Title Održivi turizam u zaštićenim područjima na primjeru Parka prirode Medvednica
Title (english) Sustainable tourism in protected areas thought the example of Nature Park Medvednica
Author Hrvoje Ćurlin
Mentor Božena Krce Miočić (mentor)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anđelko Vrsaljko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mili Razović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-06-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract U radu se istražuje primjena načela održivog turizma u zaštićenim područjima na primjeru Parka prirode Medvednica. Iznimne ljepote i očuvanost okoliša izvrstan su preduvjet razvojnih mogućnosti turizma u nekom prostoru, ali i velika odgovornost, jer svako prekomjerno iskorištavanje može dovesti do trajnih posljedica u okolišu. Održivi turizam nameće se kao važan element suvremenog turizma, u kojem se strogo kontrolira utjecaj turizma na životnu sredinu. Uravnoteženost ekološke, ekonomske i sociokulturne komponente turizma zato se sve češće spominje u programima i strategijama turističkog razvoja. Ekoturizam je oblik održivog turizma koji je posebno primjenjiv u turističkom razvoju zaštićenih prirodnih dobara. Ove prirodne cjeline (nacionalni parkovi, parkovi prirode, rezervati i dr.) predstavljaju sve popularnije prostore za raznovrsne segmente turističke ponude, a najčešće je to ekoturizam kojim se uz edukaciju, volonterske aktivnosti i učenje u prirodi pomaže očuvati i zaštititi prirodu.
Rad je podijeljen na pet cjelina. Nakon uvoda, u prvom se dijelu sagledava utjecaj turizma na okoliš te se proučava pojam održivog razvoja turizma, uz uključenost lokalne zajednice. Drugi dio rada analizira koncept ekoturizma, ističe njegove prednosti i nedostatke te daje pregled stanja ekoturizma u Hrvatskoj. Treće poglavlje odnosi se na turističku valorizaciju zaštićenih područja, koja će se kategorizirati po međunarodnim standardima. Naglašava se uloga i važnost očuvanja zaštićenih područja, potreba monitoringa i zoniranja, kao i uspostavljanja ekoloških mreža. U četvrtom dijelu rada razmatra se Park prirode Medvednica kao posebna destinacija za razvoj održivog turizma zbog svojih prirodnih i kulturnih vrijednosti te bogate biološke raznolikosti, a prikazan je i način na koji se upravlja Parkom. U posljednjem dijelu rada iznose se i analiziraju rezultati istraživanja te se odgovara na istraživačka pitanja.
Abstract (english) This paper examines the application of sustainable tourism in protected areas on the example of the Nature Park Medvednica. Exceptional natural beauty and excellent preservation of environment is not only a prerequisite for potential tourism opportunities, but also a great responsibility because each overexploitation can lead to long-term harm in the environment. Sustainable tourism is imposed as an important element of modern tourism, which strictly controls the impact of tourism on the local environment. The balance between environmental, economic and socio-cultural components is therefore being mentioned in the programs and strategies for tourism development. Ecotourism is a form of sustainable tourism particularly applicable in the tourist development of protected natural areas. These natural units (national parks, nature parks, reserves, etc.) are gaining in popularity by attracting more and more tourists each year, and it is usually where ecotourism through education, volunteer activities and education about nature, helps to preserve and protect nature.
Paper is divided into five sections. After introduction, the part will examine the impact that tourism has on environment and will introduce the idea of sustainable tourism development, with the involvement of local communities. The second part analyzes the concept of ecotourism, highlighting it's strengths and weaknesses and also gives an overview of ecotourism in Croatia. The third chapter deals with the touristic valorization of protected areas, which will be categorized according to international standards. The emphasis is on the role and importance of conserving protected areas, the need for monitoring and zoning, as well as the establishment of ecological networks. The fourth part discusses Nature Park Medvednica as a specific destination for sustainable tourism development, due to its natural and cultural values and rich biodiversity. A view on how the Park is managed is also shown. Methodology and research are displayed in the finale section as well as testing of research questions.
Održivi turizam
zaštićena područja
Park prirode Medvednica
Keywords (english)
Sustainable tourism
protected areas
Nature park Medvednica
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:546009
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-06-21 11:20:35