Title La situation sociolinguistique en Belgique
Title (croatian) Sociolingvistička situacija u Belgiji
Title (english) Sociolinguistic situation in Belgium
Author Valentina Buzuk
Mentor Barbara Vodanović (mentor)
Mentor Vanda Mikšić (komentor)
Committee member Barbara Vodanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Frleta (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Larisa Grčić Simeunović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Francophone Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-02-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Le présent mémoire de master propose un aperçu sociolinguistique sur les questions identitaires et langagières en Belgique. Au sein de cette revue, ce mémoire offre une traduction de deux articles techniques qui examinent la politique linguistique et identitaire en Belgique et par suite l’analyse de cette traduction d’après les procédés de Vinay et Darbelnet (1985) et Beciri (2007). Cette analyse met en avant l’aspect terminologique qui est obligatoire pour la traduction spécialisée. Une introduction présente les termes sociolinguistiques principaux. Ensuite, l’introduction est suivie par l’aperçu historique des événements principaux fondateurs du pays belge et des relations entre les régions. Apres l’analyse traductologique, nous posons la question sur l’identité belge, existe-t-elle du tout et quels facteurs ont influencé la fragmentation identitaire. Dans la conclusion, on examine si les Flamands, les Wallons et les Bruxellois partagent la même vision de leur pays et quels sont les avantages et les défauts du système fédéral.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj diplomski rad donosi sociolingvistički pregled jezičnih i identitetskih pitanja Belgije. U sklopu tog pregleda, ovaj rad ponudit će prijevod dvaju tehničkih članaka koji se bave jezičnom i identitetskom politikom Belgije, ali također i analizu tog prijevoda koristeći metode Vinaya i Darbelneta (1985) te Beciri (2007). Ta analiza ističe terminološki rad potreban i obvezan za stručan prijevod. Uvod u rad objašnjava osnovne sociolingvističke pojmove. Nadalje, na uvod se nastavlja povijesni pregled ključnih događaja koji su utjecali na nastanak države te na današnje odnose među regijama. Nakon traduktološke analize, postavit ćemo pitanje postoji li uopće belgijski identitet te koji su faktori oblikovali fragmentaciju identiteta. U zaključku ćemo istražiti imaju li Flamanci, Valonci i stanovnici Bruxellesa istu viziju svoje države te koje su prednosti i nedostatci federalnog sustava.
Abstract (english) This master thesis suggests a sociolinguistic overview of the linguistic and identity issues of the Belgian country. As a part of this revue, this thesis also presents a translation of two technical articles that examine the linguistic and identity policies in Belgium, but also an analysis of this translation by using methods of Vinay and Darbelnet (1985) and Beciri (2007). This analysis puts an emphasis on terminological work that precedes and is obligatory for the specialized translation. An introduction offers essential sociolinguistic terms. Furthermore, the introduction is followed by historical review of main events that influenced the creation of the country and the relation between regions. After the translation analysis, we will pose the question if Belgian identity even exists and which elements determined identity fragmentation. In the conclusion, we will examine if Flemings, Walloons and inhabitants of Brussels share the same vision of their country as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the federal system.
traduction spécialisée
la Belgique
questions identitaires
modèle fédéral
Keywords (croatian)
stručan prijevod
identitetska pitanja
federalni model
Keywords (english)
specialized translation
identity issues
federal model
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:782596
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-04-05 08:43:29