Abstract | Percepcija hrane i njeno vrednovanje prošlo je veliku prekretnicu, i to relativno nedavno, prije svega nekoliko desetljeća. Smatrala se uobičajenom pojavom koja, naravno, služi čovjeku, ali joj ne treba pridavati nikakvu veću pažnju. U suvremenom svijetu hrana postaje običaj, dio tradicije, baština, dio kulture, uz ostale doživljaje i promišljanja. Kada se koncept materijalne baštine dovoljno razvio, mnogi čimbenici, odnosno kategorije svakodnevnog života, pribrojeni su listama baštine čovječanstva. Naposljetku, samo je čovjek taj koji odlučuje što je za njega doista bitno i što želi istaknuti, zaštititi i očuvati za budućnost. Odlika istarske i sjeverno dalmatinske gastronomije je tzv. mediteranska prehrana. Mediteranska prehrana pomaže u izgradnji, barem jednog dijela slike identiteta cijele jedne regije. Važno je istaknuti da je zajednička baština mediteranskih zemalja onaj temelj na kojem su izrasle, klima, more i obala, sunce, tlo, životinje i biljke koje žive i uspijevaju opstati na tom teritoriju i sve ostale zajedničke karakteristike. Još je važnije istaknuti ono što ih diferencira jedne od drugih jer to je ono što doista reflektira srž neke zemlje, njenih običaja i identiteta. Dakle, svaka zemlja je dobila jedan dio istog temelja i napravila od njega nešto različito. Poput više nastavaka istog romana - temelji se na istim likovima, ali se radnja razlikuje od nastavka do nastavka. Značajne točke identiteta, odnosno obilježja života istočne jadranske obale su definitivno bavljenje maslinarstvom i proizvodnja maslinovog ulja, vinogradarstvo i proizvodnja vina, ribarstvo i stočarstvo. Sve su to djelatnosti poznate i prisutne na istočnojadranskom prostoru od antike, a neke i još duže. Danas su prepoznate kao baština i dosta se radi na njihovoj promociji i zaštiti. Gotovo svaki grad ili općina povezuje neki prehrambeni proizvod, namirnicu ili specifično jelo, sa svojim identitetom ili povijesti. Sve su to mali momenti u nepreglednosti naizgled jednostavne, ali ustvari veoma široke i raznolike mediteranske kuhinje, iako su oni veliki za samu zajednicu. Većina tih mjesta je stvorila i neku manifestaciju, proslavu kojom će odati počast gastronomskom dijelu svoje baštine. Mediteranska autohtona prehrana s pravom je uvrštena u baštinu čovječanstva. Toliko je rasprostranjena i široko prepoznata i zastupljena, povezivana sa zdravljem, preporučivana od velikog broja nutricionista, liječnika i drugih stručnjaka kao način prehrana koji bi izuzetno blagotvorno djelovao na ljudski organizam. Ima toliku pozornost cijeloga svijeta da se doista može smatrati baštinom cijeloga čovječanstva. |
Abstract (english) | In the last couple of decades, perception of the food and its validation went through many different perspectives. It was taken as a primary need for human and nobody has given any attention to it. In modern age we live in, food is becoming a custom, part of tradition and culture bringing other experiences along. When the concept of material heritage has developed sufficiently, many factors, or categories of everyday life, are added to the lists of humanity heritage. After all, only human is the one deciding what is good for its existence and what needs to be preserved for future times. The characteristic of Istrian and northern Dalmatian gastronomy is the so-called – Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet helps to build at least one part of the image of the identity of the whole one region. It is important to emphasize that the common heritage of the Mediterranean countries is the foundation upon which they have grown, the climate, the sea and the coast, the sun, the soil, the animals and plants that live and manage to survive in that territory and all other common characteristics. It is even more important to emphasize what differentiates from each other, because that is what truly reflects the core of a country, its customs and identities. So each country got one part of the same foundation and made something different from it. Like multiple sequels to the same novel - it’s based on the same characters, but the plot is different from sequel to sequel. Significant points of identity, or characteristics of life on the eastern Adriatic coast, are definitely olive growing and olive oil production, viticulture and wine production, fishing and livestock. All these activities are known and present in the eastern Adriatic area since antiquity, and some even longer. Today, they are recognized as heritage and much work is being done to promote and protect them. Almost every city or municipality associates a food product, food item or specific dish with its identity or history. These are all small moments in the opacity of seemingly simple, but in fact very wide andvaried Mediterranean cuisines, although they are large for the community itself. Most of these places have also created a manifestation, a celebration and honor the gastronomic part of their heritage. The Mediterranean indigenous diet is rightly included in the heritage of humanity. It is so widespread and widely recognized and represented, associated with health, recommended by many nutritionists, doctors and other professionals as a diet that would have a very beneficial effect on the human body. It has so much worldwide attention that it can truly be considered the heritage of all humanity. |