta, Goss Mayr, Berrigana i Day, tako i
... More autoričina snažna teorijska refleksija o djelotvornosti i nužnosti nenasilja koja korespondira s historijsko-društvenim procesima i lomovima dvadesetog stoljeća. U radu se nenasilje analizira u njegovim višestrukim implikacijama i potencijalnosti značenja pri čemu se kao primjerene cilju istraživanja i tematskom materijalu koriste fenomenološka i konceptualna te diskursna analiza. Kao osnovne epistemičke pozicije važne u pristupu Söllinom djelu nadaju se feministička teorija stajališta i kontekstualna politička teologija, a kao ključni koncepti u prilog koncilijarnog procesa za pravdu, mir i očuvanje svega stvorenog i radikalne tendencije nenasilja, „teologija nakon Auschwitza“ i politički aktivizam. Rad je konceptualiziran na način da se u kronološko-problemskom sklopu tumače utjecaji, prijepori i dosezi Söllinog promišljanja nasilja u kontekstualizaciji i sprezi s autoričinim biografskim podatcima, iskustvom i teološkim razvojem te teorijskim i političkim iskoracima. S jedne strane razmatraju se teološke pretpostavke, teorijski postulati i teološki argumenti u prilog nenasilju posebno na temelju analize Söllinog kapitalnog djela Mystik und Widerstand, s druge strane objašnjavaju pokretači i sastavnice nenasilja (duhovnost, političnost, subverzivnost) imajući pritom u vidu kulturu nasilja i mehanizme putem kojih se ono podupire i pronosi. Militarizam, a napose umreženost kapitala i militarizma razaznaju se u njezinu shvaćanju kao najjači „proizvođači nasilja“. Istraživanje pokazuje da u teorijskom okviru teologije oslobođenja Sölle razvija koncept nenasilja prije svega kao osmišljen otpor strukturnom nasilju, „nasilju odozgo“. U središnjem dijelu rada posvećenom artikulaciji nenasilja, koncept nenasilja, utemeljen na mistici jedinstva života istražuje se pod vidom mistično-političke dvostruke strukture duhovnosti otpora kao sastavnice kršćanske proročke tradicije. Jedna od nosivih tema ovog rada je istraživanje duhovnosti nenasilja kao korektiva, motivacije i strateškog usmjerenja mirovnog djelovanja na tragu autoričine spoznaje o potrebi politizacije savjesti umjesto privatizacije duhovnosti. Politizacija savjesti polučuje teorijsku blizinu između postulata različitih svjetonazora, a nenasilno djelovanje radikalnu političnost i komplementarnost borbe i kontemplacije. Posebna pozornost pridana je analizi subverzivnosti kao modusa nenasilnog djelovanja koje se realizira u mreži oslobođenja od egoizma, te ovisnosti o bogatstvu i nasilju. Naposljetku, koncept nenasilja u tumačenju Sölle prepoznaje se kao otvoren prema revolucionarnom nasilju po načelu ultima ratio, koje Sölle ne dokida već transgredira u konceptu sinergije mistike i otpora. Ta sinergija predstavlja mjesto radikalne tendencije nenasilja koja iz inicijalne točke promjene i radikalne točke napetosti ozbiljuje teologiju oslobođenja, teorijsko uporište Söllinog otpora strukturnom nasilju. Less
Abstract (english) This dissertation/paper explores the complex and multidimensional concept of nonviolence in the liberation theology of the contemporary scholar and theologian, Dorothee Sölle, on the basis of her complete theological opus and activities. Nonviolence, as engaged thought and an ethical position is the baseline in her theological reflection. In the analysis of this, many circles of influence and theoretical approaches to nonviolence may be distinguished, especially authors such as
... More Gandhi, J.M. Muller, G. Sharp, T. Ebert, H. Goss-Mayr, D.Berrigan and D. Day, as well as the author’s own strong theoretical reflection on the effectiveness and necessity of nonviolence, which corresponds to the historical and social processes and disruptions that occurred in the twentieth century. The paper analyses non-violence, with its multiple implications and potentiality for meaning, using phenomenological, conceptual and discourse analysis, which are appropriate for the aim of the research and the thematic material. Feminist standpoint theory and Contextual political theology comprise the basic epistemic positions important in the approach to Sölle’s work, alongside the radical tendency of nonviolence, "theology after Auschwitz" and political activism, as the key concepts supporting the conciliar process for justice, peace and the integrity of all creation. The work is conceived so that the chronological and problem-related context interprets the effects, controversy and scope of Sölle’s reflections on violence, contextualized into and combined with the author's biographical data, experience and theological development, as well as her theoretical and political innovations. On the one hand, there is consideration of her theological assumptions, theoretical postulates and theological arguments supporting non-violence, especially on the basis of the analysis Sölle’s major work Mystik und Widerstand. On the other hand, an explanation is given of how nonviolence works, and its components (spirituality, politics, subversion), bearing in mind the culture of violence, and the mechanisms through which it is supported and disseminated. Militarism, and especially the networking of capital and militarism, is discerned in her understanding as the strongest "producer of violence". The research shows that, in the theoretical framework of liberation theology, Sölle developed the concept of nonviolence, primarily conceived as resistance to structural violence, "violence from above". In the main part of this paper, dedicated to the articulation of nonviolence, the concept of nonviolence is explored on the basis of the mysticism of the unity of life, from the aspect of the mystical-political dual structure of the spirituality of resistance, as a component of the Christian prophetic tradition. One of the supporting themes of this paper is the exploration of the spirituality of nonviolence as the corrective, motivational and strategic orientation of peace-making activities, along the lines of the author's understanding of the need for the politicization of the conscience instead of the privatization of spirituality. The politicization of conscience results in a theoretical closeness between the postulates of differing points of view, and nonviolent action results in radical politicization and the complementarity of struggle and contemplation. Special attention is paid to analysis of subversion as a mode of nonviolent action, implemented in the complexity of liberation from egoism, and dependence on wealth and violence. Finally, the concept of nonviolence in the interpretation of Sölle, is presented as being open to revolutionary violence, in line with the principle of ultima ratio, which she does not abolish but transforms into the concept of the synergy of mysticism and resistance. This synergy represents the place where the radical tendencies of nonviolence bring liberation theology to life, from the initial point of change and the radical point of tension, which is the theoretical basis for Sölle’s resistance to structural violence. Less
teologija oslobođenja
„teologija nakon Auschwitza“
subverzivan otpor
dobrovoljno siromaštvo
radikalna tendencija nenasilja
Keywords (english)
liberation theology
"theology after Auschwitz"
the Gospel
subversive resistance
voluntary poverty
radical tendency of nonviolence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:994876
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-04-19 11:57:38