Title Ranobizantski kastrumi u sjevernoj Dalmaciji
Title (english) Early Byzantine Castra in Northern Dalmatia
Author Emil Kmetič-Marceau
Mentor Tomislav Fabijanić (mentor)
Committee member Ante Uglešić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Fabijanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Borzić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology
Abstract Istočni Jadran, ponajprije njegova obala zajedno s pripadajućim arhipelagom, doživio je tijekom kasne antike važan zamah u izgradnji fortifikacija. Naime, u tom je razdoblju sagrađen čitav niz utvrđenih naselja donekle novog tipa koja se nazivaju kastrumima. Ta je pojava u znanstvenoj literaturi uglavnom dovedena u vezu s vladavinom bizantskog cara Justinijana I. i njegovom tzv. rekonkvistom. Stoga, ovaj se rad usredotočuje na mikroregiju sjeverne Dalmacije prikazujući slučajeve 14 kastruma koji su: Gradina i Gustjerna, oba na otoku Žirju, tvrđava sv. Mihovila u Šibeniku, Tureta na otoku Kornatu, Gradina na otoku Vrgadi, Pustograd i kastrum na brdu Ćokovcu, oba na otoku Pašmanu, sv. Mihovil na otoku Ugljanu, grad Zadar, kastrum na otočiću Veliki Sikavac, kastrum na položaju sv. Juraj iznad grada Paga, kastrum iznad uvale Caske i kastrum na poluotočiću Svetojanj, sva tri na otoku Pagu, kastrum na rtu Gradina kod Modrič Drage i konačno kastrum kod Tribnja-Šibuljine, oba na padinama Velebitskog podgorja. Ovaj se rad također dotiče problematike ranobizantskih kastruma na području sjevernodalmatinskog zaobalja sa slučajevima naselja Varvaria, Asseria,i kastrum Čuker blizu Mokrog Polja te naselja Knin. Za svaki kastrum se navode informacije o stanju istraženosti, konfiguraciji i koncepciji fortifikacijskog objekta i ostalim arheološkim nalazima na lokalitetu. Na temelju toga, ali i radova raznih znanstvenika ovaj rad nastoji prikazati glavne karakteristike ovih kastruma te raspravlja o postojanju ranobizantskog obrambenog sustava na istočnoj obali Jadrana, poznatog u literaturi kao pomorski limes, ujedno predstavljajući znanstvene stavove koji osporavaju ovu tvrdnju.
Abstract (english) The Eastern Adriatic, and most especially its coast along with its archipelago, saw during Late antiquity an important surge in the building of fortifications. This period saw the construction of a somewhat new type of fortified settlements referred to as castra. This phenomenon has in the scientific literature mostly been brought into connection with the rule of Byzantine emperor Justinian I and his so-called reconquest. Thus, this work focuses on the microregion of Northern Dalmatia presenting the cases of 14 castra which are: Gradina and Gustjerna, both on the Island of Žirje, St. Michael’s fortress in Šibenik, Tureta on the Island of Kornat, Gradina on the Island of Vrgada, Pustograd and the castrum on the Ćokovac hill, both on the Island of Pašman, St. Michael’s fortress on the Island of Ugljan, the town of Zadar, the castrum on the Islet of Veliki Sikavac, castrum St. George above the city of Pag and the castrum above the Caska bay, the castrum on the peninsula of Svetojanj, also on the Island of Pag, the castrum on cape Gradina near Modrič Drage and finally the castrum near Tribunj-Šibuljina both on the slopes of the sub-Velebit region. This work also addresses the issue of Early Byzantine castra in the northern Dalmatian hinterland with the cases of the settlement of Varvaria and Asseria and the castrum of Čuker near Mokro Polje, as well as the settlement of Knin. For every castrum, information is provided on the actual state of archaeological researches on the site, the configuration and conception of the fortifications and other archaeological finds on the site. Based on this account and the works of various scholars, this paper discusses the main characteristics of these castra as well as debating the existence of an Early Byzantine defensive system on the Eastern Adriatic coast, known in the literature as the Maritime limes, while presenting scientific views challenging this assertion.
Istočni Jadran
Sjeverna Dalmacija
Kasna antika
Ranobizantske fortifikacije
Pomorski limes
Keywords (english)
Eastern Adriatic
Northern Dalmatia
Late Antiquity
Early Byzantine fortifications
Maritime limes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:152978
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-16 10:00:37