Abstract | Crowdfunding je metoda prikupljanja financijskih sredstava od šire javnosti koja privlači sve više organizacija, pojedinaca i startupova. Karakterizira ga kampanja koja se provodi na jednoj od platformi namijenjenoj crowdfundinga, a platforma najčešće ovisi o odabranom modelu crowdfundinga. Bilo da je riječ o modelu temeljenom na nagradama, donacijama, zajmu ili vlasničkim udjelima vlasnik projekta ciljeve kampanje komunicira putem videa i društvenih mreža dok se komunikacija s postojećim donatorima najčešće odvija putem platforme. Ciljevi ovog rada uz pregled znanstvene i stručne literature su istražiti čimbenike i strategije uspješnosti crowdfunding kampanja, utvrditi obilježja komunikacije organizacije s javnostima i identificirati izazove i prepreke s kojima se organizacije susreću kroz kampanju te na temelju njih dati smjernice budućim crowdfunding kampanjama. U svrhu ispunjenja postavljenih ciljeva provedeno je primarno istraživanje putem strukturiranog intervjua u kojem je sudjelovalo šest organizacija s područja Republike Hrvatske. Ispitanici su iznijeli iskustva s crowdfunding kampanjom, osvrćući se na rezultate, prepreke ali i pozitivne faktore kampanje. Na temelju obavljenih intervjua izvučeni su zaključci i preporuke za provedbu uspješne crowdfunding kampanje. |
Abstract (english) | Crowdfunding is a method of raising financial resources from the general public that is increasingly attracting organizations, individuals, and startups. It is characterized by a campaign carried out on one of the platforms dedicated to crowdfunding, with the platform usually depending on the selected crowdfunding model. Whether it involves a rewards-based, donation-based, loan-based, or equity-based model, the project owner communicates the campaign goals through videos and social media, while communication with existing donors typically occurs via the platform. The objectives of this paper, in addition to reviewing scientific and professional literature, are to investigate the factors and strategies contributing to the success of crowdfunding campaigns, determine the characteristics of organizational communication with the public, and identify the challenges and obstacles organizations encounter during the campaign. Based on these findings, the paper aims to provide guidelines for future crowdfunding campaigns. To achieve these objectives, primary research was conducted through structured interviews involving six organizations from the Republic of Croatia. The respondents shared their experiences with crowdfunding campaigns, reflecting on the outcomes, challenges, and positive aspects of the campaign. Based on the interviews, conclusions and recommendations for executing a successful crowdfunding campaign were drawn. |