Title Najznačajniji kulturno povijesni spomenici Savezne Republike Njemačke
Title (english) The most important cultural and historical monuments of Federal Republic of Germany
Title (german) Die wichtigsten kulturellen und historischen Denkmäler in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Author Ana Radonja
Mentor Tomislav Krpan (mentor)
Committee member Šime Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Pavelin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-12-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Savezna Republika Njemačka se nalazi u srednjoj Europi i sastoji se od 16 pokrajina ili država, a svaka od njih je donijela doprinos koji danas čini Njemačku razvijenom, uspješnom i turistički popularnom državom. Tijekom povijesti je nedvojbeno bila sjecište raznih kultura i naroda što joj je omogućilo da danas raspolaže iznimnim spomenicima od kulturno- povijesne važnosti od kojih se mnogi nalaze na popisu UNESCOve baštine. Ovi spomenici čine nasljeđe koje je ostavljeno budućim generacijama a čini državu autohtonom i jedinstvenom te je to jedan od glavnih razloga zašto se treba težiti očuvanju i promociji tih spomenika. Isto tako, važno je napomenuti i ulogu tih istih spomenika u turizmu budući da veliki broj turista, bilo domaćih ili stranih, posjećuje određene destinacije upravo zbog kulturno- povijesnih spomenika te samim time pridonosi razvoju turističke destinacije ali i razvoju cijele države. Najznačajniji kulturno- povijesni spomenici na njemačkom prostoru su Aachenska katedrala, muzejski otok u Belinu, tvornica Fagus u Alfeldu, rudnik Rammelsberg te brojni rimski spomenici u Trieru. Osim navedenih spomenika Njemačku krase i mnogi drugi koji su također pridonijeli kulturnoj afirmaciji zemlje i popularnosti u svijetu osobito gledajući sa kulturno- povijesnog aspekta.
Abstract (english) The Federal Republic of Germany is situated in the centre of Europe and it consist of 16 states, each of which contributed in making Germany a developed and successful country popular with tourists. Throughout history, Germany was a melting pot of diverse cultures and people which led to having numerous cultural and historical monuments many of which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The monuments are representing the heritage left to future generations and make the country autochthonous and unique, which is one of the main reasons why we should seek to preserve and promote those monuments. The role of those same monuments in tourism is important as a great number of tourists, domestic or foreign, visit certain destination because of the cultural and historical monuments and contribute to the development of the destination itself and the whole country. The most important cultural and historical monuments of the German territory are The Cathedral in Aachen, Museum Island in Berlin, Fagus factory in Alfeld, Rammelsberg Mine and Roman monuments in Trier. Other than those mentioned, Germany is full of other monuments of value which led to the country's popularity, especially in culture and history.
Abstract (german) Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist ein mitteleuropäisches Land, das aus 16 Bundesländern besteht, von denen jedes Bundesland seinen Beitrag gebracht hat, dass Deutschland heute ein entwickeltes, erfolgreiches und beliebtes Land ist. Im Laufe der Geschichte ist Deutschland eine Kreuzung verschiedener Kulturen und Völker gewesen. Viele Denkmäler, die auch an der UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Liste sind, zeugen davon. Diese Denkmäler bleiben als Erbe zu jüngeren Generationen und machen das Land authentisch und einzigartig. Das ist einer der Hauptgrunde wieso man Denkmäler erhalten und fördern sollte. Dessen Rolle im Tourismus ist auch zu erwähnen, da viele Touristen das Land genau wegen dieser Denkmäler besuchen. So kommt natürlich auch zur Entwicklung der Destination. Die wichtigsten kulturellen und historischen Denkmäler in Deutschland sind der Aachener Dom, die Museumsinsel in Berlin, Fagus-Werk in Alfeld, Rammelsberg Mine und zahlreiche römische Denkmäler in Trier. Neben den erwähnten Denkmälern hat Deutschland viele andere, die das Land als kulturelles und historisches Zentrum bestätigt haben.
Savezna Republika Njemačka
Keywords (english)
Federal Republic of Germany
Keywords (german)
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:714917
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-12-19 09:01:31