Abstract | Cilj: Definirati distinkciju između arheoloških i recentnih ljudskih koštanih ostataka i predložiti rješenje definiranja, istražiti stavove prema postupanju s ljudskim koštanim ostatcima te predložiti sveobuhvatni način postupanja s arheološkim ljudskim koštanim ostatcima uzevši u obzir etičke, religijske, običajne i pravne aspekte. Cilj je bio i dati preporuke za postupanje s ljudskim koštanim ostatcima u međunarodnom kontekstu uzevši u obzir etičke, religijske, običajne i pravne aspekte. Materijali i metode: Provedeno je istraživanje stavova vezanih uz postupanje s ljudskim koštanim ostatcima u Republici Hrvatskoj u formi online anketnoga upitnika pripremljenog s pomoću alata Google obrasci na prigodnom uzorku. Anketa je podijeljena studentima svih razina studija Sveučilišta u Splitu putem društvenih mreža i službenih mrežnih adresa sastavnica. Provedeno je i istraživanje, u online formi na prigodnom uzorku, o stavovima djelatnika muzeja, instituta i visokoobrazovnih ustanova o postupanju s ljudskim koštanim ostatcima u Republici Hrvatskoj te o distinkciji između arheoloških i recentnih ljudskih koštanih ostataka. Anketa je poslana na ukupno 26 adresa elektroničke pošte muzeja i drugih ustanova antropološkog, arheološkog i etnografskog usmjerenja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Načinjena je i analiza literaturnih izvora, unutar korpusa bioarheološkog akademskog interesa, podataka WOS i Scopus, kao i Proquest baze podataka, s naglaskom na analizu podataka, prema različitim kriterijima i aspektima, o izdavačima, publikacijama, ključnim riječima i njihovim međusobnim odnosima te temama. Rezultati: Provedbom anketnih upitnika utvrđeni su stavovi ispitanika o različitim aspektima postupanja s ljudskim koštanim ostatcima, od stavova po pitanju odnosa znanosti i religije, izlaganja ljudskih koštanih ostataka u različite svrhe, međunarodne suradnje i slanja u inozemstvo ljudskih koštanih ostataka do drugih. Ukupno 86,7 % anketiranih djelatnika muzeja, instituta i visokoobrazovnih ustanova u Republici Hrvatskoj smatra da je primjereno koristiti ljudske koštane ostatke kao materijal u znanstvenim analizama i procjenama. Utvrđeno je da 60% djelatnika muzeja, instituta i visokoobrazovnih ustanova u Republici Hrvatskoj smatra kako bi razdjelnica između arheoloških i recentnih koštanih ostataka trebala biti 100 g. od vremena smrti osobe. Čak 92,2 % anketiranih studenata Sveučilišta u Splitu ne slaže se s izjavom da je znanost čovjekov najgori neprijatelj. Zaključci: Podatci dobiveni provedbom dviju anketa na području Republike Hrvatske, kao i provedbom zajedničkog međunarodnog projekta s partnerima iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država upućuju na snažnu potporu ispitanika provedbi znanstvenih i stručnih istraživanja ljudskih koštanih ostataka, kao i na etičku osviještenost studenata, muzejskih djelatnika i opće populacije po pitanju postupanja s koštanim ostatcima. S obzirom na postojanje društvenih, kulturoloških, etičkih, pravnih, običajnih i drugih razlika, utvrđenih provedbom istraživanja i analizom baza literaturnih izvora izneseni su prijedlozi za kreiranje smjernica koje bi regulirale sveobuhvatni način postupanja s ljudskim koštanim ostatcima u međunarodnom kontekstu. Disproporcija između ulaganja pojedinih država u sustav znanosti i potpore ispitanika procesu znanstvenog istraživanja naglašava potrebu uvođenja mjera za popularizaciju znanosti i edukaciju po pitanju znanstvene vrijednosti ljudskih koštanih ostataka. Predloženo je definiranje distinkcije između arheoloških i recentnih ljudskih koštanih uzimajući u obzir vremensku odrednicu, ali i druge čimbenike. Suradnja zajednica povezanih s ljudskim koštanim ostatcima sa znanstvenom zajednicom, postojanje kvalitetno uređenog legislativnog okvira, obrazovanih znanstvenika i stručnjaka uz uvažavanje etičkih standarda temelj su sveobuhvatnog i holističkog pristupa postupanju s ljudskim koštanim ostatcima. |
Abstract (english) | Aim: To define the distinction between archaeological and recent human skeletal remains and to propose a solution to the definition, to investigate attitudes towards dealing with human skeletal remains and to propose a comprehensive way of dealing with archaeological human skeletal remains, taking into account ethical, religious, customary and legal aspects. The goal was also to provide recommendations for dealing with human skeletal remains in an international context, considering ethical, religious, customary and legal aspects. Materials and methods: A survey on attitudes related to dealing with human skeletal remains in the Republic of Croatia was conducted in the form of an online questionnaire prepared using the Google Forms tool on a convenient sample. The survey was distributed to students of all levels of study at the University of Split via social networks and the official web addresses of the faculties. Research was also conducted, in online form on a convenient sample, regarding the views of employees of museums, institutes and higher education institutions on the handling of human skeletal remains in the Republic of Croatia and on the distinction between archaeological and recent human skeletal remains. The survey was sent to a total of 26 e-mail addresses of museums and other anthropological, archaeological and ethnographic institutions in the Republic of Croatia. An analysis of literature sources, within the corpus of bioarcheological academic interest, of WOS, Scopus and ProQuest databases, with an emphasis on the analysis of data, regarding different criteria and aspects, publishers, publications, key words and their mutual relationships and topics, was also made. Results: Through the implementation of questionnaires, the views of respondents on various aspects of dealing with human skeletal remains were determined, from the views on the relationship between science and religion, the display of human skeletal remains for different purposes, international cooperation and the sending of human skeletal remains abroad. A total of 86.7% of the surveyed employees of museums, institutes and higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia believe that it is appropriate to use human skeletal remains as material in scientific analyzes and assessments. It was established that 60% of employees of museums, institutes and higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia believe that the temporal determinant between archaeological and recent skeletal remains should be 100 years from the time of a person's death. As many as 92.2% of the surveyed students of the University of Split do not agree with the statement that science is man's worst enemy. Conclusions: The data obtained from the implementation of two surveys conducted in the Republic of Croatia, as well as from the implementation of a joint international project with partners from the United Kingdom and the United States of America, point to the strong support of respondents for the implementation of scientific and professional research on human skeletal remains, as well as to the ethical awareness of students and museum workers and the general population in matters of dealing with skeletal remains. With regard to the existence of social, cultural, ethical, legal, customary and other differences, determined by conducting research and analyzing literature sources, proposals were made for the creation of guidelines that would regulate the comprehensive way of dealing with human skeletal remains in an international context. The disproportion between the investments of certain countries in the science system and the respondents' support for the process of scientific research emphasizes the need to introduce measures to popularize science and educate about the scientific value of human skeletal remains. It is proposed to define the distinction between archaeological and recent human skeletal, considering the time determinant, but also other factors. The cooperation of communities associated with human skeletal remains and the scientific community, the existence of a well-regulated legislative framework, educated scientists and experts with respect for ethical standards are the basis of a comprehensive and holistic approach to dealing with human skeletal remains. |